Nintendoer's Friends
Roy kfed1414
Xenoblade Chronicles X was worth the wait!
Ed™ Edward_Wetter
"WHEN I REACH THE OTHER SIDE I WANNA LOOK YOU IN THE EYE AND KNOW THAT I'VE ARRIVED IN A WORLD WHERE I BELONG" Judge me. I dare you. HOY! I'm not Ed™, but you can call me that if you want. My job is making Charcho Chains. …Okay, so I also go to college and work at a real job. SO. ~Christian ~Guitar ~Zelda Nerd Galoshes ~I'm not from Wyoming ~Hobbits ~Fried chicken
DreadGodsH DreadGodsH
"we can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. the real tragedy is when men are afraid of the light." -playto "let my actions earn your trust." -my best friend.
Eeee-Money egallager
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname. My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead. Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.
Christian TheCalzoneZone
Name's Christian. 18 years old, gamer, musician, YouTuber/filmmaker, and lover of languages. A veces hago posts y converso en español. Estoy feliz a practicar español en cualquier momento. I really like MM and OoT. TP and BotW are also excellent. Other things I like: The 3D Mario titles Metroid Chrono Trigger Portal Death Note Don't Hug Me I'm Scared The Beatles Andrew Huang C418
apache man apacheindianman
Proud Native Mescalero Apache Indian. Age 32. Started gaming with the NES when i was 5 yrs old back in 1988. Huge Metal Gear Solid fan! Huge Legend of Zelda fan! Favorite NES game Blaster Master. Love Nintendo!
Zelda lynhii-2
Yellig Yellig
I am a huge Mario fanatic that has been playing Nintendo ever since my sister got an NES Action Set in 1988. I've owned every Ninty console since, & still have them all (including that 1st NES). Many of my friends say I am unique in that I consider myself a "hardcore" gamer, yet prefer family-friendly, non-violent titles. I've only owned 1 non-Nintendo console in my entire life. See you online!
Gavin RadiantHero139
Hi! Im Gavin! I love Nintendo and most their franchis I praticullary like Zelda, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Pikmin, Metroid and Mario!!! Some things about me are: My best character in SSB is Ike My favorite 2 Nintendo characters are Ike&Link I have beat every Zelda game (exept the CDI) My top 3 favorite games are 1Ocorina of time 2Fire Emblem Awakening 3Link between worlds One last thing I love PBG!
Blake LegoGamerYOLO
My five favorite games are LoZ: Wind Waker, Xenoblade Chronicles, Final Fantasy VI, LoZ: Breath of the Wild, and Super Paper Mario. My current gaming goal is to find enough games I like to turn that into a top ten list without looking dumb because I have four Zelda titles on it. If you have any recommendations for games likely to land on that list, I'd love to hear them!
cris red-arremer-ace
beatbox beatbox13
Hey! I'm a huge Nintendo fan (can't stand Xbox or Playstation) and I'm into the Zelda, Mario, and FNAF series. My favorite games are currently Smash Bros and MM3D even though I've completely finished MM3D. I'll gladly play online with anyone on Wii U or 3DS but no Wii U chat. GO NINTENDO!!!!
Jacob 867530ab
Hey I'm Jake. Some of my Favorite games are, Xenoblade Chronicles, LoZ Majora's mask, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Earthbound, and Super Mario World. I'm A huge RPG fan, but I love all types of games.
Ray rayolinels
"Rayolinels" has been sighted chasing a blue bird, browsing a haven, and lurking at the "ZNG Wiki" (Google it). Hi, just another Nintendo fan here. I especially love the Zelda series; ZNG unite! I'm here on Miiverse till the very end. It's been amazing being here with all you Miiversians. Much thanks to you all. "I... see you later"
Shishjακοв Shishjakob
Hello, my passion is playing video games, and making YouTube videos (Just not at the same time) I am currently 18, homeschooled, and an Eagle Scout. To see what I'm up to with gaming/revolting, pressurize the "Follow" pixels Pre July 2015 Miiverse ftw Alt NNID: Shishjakob2
Jayse Jayseypoo
I'm Jayse. I like to look for easter eggs and post them onto Miiverse. :) But sometimes (read: often) I slack and don't do that. The Legend of Zelda is my favorite series. I've beaten every game in the series, 100%ed nearly every game in the series, and recently I've been interested in doing minimalist runs of games in the series.
Justin86 Justn86
I have been a Nintendo fan for about 25 years and that will never change. My favorite series is The Legend of Zelda, which I have played for 17 years now. I am also a huge anime fanatic. Some other Nintendo franchises that I enjoy are Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem, and Super Smash Bros.
Jackson Jackson364
Hello, If you you haven't guessed by most of my posts, I'm a zelda geek. But I also like Mario, Pokemon and Smash brothers. So, you could say I like nintendo a lot! P.S I'm a chicken with a sword! :D
Stagger Lanayru79
LoZ fanatic since 1987 at age 8. Between releases I break mini-game world records. Search for high scores and you can find my top marks. I've 100%ed every LoZ title w/out consulting a guide and also heartily enjoy minimal runs. I work as a journalist when the mood strikes. I enjoy helping novices and discussing LoZ with vets! Sorry, I don't Wii U Chat and no longer accept random friend requests.
Icarus Icarus64
Long time gamer, stoked for new smash and love my wiiu Great Console
Joshua Mammotharmored
Benjamin SleepyBoyBen
Hey, everyone! I like to use Miiverse to post about my gaming accomplishments, impressions, and anything else that I find funny or interesting. I've played almost everything Nintendo has to offer and I am looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us this year. I am especially excited for the release of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I hope to see you all around the Miiverse!
BlueDude87 BlueBomberFan87
What's up, Miiverse? I'm a Mega Man fan that has been a gamer since 1989! I enjoy many different genres like action games with the Mega Man games being my favorite ones to play! I'm a big Zelda fan too that has been playing since Ocarina of Time. I play some JRPGs as well with the Xenoblade Chronicles series being my favorite JRPG series. Also, I'm a Christian & I enjoy making new friends!
WELCOME to TrayD Mark. Im Ray, and will provide news, reviews, etc. If ur interested, just follow. Have any suggestions? Please comment them. And with that introduction, lets get started!
Rob Rob0727
Hi my name is Rob and i love video games.I own every console on the planet and love them all equally lol.I also write for always up for a good conversation so just say the word and im there. Also new to wii u excited to see what nintendo has in store :]
H H.2-3228
Enjoying Summer! Alright, I've finally put in my last moments to miiverse. Again, I've had a lot of fun. Thank you for the many conversations. There were also many interesting ideas on miiverse. Gaming can be pretty serious lol. I'll see you guys on the switch and enjoy! Peace. (For real, I'm out this time.) I got as many people as I could on the switch. Take it easy.
Connor jayhawkfan
Woah! Someone's reading this. Well uh... hi there. I'm Connor. I draw sometimes. It's above average I guess. I really like Nintendo, and Marvel and a whole lot of other nerdy stuff. I'm starting to get into some anime. I guess follow me if you want. Also I'm always open to friend requests if you want to play Smash Bros, Mario Kart, or Splatoon when it comes out.
Matthew mstrickland1
Hey guys, I'm Matthew. I'm a huge Nintendo fan, although I do play other series and on other systems. My favorite game series include but are not limited to The Legend of Zelda, EarthBound/Mother, Pikmin, Donkey Kong Country, Fire Emblem, Splatoon, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney; and Metroid: Prime, with The Legend of Zelda being my favorite. Enough about me, enjoy my profile!
Flashy S. oneaguababy2
Welcome to the profile of ME--Flashy S.! I'm a huge fan of Pokémon, Mario, LoZ, AC, Kirby, and KI! Baisically, I'm a Nintendo Fan! I don't accept blank FR's, but you're welcome to follow me! Not one 4 Wii U Chat. Sorry. And I don't date on Miiverse. (Got all that?!) Check my profile picture for stuff I uploaded and for my alt I.D.! Thanks for reading this! -Flashy S.
Britt britt.beckers
Hi, I'm Britt, a Belgian female gamer and collector, living in France. I'm about the same age as my 2 favourite series, Mario and Zelda. (30 in case you're wondering =)) I speak Nederlands, English, français and ein bischen Deutsch. Games we can play together online: MK7, MK8, Triforce Heroes, Luigi's Mansion 2
Ryan hyrulehero17
Hello im Ryan an intermediate gamer and also a skilled ocarina player. If you've talked to me feel free to send me a friend request,but please tell me why you want to be friends, if i see let's be friends i won't accept and no video chat please. i love zelda (which ive been hooked on since i saw my bro play oot), i'm not big on mario though except for paper mario, i enjoy most games except cod.
Bemar timewarp
Hey all Im 17. I love Nintendo and all the games that I've played from the company I know a fair amount of stuff about gaming, specifically Zelda and Pokemon My fave series has to be LoZ or Legend of Zelda Fave game absolutely has to be Wind Waker.
Paul paul95WiiU
First off, I love the Internet and the technology used to make it possible. I love to game, especially when it comes to Super Smash Bros. and Call of Duty. I do not have a sole-favorite game, but if I ranked them, they would be: TLoZ: Majora's Mask, Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception, Call of Duty Black Ops, Super Smash Bros. Melee, The Last of Us, and Super Mario Sunshine.
RetroGamer Argetlam
Hey guys. My name is Retro Gamer and this is my profile. I own a Wii U, and originally owned a Wii as well. Some of my favorite games are Super Smash Bros.(Brawl and Wii U), Virtual Consoles, The Legend of Zelda The Windwaker HD, Mario Kart (Wii and 8), Batman Arkham City and Arkham Orgins, Mario in general, and SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLATOON!!!
Plusle Plusle-Corf
Gage Gageswims
NO BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS. If you want to be friends, I have to get to know you first. Welcome to my profile. So hyped about Shulk in Smash. Some of my favorite games, in no particular order: Cave Story 3D Shovel Knight Smash Wii u Xenoblade Chronicles Jak 3 The legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D The legend of Zelda: Wind Waker hd Bravely Default Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero Ridley for Smash 5
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Blake w0lf99
What's up, I'm Blake and I'm a HUGE Nintendo fan and an EXTREME Zelda fan!! I'm an energetic and friendly guy. Every once in a while I'll post something cool, so hey, maybe follow me and keep up on my posts, or don't cause I suck :P Favorite Zelda games: 1. Breath Of The Wild 2. The Wind Waker 3. Majora's Mask 4. Skyward Sword 5. A Link Between Worlds 6. Ocarina Of Time 7. Twilight Princess
Ricky MonkeyButt1234
Hi! I'm well.....Ricky! I love gaming and I love Nintendo! I am so excited for Splatoon and Zelda U! My top 10 favorite games! 10) Majora's Mask 9) Super Mario Sunshine 8) Luigi's Mansion 7) Skyward Sword 6) Bioshock 2 5) Spirit Tracks 4) Super Mario Galaxy 3) Donkey Kong 64 2) Tales of Symphonia 1) Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door
Leslie Rosy888
[MeeM]Tost MollyTidmarsh
Heyo, and welcome to my profile. I ask about Modern Miiverse and post whatever I please. Motto:Look around and smell the salt. So enjoy my land of randomness.
TomicusU Tomicus
Welcome to the profile of Tomicus, co-creator of Level 9. He bears the crest of Hyrule, runs with hedgehogs in the Emerald Hills, but still has time to visit Mr Courage in the Alpha Zones. He is the most interesting gamer in the world.
Josh TheSoulReaver87
Near Ph.D who loves videogames, and many Nintendo ones at that.
Matt 3.14159265
Hi, I'm a junior computer engineering major (age 19) who loves gaming and math, hence my NNID. No random friend requests or Wii U Chat! Retired from Rayman Legends on June 8, 2017 at #75 I own: N64 - Wii U, GB Player, backlit GBA SP, N3DS XL, PS2, PSP Wishlist: capture card Currently playing: College, Golden Sun Gamer since Christmas 2003 with a GCN Miiverse user since Apr. 24, 2013
JT bcbc23
SETTLE IT IN SMASH!!!!! I am a GAMER, not a fanboy! I own many older consoles...but my current hardware consists of the Wii U, New 3DS, XBONE, etc. I LOVE the Legend of Zelda! Twilight Princess is my favorite of all time! Youtube fanatic! Goodnight everybody! RIP Mr. Satoru Iwata! KCAM my friends! :)
B-Bech B_Bech
Amiibo Count: 23 Wii U game list: SM3DW NSMBU Pikmin3 MK8 SSAR:T Nintendoland DKC:TF LoZ:WWHD MH3:U Shovel Knight Game N Wario Hyrule Warriors Sm4sh Splatoon Bayonetta 1+2 Super Mario Maker
Mr.M Mr.m147
I'm a all Nintendo owner when it comes to video games, which I have been playing since I was 5. I love all the classics including but not limited to: Zelda, Metroid, Pokèmon, Super Smash, and Mario adventure games. I refrain from owning "Mature" rated games due to unsavory content. I also enjoy hand-held games, but not as much as console ones.
Sciz ScizorSteelix
I'm sometimes more commonly known as Dean. Top Ten Favorite Video Games (Order is irrelevant) Super Mario RPG LoZ: Majora's Mask Kid Icarus Uprising Fire Emblem 7 Fire Emblem Awakening Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Final Fantasy V Final Fantasy VI LoZ: Ocarina of Time LoZ: Wind Waker *Pokémon is my favorite series. No Wii U Chat.
Riyago Animus01
Teacher, Author, Spirit Warrior. I am the author of The Story Guardian. I've played games since I was maybe 5. I am a Christian who devotes his life into leading by example. I am adventurous and imaginative, writing stories and occasionally drawing characters. I do my best to encourage those around me whenever possible. I can be sarcastic and hard at times, but it undermines my core personality.
GE&Yoshi GreenEgg-n-Yoshi
Amiibo=50 Sw: BotW-all¶,30◆,55* MK8DX-10golds@50 Splat2- Lv12 SM-O (pre-ordered) WiiU M3dW-249★ C.Toad-17☆,42◆ SSB4:190† Splatoon:Lv50 YWW-2.1√ 3DS ACNL-DC:5200 3641 9845(East Egg) FL-12@Master,10@Hero,6@DemiC Lv79,270Qs Kirby3DX-130кс KirbyPR-53ş TeamKirbyClashDX-Lv33 Hey Pikmin- 1.1√ M3dL-322★© fForms-25ƒ spPlaza-106/156Ts P-Shuf-349ρ P-Pi–†-137p NinBA-1430b
JBone JBone2112
A fan of Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Pokémon, Kirby, Pikmin, Monster Hunter... The list won't fit! Some of my favourite games? Well... (In no particular order) - The Metroid Prime Trilogy - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - Metroid Zero Mission - Super Mario Sunshine - Luigi's Mansion - Monster Hunter Tri - Animal Crossing New Leaf There's more, but I couldn't fit it all. :P
Unowninatr Unowninator
I did not make this Mii; it was made by a user named shenran from gamefaqs. If you ever want to talk to me, just post in any of my comments.
Chris Triforce81
Hey, everyone! Some stuff about me: • Nice guy here from NYC. • I LOVE everything Nintendo! • I have all the past consoles and hand-helds (all still in working condition). • I never leave home without my΅NEW΅3DS XL! • I own 75 Amiibo ♥ My favorite franchises are: • THE LEGEND OF ZELDA • ANIMAL CROSSING Hit me up if you're a fan! :) Power ▲ ▲ ▲ Wisdom Courage
Jesse JWoody13
I'm a huge Nintedo fan, and have been from a very young age. I also play on Playstation 4 and 3DS. I'd like to think I'm a nice, friendly fellow, to add me if you wanna be online buddies with me! I love gaming, it's my #1, with playing music as my #2 hobby (I'm a bassist for those who care).
Gρ™Silver Silvereye
Member of SSB4 Clan: GP (Gifted Prolifics) Trying to improve my skills. Mains: Bowser Jr & Mewtwo Subs: Olimar & Megaman Pockets: Dark Pit, Sonic, Fox 24 years old and have been playing games since I was 3. My top 5 IPs in no particular order: Sonic, SSB, Mega Man, BlazBlue, & Kingdom Hearts. Consoles: PS4, PS3, PS2, PSP, Wii U, Wii, GameCube, N64, DS, 3DS, GBC.
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch!
My top 10 games...
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch!
My top 10 games (in no particular order):
LoZ: Majora's Mask
LoZ: Wind Waker
Final Fantasy X
Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword
Final Fantasy VI
Dark Cloud 2
Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Xenoblade Chronicles