My emotional state right now. What about yours? So glad my final post is from Xenoblade. This is the last time I click on that weird green people icon on my 3DS...
Nintendoer's Post
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

My final fun fact! Through nine different masks, four bark tones, the ability to have a branch (with or without berries) in the left, right, both, or neither hand, and the fact some can fly, there ...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

My final Legend of Zelda theory! Even if it is a repeat, this is still my favorite that I posted here. Ganondorf is a genius tactician in the first half of Ocarina of Time. And in the comments, I w...

Activity Log post! Let’s see if this can trend among the ZNG one last time! =P Details in the comments...

I found my post in the Miiverse collage. Top right, just above the crown. Good to know the ZNG will live on! And on that note...I want EVERYONE who wishes to keep in touch with me to view the comme...
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch!
My top 10 games...
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch!
My top 10 games (in no particular order):
LoZ: Majora's Mask
LoZ: Wind Waker
Final Fantasy X
Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword
Final Fantasy VI
Dark Cloud 2
Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Xenoblade Chronicles