Voxridian's Followers
Ahmad Adel Ahmoody2015
I love video games I have a GameCube, Wii, Nintendo 2DS, New Nintendo 2DS XL, Wii U, PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC Windows 10, and an iPhone 6s Plus. Nothing here I assure you there is nothing here. Really there is nothing here. Free Cookies!
Goodbye DANYEL120
A little about myself.... ●I love to sleep,but don't want to do it ●My all time favorite games are SPLATOON Mario cart MINECRAFT SSB's ●i am weird ●I would like it if you dropped a follow ●i draw random stuff and post random stuff why you still here?? go away
Neko SP★ mybunny5
I Am A Furry. Shut Up, Ok?! y u poke my face?! ;-; Mew! •¬• My Mii Changed! Im Still The Same, But Instead, Im A Furry! Based On The 7 Levels Of Being A Furry, I Am Level 2. How To Join South Park! Put SP at the end of your name! ★… Owner ☆… Co-Owner ▲…Super Admin ▼…Admin ■…Super V.I.P. ●…V.I.P. None…Citizen Current Owner: mybunny5 Current Co-Owner: None You Rank Depends On How Neko Lieks Chu!
Shaved... RamPR16
Beardlina no more. The end of an era. You guys are all amazing. Thank for the wonderful memories I've made here on this site. I wish you all the best in life. ;) P.S.: Find me and my art on the Instant Graham!
Sudofox sudofox
Hi, I'm Sudofox! I make art, trashpost on Miiverse, and run an art and animation community. Long Live Miiverse, even After The Hatena Era The Miiverse Code of Conduct forbids sharing account info for other sites. As such, please do NOT contact me here regarding any issues you're experiencing on Sudomemo.
collin Cmbmx4904
Nelson+ legendofzelda259
MATCH MY RESOLVE - ASH/ ∞ Stuff about ме Cringey Banned alot Akward Dumb Mexican ADHD Sarcastic, Me NEVER! Likes rick and morty цςιεςς Good at super smash bros Follow these people : Zetsu Ash Tyler & Sky HUNGRY FOR APPLES? YOUR NOT.... OK I like Loz Mario & Smash & more ıξανε пощ This will go on forever if u like
shawn blue6459
Mike Speckledchunk98
yaya quran123
Silver Pupa82
Hello my name is Silver the Hedgehog I am a 14 year old, I am a mobian hedgehog that is gifted with a great power called Qsychokinesis I was born 186 years after Sonic's time. I always want world peace in everytime i go. I like to hang out with my friends such as Sonic Tails Marine Cream Knuckles Blaze Amy and Espio. I go from time to time saving people. Take care all of you i care for you all ^_^
madoka evee11
...... well it was fun .... shadow : hm yep ..... me : im going to miss all of you why nintendo WHY!!!!!!!! goodbye my friends
кιοηοα. PixlePie
ピクセル・パイ I draw and animate.I'm in way to much fandoms I don't take drawing request or RP so don't ask.
ok ThisIsLongNameBD
Sayōnara, Miiverse-sensie-kun. Arigato dattebayo. coughhouse-fish#4427cough coughhouse-fishonDAcoughcough
εχ•ηεσπ• SnowyIV
Hi. I'll mostly share my experiences and have fun. Shiny Pokémon giveaways here too. Go follow Msv-Bai Tyler(Japanese name) Zam(NN) Mito Each of us is self-created and self-projecting. What you belive yourself to be is who you ultimately are - Lindsey Stirling #FireEmblemHeros Save Miiverse please! D: No Wii chat
Natalia Mariobros12348
Hola mi nombre es Natalia y se hablar un poco ingles y un poco de frances espero tener muchos amigos/as aqui y que nos llevemos bien \(^‹^)/
mish Mishael123
くさったジャム haru-tonton_777
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開にしてます。(大嘘) ざっと自己紹介。 年齢・・・810歳ですw たまに名前変えます 主にどうでもいい呟きをしたりしてます。 豆知識・口を大きく開けて舌を出していると鼻呼吸が出来ない。 実際にやって出来た!と言っているあなた。貴方は犬の様でしたよw ファーーーーーwwww 引っ掛かった人はフォローか「あ」でも「このハゲー!」でもいいのでコメント下さいw
Yoshi FennicYoshi
I know this service is ending in a month, so I just wanna say thank you to my friends and followers, both here and in my main account. And my dream address? 6D00-000F-F5FC.
Tray Witherplayz1232
Jordan Mc J-star5m
So this is it....it's the end... I will miss you all so much. I made so many great friends here and I made lots of great memories... If you want to find me Fill in the blank.. ------verse Hint:Opposite of open [ I am sure you heard of it before :) ]
BillCipher noresgirl
The name’s Bill Cipher.Welcome to the profile penthouse deluxe, get comfortable.I draw thats it. REALITY IS AN ILLUSION, THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD, BYEEEEEE!
mario swagmariobros66
48 more days till Nov 8th
Artistic14 Artastic14
☆Artistic★/xxArtistic14xx isn't posting art on Miiverse anymore. Admins h8 meh lol xD Goodbye everyone! Until we meet again! (´;ω;`) This was a great year on Miiverse! <3
NaDaniel drawingthings
I I I a a a m m m a a a r r r a a a n n n d d d o o o m m m g g g u u u y y y And this is my third account along whith my 200 follower NaDaniel account I never use anymore. And idk what happened to my second one. im feeling sad idk why.
Niya.some. mannyandniya2015
Name:Niya if you know what musical.ly follow me @niyalovespie or @zoeyandniya3379 i have 8009 following so maybe i'll follow you roblox niyalovepie or reisnotanoob REAL NIYA.SOME. IF SOMEONE ELSE SAYS THERE NIYA.SOME. THERE NOT, BECAUSE JUST REMEMBER MY NINTENDO NETWORK,MANNYANDNIYA2015 EVEN THO WE GOT THE WII U IN 2014 SEPTEMBER STILL.
★-FIRE-★ gioandx
v mmmmmmmmmmmmmmvv
NU1017 dibouyoyo
Sup! •Bro: 3DSX5790 •Wii U: Afifis •Switch: NU1017 •Age:12 •Favorite Movie Series: Star Wars •Favorite Book Series: Warriors •Favorite Game Series: Super Smash Bros. and Fire Emblem •Favorite Anime: Dragon Ball Z •Favorite Post: Fire Emblem Fates •Currently Playing: Fire Emblem Fates and Splatoon 2 Fire Emblem Heroes: EpicGamerz Feh Friend Code: 0823585724
«☆Sнίяα☆» Shira0417
On hiatus 'cuz i can't take the soul crushing amount of pain i feel for spending 5 hours on my art for other people and get very little to no attention no that's fine really! (¶v¶) …
Inkivan Inkivan2
ωυš ρσριñ Jľм♭θ? and i want to add that there is no such thing as a purpose of life,we are just a species that grabed things,walk,punch,kick and learn,so don't think for a purpose of life,just live and be yourself until you die shrek is waifu BTW snow halation tho SPOOK MONTH BOYS AND GIRLS AND HELICOPTERS ETC. rip miiverse
Oгioп Pyroli_Noctali
>ω< ————————————————— ●Hello welcome to my account, I am a friendly boy French who loves drawing,reading and pokemon! :) ☆2 account: ★Oгισп~ (ID: 3DSNNetwork)☆ A big thank you to my subscriber!;)>ω< Special dedication to Lyα and ★Ryn★ and others! •↑Please feel my favorite message!↑ •I hope to be able to draw soon and please be indulgent!:/ Δ ΔΔ ↑And follow me!!!↑ —————————————————
Paula paulasaltos92
Hello! I'm Paula :D 10 things about me: 1.UNDERTALE 2.POKEMON 3.ANIME 4.BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE 5.I'm from Ecuador 6.I'm a 11 year old student 7.STEVEN UNIVERSE 8.GRAVITY FALLS 9.I draw A LOT 10.My follower goal is at least 100 followers Welcome to my profile ;)
Lady-Miaou Miss-Miaou_2
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れんあいだいすきっ☆ makenaiyouusya56
プロフィール『焼き肉好き女』の長女です! 私今年から受験生になりました! さて、次女と弟とはよく食べますが、私と三女はあまりたくさん食べないんですぅ.. YouTubeの猫ちゃんの動画かわいすぎて何度も見てしまいますぅ~ あと、私の住んでる県でとても有名な梨が私は食べ物の中では一番好きです!! 梨汁ブッシャー!!! さて、私(恋愛大好き)vs妹の焼き肉好き女&弟の!の対戦は7/19に全試合やり遂げました。旧シーズン総合の通算対戦成績等々は私のプレイ日記に記載されています。ところで8月からの新シーズンになると三女も新チームに加わって白熱のゲームバトルを繰り広げて、もっと盛り上がる試合をします。開幕戦予定の8/1から新シーズン終了予定の12/30までに不規則な日程で対戦していく。ちなみに新シーズンの新たなチーム名、チーム数等々は7/31までに恋バナ大好きのプロフィールで全て発表する見込みです。
deadheadgg colinlee922
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らい 1210rai
{SQ}Wammy Snakeface247
{SQ}Woomy's back up
Monica Sailormonica
vegeta kyoya hurley zyro check ginka cameron goku gohan monica iris alexia kazuya ryuga ryuto kite byron love marilla furby yuma shark fiona shiro belle madoka torch gazelle medical machine bardock catland z ville katie the cat monica batman re vegeta nelson virgin trunks hilary hilara altri personaggi
Hello! I'm Voxridian, previously known as Gills! Pleasure to meet you :)
I loved Miiverse, so I ...
Hello! I'm Voxridian, previously known as Gills! Pleasure to meet you :)
I loved Miiverse, so I will miss this place! Ya'll have been so kind, thank you so much!
I consider myself a cartoonist, positive entertainer, writer, voice artist and humorist.