Users Voxridian Is Following
Sudofox sudofox
Hi, I'm Sudofox! I make art, trashpost on Miiverse, and run an art and animation community. Long Live Miiverse, even After The Hatena Era The Miiverse Code of Conduct forbids sharing account info for other sites. As such, please do NOT contact me here regarding any issues you're experiencing on Sudomemo.
☆Artistic★ artistic14
\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ Don't be sad. Just don't forget me. NEVER forget artistic14...*winkiddy wink* I look forward to when we all meet again!
Sophia BoradorG123
bye everyone !! English • Spanish • ENFP • Derse • Nerd • 6.2 sweeps • Witch of Mind go follow my amazing friends!: •Leonard (SnivytheSnivy) •ur mom(CourtlynJenkins) •Franny (Undertale_125)(Sweetycuine)- banned •Ludwig (Dirntbag) •smoll.boi(NathSmolBeanz) •PURIFIED (Cdpdoodler) •(Rosalina17)
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Giveaways! WedGiveaways
Hi, Im Wed. My old account Was Giveaway. I accidentally erase that account. Giveaway For Free!!! Smash Wii U/3DS!! Followers Goals √ 100 Followers √ 500 Followers √ 1000 Followers 1500 Followers Profile Only For Giveaway™
★ģειςτ★ ldnbrian
Blue sky goes on forever, The green grass blows in the wind, dancing. It would be a much better sight with you, with me. If you hadn't met me, I'd be fine on my own, baby, I never felt so lonely, Then you came along... So now what should I do, I'm strung out, addicted to you, My body aches now that you're gone, My supply fell through...
Levin OdinSama
Smash Brethren's Dark Pit. Shepherds'....I have no clue, ech. Damian lives here too. He's pretty cool and deserves to be a lord and the main character of everything. Worship him. There's nothing else 507 coolness points for wanting more. >ωo I, Damian, give you 508 coolnes points if you want more of me. FRICK! Uhh.. I change mine to 509 then! Pfff 509? I'll change mine to 510!
Globby glory-glob
I'm Globby. Oh-- Glubby (Psychrolutidae) is my twin sister. •INFP•♀•Bi•Filipino•Gemini•Ram•6.46 sweeps• As terrible as this place could get, I had a lot of fun during my time here! Thank you so much! Glory_Globs
Alex AlexFoffano
れんれん kama-ren1211
はなぶさ 907825
どうもこんにちは。最近は絵心教室で、興味のあるゲームや昔遊んだゲームの絵を描いております。 その描いたゲームへの興味や思い出が共感できたらうれしいですね~ リクエストやフレンド申請は募集しておりませんが、お気持ちはありがたく受け取らせていただきます。ごめんなさい どうぶつの森の村も更新しました。よろしければ遊びに来てくださいね トヨーカ村 夢番地2F00-0033-9C13
Piulet Piulet
Welcome to my profile! First of all, thank you for spend a little of your time reading this. You're awesome! :) Few things about me: ¤ Spanish, english ¤ I like: coffee, rainy days, dogs, basketball ¤ I hate: do dishes, onions, bugs ¤ Games: Splatoon, TLOZ, Bayonetta Hope you like my drawings Have a nice day! (^-^) (I don't accept friend request if we even talked before, sorry)
タコベー takobe
E&E! スプラトゥーンと絵心教室に時間を奪われる日々 絵柄が安定せず、人間キャラを描く度に顔が変わってたりします フレリクを頂くことが多いのですが、自分がフォローしている方以外はお断りさせて頂いているのでご了承ください フォロー・フォロー解除はご自由にどうぞ 絵のリクエストは基本的に受け付けておりません
JUN remiodad
こんにちは! 好きなゲームはお気に入りコミュニティのゲームです。 投稿に共感、コメントくれる方ありがとうございます。 嬉しくて元気貰えます! Thanks for looking at my picture.
Aldo SanchezAldo
⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐ Mysterious, kind and fair. Living somewhere beyond the stars. Legend says Aldo comes to visit his Miiverse home every 100 years... ⭐Animal Crossing New Leaf Town Dream Address: [5D00-0019-4581] ⭐Chatting with [k·] powers... ⭐Thank you for everything, Miiverse. Even if I'm gone, I'm always watching over you. ⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐
=★Gυммı★= 0RissStarPower0
Hello world! I'm Gummi! Nice to meet ya! I'm a pretty shy & busy person, but I try to talk to ya guys as much as possible! Lil things to know: ★I don't Wii U chat ☆I don't accept every FR ★I'm not taking requests rn #♥BroomStick #♡DustPan #TNT Thank you guys for 1800+ followers! Very appreciated! :D I'm currently workin on makin a Splatoon comic
Welp Bye Jamiclex2nd
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Victoria HappyHime
Hello! My name's Victoria. I love Kirby, Ρrincess Ρeach and Rosalina. Along with my obsession of Harvest Moon, FE:A + FE:F, and many other series /characters. Drawing is just a hobby at the moment, but I hoρe to keep improving! c: Thank you for all the positive support since 2013!! It always means so much to me! Comments are absolutely loved <':
Katherine Katherine-LWG
I'm Katherine from Lightwood Games. We make word puzzle games! * Word Puzzles by POWGI * Word Party * Epic Word Search Collection * Word Search by POWGI and more! :o) When I'm not making or playing games, I can usually be found knitting or playing with our 4 cats - Amy, Pixel, Sasha and Jack :o)
Gavin Melanie00_Alt
Aylin aylinlowel13
Hi!/Holiwis! >u</ •My name is Aylin Dayanne •I'm 15 years old ^^' •I love draw! =w= •My main on Smash: Bayonetta òωó♥ •#KeepcalmandplayFFXV •Favorite Youtuber: Jordi Wild ^ω^ (I'm speak spanish too/también hablo español :D) Thank you for seeing my profile ♥ \(˜˘˜)/
Jess Chawall0m
Amis du jour, Bonjour ! (`σ’)/ Favorite 3ds games: Tales of, FireEmb, FF, PKM, Persona and more ! I try to draw and I also like to chat ! So please don't be shy. You can ask requests and I'll try. Professional Fangirl...Huhuhu (Don't mind me) =Þ 416 followers !!! Guysss you're Crazy ! (ТΣТ) Chamall0w is my WiiU acc, so you can go see more drawings if you want.
Hannay Hannay8
Hoy small fries! (/:0)/ Welcome to my Profile! WARNING: My art is cringe I am a gamer & a self taught artist I'm rarely on here... Things I like: - Legend of Zelda - Naruto - Super Mario - Sonic - Regular Show - Adventure Time - TAWoG - SU - Drawing - Kirby I appreciate all my followers and supporters! ♥ Make sure you check out my sister's account βгί★SA (HappyTaco67) Thanks for visiting!
#NK~Rihmin Rihmin
Hi everybody ! My name is Jessica, i've 20 and i'm french. follow me if you like my drawings ;) I know speak French and English so if you want to write me a comment , write it with one of these two languages Salut tout le monde. Je m'appelle Jessica, j'ai 20 ans. suivez moi si vous aimez mes dessins ;) ----------------------------- Please no friends requests or wii u chat.
Stultus Stultus333
Love Nintendo, Smash enthusiast. I draw when I feel like it. I play advanced competitive singles and (sometimes) doubles. Footstool/ jablocks are a thing. Love discussing the metagame... especially Ike stuff. No really, I can't study Ike metagame enough. Only accepting friends if Smash related and WILL HAVE TO DELETE OTHERWISE; unfortunately we can't have unlimited friends. *Insert Ike quote*
Alexandra XxBlue-DeathxX
Hoi! I'm Alexandra! Best Friend:Vic-kyun (Vickiesly) ( ˘ˇ˘)♥ Sis: Amber-chan♥ Art Senpais & Friends:☆T●●N☆J●Y☆-chan & EmPeeFour-chan & Uwafuwa ♥ Close Frendz:♡♥♡ Shira-Chan Kai Shika Sushi Max Antoni Kori VK Justintin
MacGyver MacGyver-1970
"Mac's Corner is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Do you have problems seeing all Mac's Corners? It works well on a 3DS, and you can also sign in to Miiverse using a computer. Then you can see them all! Thank you, Iwata-san, for all the great memories from yesteryear, today, and the future!
KawaiiChan LinkFanNumber1
um hello guys and girls! you can call me kawaii chan (●w●) i love zela games and my favorite characters is young link,toon link medli and midna!and..that's all what i can think of now (>w<) i love chocolate milk ps: i'm not very good at englishso i may not understand everything people said here
ジオ Soranino
これまでありがとうございました。 Thank you very much for coming! I hope our paths will cross again. 基本的にのんびりしてます。 しゃべり下手なので、コメントは頻繁ではないです。 ▼イラストの模倣(真似・うつし)やコピー・使用はお断りします。見本ではありません。創作はご自身の手でどうぞ。 I wanna enjoy with you! I'm afraid that I can't reply the message now. However it makes me very happy! NOTE: I don't accept requests from anyone. Don't copy and get screenshots from my drawings.
▲PJ▼ cleoisfat
☆Biscuitς☆ Count-Tanki
The names Biscuitς… Cheese Biscuitς… So seeing that miiverse is basically toast, I'd like to make a toast. Thank you to everyone that talked with me on here, you will be missed. Followers were never what I wanted even when it seemed like I did. I just wanted friends and to be noticed... Like most ppl.
★☆Chaos∞☆★ ConfusioPotestas
★CHAOS CONTROL!★ YO! Wazzup? I'm not a kid, I just have the maturity of one. When something I think is funny crosses my mind, I shout it to the world, whether anyone's listening or not. I "yeah" more than I post, so be sure to sift through my yeahs for stuff you like, too!♪ I also tend to post in batches, so when I have something new, check to see if there's more!☆
Soumia Soumia
☆ Hey Miiversiens ☆ Soumia, 21, I like animes/series/videos games. ♡ Nintendo Fan • Mario, Zelda, Animal Crossing, SSB4, Fire Emblem.. Best animes : SnK, FMAB, HxH 2011, KnB, Death Note, Re Zero.. I ♥ Basketball and Music. ♫ I use Miiverse to draw and to share my experiences of videos games. I can speak english, french, spanish. DA : Soumiia Started 02/12/2012 Thanks to my followers ! :3
rylee pasteltitans
Green TheGardners2
I'm sorry. My gamepad screen is.. Cracked.. Therefore I cannot draw on it. Life sucks.
Emily shampoo122
Hi! My names Emily.You probably knew that.. ANYWAY!I love Kirby Zelda Animal Crossing and being really silly! :D If you like my posts please comment & tell me what you think about them :) My dream is to become a Manga artist! I don't except friend requests, sorry! Nothing personal :( Second account at: Shampoo122!! Only for gaming! òvó/ Thats it soo~ Thanks for checking out my profile! Byez!
Hello! I'm Voxridian, previously known as Gills! Pleasure to meet you :)
I loved Miiverse, so I ...
Hello! I'm Voxridian, previously known as Gills! Pleasure to meet you :)
I loved Miiverse, so I will miss this place! Ya'll have been so kind, thank you so much!
I consider myself a cartoonist, positive entertainer, writer, voice artist and humorist.