Voxridian's Friends
Kage PhantomDusk13
Just a nobody who likes games and the occasion drawing. May be on here more often now. *Formerly known on Miiverse as ShadowDusk Currently: Fighting to change Nohr. #TeamConquest Speeding through various racetracks. Gathering fighters, equipment, and collectables. Traversing the Twilight with sword and bow in hand
ξΔDavid Shogunyan13
Hello!!! i live in the U.S. I collect amiibo i have a total of 24 amiibo. my very first amiibo i had was kirby which then i knew i should hunt amiibo! my rarest 1 i have is Golden Mario (i guess) i like pizza , puppies , kittens , and minecraft. have a good day and good BYEEE!!!!!!
Candy Candylover21199
extreme nerd and star wars enthusiast:)
Paladin RobinsonVII
It's me, Time Paladin! :D I made a separate account to use on my family's Wii U. I may occasionally post something here if I see something interesting in one of my games, but I'll be sticking to my main account for most everything else.
=★Gυммı★= 0RissStarPower0
Hello world! I'm Gummi! Nice to meet ya! I'm a pretty shy & busy person, but I try to talk to ya guys as much as possible! Lil things to know: ★I don't Wii U chat ☆I don't accept every FR ★I'm not taking requests rn #♥BroomStick #♡DustPan #TNT Thank you guys for 1800+ followers! Very appreciated! :D I'm currently workin on makin a Splatoon comic
Justin GreenTactician
Yellow! I'm Kik or you may know me as Kiklolaxer! I love Smash bros and play it quite competitively! Robin is my Waifu/Husbando~ ~Kik
ŲƒSatoopup satoopup11
Hey there! I'm Satoo, the creator of a Smash Bros series called "School of Smashers" ~I respond to most comments ~I DO NOT WiiUchat ~Please don't ask to friend me unless I know you well enough. Please comment on my posts! I love comments! My goal as a cartoonist is to make people smile through my comics. I hope to accomplish this with you as well.
Owain Gills97
Hark! For thou hast entered into the perilous domain of Owain Dark, the legendary scion of legend! Behold my epic swordmastery, and the raging power within me!! --- I'm Gills (Nintendrew97 is my main)! this is my alt used mainly for RPing and doodling! (also for 30+ comments! xD) My Yeahs now comprise of my Main's art (+bonus art), for ease of viewing! Thank you for stopping by my Fell profile!
»Stαtisky Statisky
Thanks for the nice memories! Sorry for any possible inconvenience. I'm away from my WiiU at moment. Peace to everyone! Farewell, Miiverse.
Plutocate Plutocate22
I post really bad doodles and I dont go here much but you can always find me on Colors!3d @Plutocate with slightly better doodles :^)
Kenzie KenzieCat01
Sup its Kenzie, Im 15, I love Fire Emblem, The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, AC:NL, Smash, etc. Im taking art requests c: Self Taught Artist☆ Love anime: Kimi ni Todoke, SAO, Fruits Basket, Hetalia, etc. c: Miiverse Friends :D cuinntendo corn-fed-mind Aquaheart I hope you enjoy my page and have a good time c: colors 3D: Kenzie Cat
Mari SeaSunSmasher97
Hello, everyone! I'm Mari. I hope you enjoy my work. Over the years, I've improved a ton thanks to all of you! I appreciate all of the love and support. Even if I don't reply, be sure that I've read every comment. My only competition is with the woman I was yesterday. I love guinea pigs~♥
Bread AwakenerFE
Don't mind me, this is just Kitkat678's Wii U account. I'll be here playing Wii U games for most of the year.
The Ginger dakodacat
Game_Lord Game_Lord_01
I play lots of Pokemon, but I always make time for games like Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart. Anyone who wants to play online just let me know. I am available for video chats.
rylee pasteltitans
Michael Witzke
Hey guys, Michael here! Some of you may know me as "Witzke" from Hatena or the Colors gallery. Here I mostly just post things/screenshots about some of the games that I play. Pretty Casual. Sometimes I do drawings too though! I hope that you will enjoy my posts!
BunnyChan BunnyChan21
Ashley Silent-Clover
Paladin TimePaladin
Hello, there I'm the Time Paladin. I'm an artist as well as a gamer. Some of my favorite Nintendo games include Super Smash Bros., Pokemon, Fire Emblem Awakening, and Kid Icarus Uprising. :)
707 PikaSkittles
Mystic Messenger Amino: ~☆ Yoosung the Lolol Master ! ! ~☆ Colors!3d: AmbyChu Art Amino: AmbyChu. Xenoblade Amino: Juju is a God. Look up "AmbyChu" in general and you'll find me.
Jordan DarkYoshiRider99
I'm the Grand Sage/leader of The Shiny Wizards, we host shiny giveaways! ACNL dream address: 7000-2198-4068. I have a Wii U and 3DS and play Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Fire Emblem and many other games! My favourite Pokémon is Chimchar! I like Pokemon, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones and other stuff. My first post was on 06/12/13. Thanks for 1000 followers! :D
Sakurai Supersonic705
Hey it's me Ace AKA SuperSonic.I'm a Shiny Wizard: Sage (Co-Leader). My mains in SSB4 are Sonic and Marth, secondaries include, Lucina,Robin, Pit, DarkPit,Fox, and I'm planning on maining Mewtwo. S Support: Lucina. My best buds on Miiverse: Axel/Dusk,Gills,Red,Sorakh,Jordan,Paladin,Joey,Tobi,Nugz,Vik,Ness, And Zacko. Currently serving as a Tactician for the Lycian League.
Bread kitkat678
Artist, bird lover, and firm believer in happy endings. CURRENTLY SUFFERING IN LUNATIC FATES
andy akanesayumi
Hola/hi there :) My name is Andrea but call me Andy future graphic digital designer (^o^)/ nice to meet ya! Mucho gusto! Im really into nintendo and anime stuff X,D thanks for checking my profile ! Btw: Im still not really good with english (sorry about my typos X,D!) Have a great day! (OuO)/
GymLdrReub Nintenartist
Hi! I enjoy many gameseries including: -Super Mario -Sonic the hedghog -Kirby -Star Fox -Donkey Kong -Metroid -Fire Emblem -Kid Icarus -The Legend Of Zelda -Pikmin -Scribblenauts -Drawn to Life -Dynasty Warriors -Elder Scrolls -Final Fantasy -Pokemon -Super Smash Brothers -Minecraft -Skylanders -Megaman -Hearthstone -Banjo-Kazooie -Shovel Knight -Xenoblade Chronicles -Okami -Earthbound -Bayonetta
Oscar OSCAR75
Hi. I'm @OSCAR75MIIVERSE! If you know what I mean. ;) Hola, Soy @OSCAR75MIIVERSE! Y el que quiera entenderlo que lo entienda. ;)
Hello! I'm Voxridian, previously known as Gills! Pleasure to meet you :)
I loved Miiverse, so I ...
Hello! I'm Voxridian, previously known as Gills! Pleasure to meet you :)
I loved Miiverse, so I will miss this place! Ya'll have been so kind, thank you so much!
I consider myself a cartoonist, positive entertainer, writer, voice artist and humorist.