wi-fi man's Followers
Ulises mucala
hi! i play minecraft, pokemon, legend of zelda, splatoon, and smash bros. favorite character: captain falcon, villager and cloud favorite pokemon:Blazekein favorite weapon: Aerospray and mini splatling
Koldie™ koldkidduke
Im Koldie. XD
Jaylen partyboi2005
hello every body i'm a fan of mario and sonic and all nintendo games but mario is my favorite because he is greatist of all time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when grow up i want to work at nintendo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Qaadizie imtheross300
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Abby bookgirl71
i am not using this page anymore
Isaiah DarkIsaiah
Hello people, I'm Isaiah. I'm the Leader of The Miiverse Alliance, The Green Yggdrasil Army, & The Miiverse Alpha Team. I work for the future of people of Miiverse and defend peace on Miiverse. If you want to join as part of The Miiverse Alliance. I do follow back, & I taken by Kateu_Gaming_98. Btw I don't use Wii U Chat. Follow me on GooglePlus. (Isaiah Payumo)
EricChen24 BruceChenM240801
steeler steelers_36
Reef Reefio
I Have a PS2 , PS3 , 3DS XL and a Mobile Phone
junior ;D juniyale2
Hola Atodos soy ¡Estuardo! Pero todos me dicen junior y mis juegos favoritos son... Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8, el hombre araña, Tekken tag, need for speed most wanted, y nitro. y siganme ustedes y los seguire.................. ........... ......... Ya mucho tiempo.
Nelson Dragonxl345609
★★GAVIN★★★ AMgdvfvx
Kathy kathy101207
im dumb
Brаndеn Branden112200
This Is Branden Loading ••••••• Complete I Like New Super Mario Bros. 2 And Mario Kart 8 Bye! Bye!
boywonder supercatattack
im not a bad player and im not a expert.Im normal in gameplays.Plus im a good friend :)
Silas Ninja_Silas
What are friends?
Daniel NotedHornet59
Hi! I'm Daniel! I'm a big Nintendo gamer and I've been playing videogames since I knew how to pick up a controller. Heres a few facts about me: - I enjoy drawing and writing - I love archery - My favorite game character is Banjo (Banjo and Kazooie) - I like meeting new people, but I DON'T DO Wii U chat. Sorry. "We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us." - Andrew Ryan
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I am THE X. What is X you may ask? The X is Power. What kind of power? That I can't just tell you. It's something you must fine for yourself. My age unknown. My likes? I have alot. What? You want to know more about me? Just ask me yourself ok.
Gareth Gray_Vio
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SolidEagle Captain.Isaiah
Hey people, my real name is Isaiah, the leader of The Green Yggdrasil, and the leader of the Miiverse Alliance, we defense peace on Miiverse and work for the future of mankind of Miiverse. if you want to join of The Miiverse Alliance, go ahead, and I will gladly accept you as part of the Miiverse Alliance. I do follow back, I'm 16 & no Wii U chat please. This Solid Eagle was here!
richie richie214
jermaine eword23
sup hey it,s been a long time so i,m back so my best friend (schneida7534)aka(yeah bomber. will help me
babygoldie santos04
hello everyone my name is babygoldie and im 16 years old favorite games: fnaf halo cod mega man favorite fnaf character: GOLDIE:3 least favorite fnaf character: bonnie....' as you can see i am a huge fan of fnaf and i also like to roleplay so feel free anytime to ask if i want to roleplay talk to me i dont bite anyway i will see you all later.........BYE-BYE [ by the way im a guy not a girl X
nick millylove1983
hey evreyone im nick iny one can call me on wii.u chat and if some one bes mean and i wont be their friend and i like lots of games eny one can play on line with you
Lucas zeldafan-2727
I am lds (Mormon). Down below are the games I like and systems I have I like Legend of Zelda, Metroid, all things Luigi, super smash bros. and a little bit o kirby I only have nintendo systems like game boy, nintendo 64 and wii/wii u. I also have a 3DS. I like to have conversations in chat
The Dead TheDeadSlayer
hi everyone i like tv, the walking dead, the fault in our stars, i like to be athletic, i like to play alot of video games, and i like to be arty sometimes. i also like veronica mars TEAM LOGAN!
Andrew legendofzeldaguy
my friend call as biggurms(i think that how you spell it )i like zelda,assassin creed, cod,RPGS,super smash bros. and i love bacon
cody codyaf
Hey guys I'm awesome i am a 2nd degree black belt i love super heros im a hardcore gamer if you follow me i will probably follow you back
Breadstik Chriscake18
hi there,I like to draw,play and having fun.favorites★super mario 3d world,zelda wind waker,nintendo land,lego city and my most favorite PIKMIN3,fnaf.thank you SO MUCH guys keep looking for more posts from me if your stuck on a game commet a question and i'll help you. :)☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆♡♥♡♥♡☆★☆★
Binky Binky66
My name is Mohammed I'm from Saudi Arabia , khobar and I would like to make friends from all over the world.
Angelo 59E-J9DR-L64G-5D
I like lego games, andventure, and playing gun games like call of duty or plants vs. zombies garden warfare
ches kodyh22
I like pokemon, i am a girl, and i like boy stuff kasey melone and jacub lewis r my bffl
Savannah kittybell111
My nickname is really Sweetiepie, My full name is Savannah Rose Whittenburg Sweetiepie, i live in indiana, i have 3 cats and 1 doge, i have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. i love tomodachi life, pokemon and pewdiepie, bereghost, and smosh on you tube. i was born on may 12, 2002
Kingfox The-Master-01
I want to get alot followers. my name is lordzilla my old names were godzilla master and other names too. I been evolving for a long time and I finnly evolve into lordzilla I am more powerful now. And I am anime fan and there are fewer of us now but you can become one of us and watch anime like your proud and choose a anime that is good to you and combineyour soul with ours. be yourself too
T0BY lillypie76
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LOVE BASKETBALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO im 14
jake cecebatts
Braden grandmaster1824
im a big PBG/tobuscus/cobaner/eggbusters/vanoss fan i also will tell questions jokes and more im ...
im a big PBG/tobuscus/cobaner/eggbusters/vanoss fan i also will tell questions jokes and more im a big COD,minecraft fan im i will follow you if you follow me WARNING no wii u chat my favorite games COD BO2 and minecraft