Users wi-fi man Is Following
Koldie™ koldkidduke
Im Koldie. XD
con thebombtheman
Hello! Im Con and thanks for reading my profile comment thingy here are a few things about me #1) don ask to be my friend before reading this #2) i wont be your friend unless i know you pretty good #3) i do give shoutouts but only for great followers :-) #4) i will not give away any personal info #5) i usually reply to your comments so keep those comments comin ;) thx for reading this
Isaiah DarkIsaiah
Hello people, I'm Isaiah. I'm the Leader of The Miiverse Alliance, The Green Yggdrasil Army, & The Miiverse Alpha Team. I work for the future of people of Miiverse and defend peace on Miiverse. If you want to join as part of The Miiverse Alliance. I do follow back, & I taken by Kateu_Gaming_98. Btw I don't use Wii U Chat. Follow me on GooglePlus. (Isaiah Payumo)
NSW☆Paul Folkloner3DS
My apologies, 3DS News on Miiverse is now closed. Thanks for reading.
★★GAVIN★★★ AMgdvfvx
steeler steelers_36
JJ Smarty_Jay
Kathy kathy101207
im dumb
Brаndеn Branden112200
This Is Branden Loading ••••••• Complete I Like New Super Mario Bros. 2 And Mario Kart 8 Bye! Bye!
boywonder supercatattack
im not a bad player and im not a expert.Im normal in gameplays.Plus im a good friend :)
Daniel NotedHornet59
Hi! I'm Daniel! I'm a big Nintendo gamer and I've been playing videogames since I knew how to pick up a controller. Heres a few facts about me: - I enjoy drawing and writing - I love archery - My favorite game character is Banjo (Banjo and Kazooie) - I like meeting new people, but I DON'T DO Wii U chat. Sorry. "We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us." - Andrew Ryan
Silas Ninja_Silas
What are friends?
OhYeahCook OhYeahCookie
Wii U is the best
Vanoss vanoss_games
OKB OrginalKickBack
Profile comment hidden by admin.
moises shadowclone123
Berny BernyBM
I am THE X. What is X you may ask? The X is Power. What kind of power? That I can't just tell you. It's something you must fine for yourself. My age unknown. My likes? I have alot. What? You want to know more about me? Just ask me yourself ok.
big al jasminelady1
SolidEagle Captain.Isaiah
Hey people, my real name is Isaiah, the leader of The Green Yggdrasil, and the leader of the Miiverse Alliance, we defense peace on Miiverse and work for the future of mankind of Miiverse. if you want to join of The Miiverse Alliance, go ahead, and I will gladly accept you as part of the Miiverse Alliance. I do follow back, I'm 16 & no Wii U chat please. This Solid Eagle was here!
aaron aa1301
ok? raulflores
Im 200000000000000000000 billion years old :v tengo 200000000000000000000 billones de años :v
St. Ectasy blont11
Hey my name is Bobby. Im 23 years old and live in Canada. I play all kinds of games dont have a specific genre. Send me a friend request.
BRAD coletheninja
ForiegnBoy imcool14
OW MY EYE,WHY DID YOU POKE ME,I'll get it checked it later Games I play: Watch_Dogs,Super Smash Bros for WiiU,COD:Ghost,Mario Kart 8,COD:Black ops 2 Other Communities Im on:Roblox,Steam,Minecraft P.E.,Google+,Youtube(More communities comming soon for me to be on!) Note:I only accept friend request if i know you in real life or met you in a game i play
Shane DidYouKnowGaming
Slash Netmaster
Shadow ShadowRecon
Hello, I have assassins creed 3 and 4, batman arkham city armord adition, The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, COD: BLACK OPS 2, and COD: GHOSTS and I have a headset. P.S. I am an awesome person and VERY good at video games so dont be afraid to hit that follow button and follow me.
Will wamodeo
Hey I'm a nice guy when I want to be and a mean guy when I want to be, I like to play sports, videogames such as Bo2, Disney Infinity, and of course Super Mario Bros. I am very social and make friends easily. My favorite movie is Monsters University. If you want to know anything anything at all about me, just ask. We might even become friends! :-) I'm also looking for love....
Keat Noteak
My favorite two games are Fifa 13 and Batman Arkam City, and I am looking forward to the next Monster Hunter.
cody codyaf
Hey guys I'm awesome i am a 2nd degree black belt i love super heros im a hardcore gamer if you follow me i will probably follow you back
Mikel2 Mikel2013
~~george~~ georgejacquez21
Hi im george i like to ply cod and assassin's creed and batman games. mizz_bieber and gergor04 are my best friends.
Noah wackypizza
colten nameofmyolddog
14 age not single s@x boy not g@y
Volnutt falsebanbyzero
Profile comment was hidden by my parents. wii U chat isn't my thing you see... but I may make a few exceptions seldomly by the way... I'm a dude and 15 years old.
im a big PBG/tobuscus/cobaner/eggbusters/vanoss fan i also will tell questions jokes and more im ...
im a big PBG/tobuscus/cobaner/eggbusters/vanoss fan i also will tell questions jokes and more im a big COD,minecraft fan im i will follow you if you follow me WARNING no wii u chat my favorite games COD BO2 and minecraft