wi-fi man's Friends
KingHugo KingMadrigal
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Marie GrandJury
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kwebbelkop georgeremix12456
friend requests follow me i will follow back and i got call of duty black ops ll if you have it friend request me: things i like is video games shooting action thats all NO WII U CHATS only friend request why are you still here?
King Bach Gabibeee
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marshawn isaiahsingleton3
David/Pk pkzero14
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steeler7 Raulsoccer24
jt jtsmooth7612
beastboy JeromeAsf997
flaco alejandro133123
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KI113R AceX_Hypernox
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alonso buggatizombie
black ops 2 is my favorite
Fmdj679 Fmdj679
Noah parrafamily3
Ay uhhh lemme just uhhhh w h i p.
nick fuzzybear09
I'm 6'2 and starting wide receiver for the 9th grade football team and I dyed my hair red
ron burgan NEAVE1
im ron burgundy
aiden durpturtle99
yolo bro63 myblacksun22
my name is elijah not max i have friends lots need a girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!! live with mom nothing else thats pritty much it i have a ps4 so if you want to friend me you can ill have to vheck my user name now that it! and im 13now thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yolobro63
Mark OrangeBurito
Luke S.a.1.v.a.d.0.r
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SolidEagle Captain.Isaiah
Hey people, my real name is Isaiah, the leader of The Green Yggdrasil, and the leader of the Miiverse Alliance, we defense peace on Miiverse and work for the future of mankind of Miiverse. if you want to join of The Miiverse Alliance, go ahead, and I will gladly accept you as part of the Miiverse Alliance. I do follow back, I'm 16 & no Wii U chat please. This Solid Eagle was here!
why.bother NO.HERO420
hayden haydenhua
Night_Moon Nightmare_Claw01
Angel AngelVT
Hi my name is Angel and I am 15 yrs old I like Call of Duty and Fifa. I was named best player of fifa for 2009-2015 6 Yrs with best player how awesome.
Crono Crono_MK
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Manuel Hectorvalerio6
Berny BernyBM
ninsassin ewarsras
my name is erwyn and i'm 17years old. basic guy enjoying playing video games mostly RPG's and open world games I Don't mind wii u chat with other player
ツ Mk7_Beast
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Cesar FaZe_ceaser
im in FaZe
Aaron2 071750
Hello! I am Aaron. I know lots of glitches, tricks, etc. I will follow anyone who follows me! Need help with a game? I am your man! I am a good friend as well! Try to get some time to friend me! Trust me, you won't regret it! Thank you for visiting my user page! ^_^ Please, Nintendo, please expand the friend list limit! I am getting friend requests like crazy!
J Rod VedekSloan
J MrBug77
Hello! I'm Jason and I'm 30. I work for the Gevena Park District doing Night Security. I really Enjoy Nintendo games, from Zelda to Earthbound they are all just great. Loved Breath of the Wild!! Excited for more DLC!
michael alonso1331
13GP14 13_GBP_14
JJ Smarty_Jay
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
Donny diddykong106
Hello im Donny, Maker/Owner of project smash. i do not do wii u chat goal get my friend list full and get 1000 followers
shyeevee shyone
The most creative and funniest person to hang out with!~ Shyeevee
Jake JakeRader
Breadstik Chriscake18
hi there,I like to draw,play and having fun.favorites★super mario 3d world,zelda wind waker,nintendo land,lego city and my most favorite PIKMIN3,fnaf.thank you SO MUCH guys keep looking for more posts from me if your stuck on a game commet a question and i'll help you. :)☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆♡♥♡♥♡☆★☆★
Potatozq Potatozq
Palutena and R.O.B. main, mlg quickscoper on the side.
RJ theawesomerj10
Wolfie WolfVamp
Feeer!! javrex
Neryssa tmgreen
sportagust bighouse5
Hi Im Tyler. I love sports, science, church, and airsoft. Im 13 and in 7th grade. checkout my facebook, google plus, and scype. I mostly play COD. See you on the field! ;)
Jonathan KI113R
Hey wutz up broz im KI113R if you cant tell by my Nitendo Network ID. i originated in COD gaming since WAW on Xbox 360 and Play Station 3 and last year (2014) made transition to Wii U. But Im glad you took the time out of your life to read this so thanks and have a great day!
kevin Ghost179
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angie ericksonam07
Bubba bubba2002
jamal Ghost9698
hunter hunterhoover
Joel Light_Ninja_0
McDeez ScubaMcDeez
mdog aranda1
the king magicman6699
Braden grandmaster1824
Bear Man Mystical_Grape
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This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
im a big PBG/tobuscus/cobaner/eggbusters/vanoss fan i also will tell questions jokes and more im ...
im a big PBG/tobuscus/cobaner/eggbusters/vanoss fan i also will tell questions jokes and more im a big COD,minecraft fan im i will follow you if you follow me WARNING no wii u chat my favorite games COD BO2 and minecraft