Fatboy's Yeahs
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

I wanted to say thank you to the 5800+ people that decided to poke the follow button on my profile. You guys are awesome and I'm going to miss ya'll a bunch!
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Chicken? Cucco Bats? Keese Skeletons? Stalfos Mummy? Gibdo Zombie? Redead Snake? Rope Ghost? Ghini Dinosaur? Dodongo Venus Flytrap? Deku Baba Knight? Darknut LoZ giving real things made-up na...
Name:Justin Favorite Anime:Outlaw Star,High School DxD,Rosario+Vampire and Dragon Ball Z Favorit...
Name:Justin Favorite Anime:Outlaw Star,High School DxD,Rosario+Vampire and Dragon Ball Z Favorite Nintendo Franchise:Legend of Zelda Also like the visual novel game Princess Evangile Favorite Movie Franchise:Kung Fu Panda Play as much Zelda games as you want! Don't be afraid of taking chances! Just Do It! The Vengeful One will be watching!
Wii U Chat:If on Wii U. Also a long time gamer! Age:27