Fatboy's Followers
Beepboop Brannin10do
sebastain PuggishRogue
zizu paulozizu
¿a un ay miverse?:v
batman2006 moronibatman123
todos son bienvenidos aquí
Luke lukedogs4
Hi Im Luke and I really love videogames my favorite systems are the Switch, Wii U, 64, Wii, New 3DS xl, Gamecube, Iphones, Super Nintendo. I like Books, Movies, art, Moutain Dew, Coke, Pepsi, Monster, And you dudes all rock subscribe to me all you dudes around the world. My favorite type of games to play are Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Sports, Action Adventure, Racing. My favorite color is blue
ςэαяуZac ZacAttack763
WHY BIRDO?! Oh? Hi. My name is ςэαяуZac. Remember it, ok? My birthday is today! STEVEN UNIVERSE IS BEST! (Additional Information) I LOVE Miraculous Ladybug! No, seriously though, I ship Marinette and Adrien! I LOVE UNDERTALE ROLEPLAY! I'm the Leader of the "Ultra Makers" Clan! BFFS: Not that many right now! I DO NOT WII U CHAT ANYMORE. Question of the week: Who is the Fifth Champion?
ςмγ dude♪♪ uni_players_5_11
Profile comment hidden by admin.
X Scythe XSythe
Black★OpxD DudeG2008
Hello! (Might Go Inactive Due To Switch) 1. Name:Jack 2.Fav Food: Anything Sugary LOL 3.Fav Animal: Fox 4: Real BDay: 28/02/08 5: Bye ˙˘˙ 6. Check My Other User YoshiFan1245 Out!
ilias008 belassel008
Hi. Please follow: @3dsvsthewiiuwiiu @miyukiluckystar @DogyBro @MatthewS17 @grim16 @realYeahAngel @veryscrappy @CarlyPandaCake15 @mariofan112004 @BroLookatThis @Nate123 @DMcNeil2 @Hichem_Kawaii @malatheangel @GageAwesome08 Yeah lots of my posts and follow YOU will be here. Profile updates on my favourited post. Cya!
GC Zara HarleyQuinnFan16
hi I'm gonna tell you a bit about me: I'm a total nerd, I'm bi, I like animals, games, youtube, books, movies, Melanie Martinez, TøP, (the original) Teen Titans, Harley Quinn, Game Theory, Five Nights at Freddy's, my cat and my puppy. I really want a youtube channel, but my parents won't let me get one :( my fave holidays are halloween & christmas! pls follow or friend me! bye! :)
JoeyP.Draw MrBillyandJoey
Pawtastic. The Meme King Has Arrive. Age:16 B-Day:11.11.2000 Me: I kinda enjoying life. My Friends Are like a Family to me, aswell the followers I have on my side. When you're sad, I make you Glad Or when in Doubt, hug it out. I do enjoy Hugs. ... Bröther Bring förth the öats.
▼▲Chaney▲▼ Red111400
Heyyo!!! The name's Chaney! I'm 16 and a huge Zelda fan! I love making new friends, so as long as you don't be a jerk to me, I won't be one to you! So hit me up with a friend request! I can only be on during the weekends due to some parent issues but I'm online as often as I can! I'd also love to roleplay! If you have an rp idea then friend me and message me. Me: That went well don't ya think?
kingcy cgentles
image mario
Alüx Everything_90s
Hello,Hola,Bonjour,GutenTag,Ciao,Olá,Namaste,Slaam,Zdras-Tvuy-Te,Konnichiwa,Merhaba,Sain Bainuu,Salemetsiz Be,Szia,Sannu,Dobriy den,Hallo,Hej,Tere,Ahoj,Jo napot,Geia sas,Bok,Moien,Hei,Czesc,Zdravo,Helo,Salve And Ni-Hao To You ALL.
Jay Mintydog123
hi everybody iam jay i love drawing music my family iam 20 huge walking dead fan i love music video games drawing and lots more taken
Jay Frosty_1978
my name is jason i love help ppl like video game zelda mario kirby super smash bros 4 3ds and wii u if all need help with wii u game and 3ds game let me know
pink {P} 123456qazqazqazq
welcome to my top lists i try to make at least 1 top lists a day i mainly try to do 2 or 3 but i run out of ideas so if you can help me out by thinking of a list and tell me the in comments on any post that i made. and i hope you guys/girls like my top lists and make shore to check out my older top lists!!! and my new ones to!!! and if you like what i do follow me. and i do post series to!!
********** hibossman
Revolution-Rocky's clan Harbingers-Drizzt HL Acrtic Council of Chairmen-My Clan Veltro since 4/28 My friends Frisk, D-boy, *J.P.* More friends but I am not going to disclose their names. Thanks for 300 followers!!! 323 FOLLOWERS! :D Thank You guys I got to 300 followers today! 3/29/2017 Got 300 followers in only 1 year and 12 days! AMAZING!
◇ίκαrυς◇ The_Peace_Peanut
Hey im The_Peace_Peanut heres some info Im a very good builder and if you want me to build you something just let me know i'll friend you but after the build i'll unfriend you im good with a bow i love Minecraft™ and The Legend Of Zelda™ I use the Wii U sometimes and i don't have friend request on so ask me and i'll friend you instead im a tweenager and i don't use chat and that's all my info.
Morgan Mellow_Tactician
Hi! I'm Morgan, if you know me from Fire Emblem: Awakening. Looking for RP partners and buddies! -Ylissean/Plegian -I'm 15 yrs old -Literate RP'er -Currently playing: Awakening, Fates, Echoes, Pokken Tournament, Pokémon Moon, Fire Emblem Heroes (Admin loves Frederick, Ryoma and Xander. XD I'm a guy btw ^^)
Pixlelated pixlelated
oh hi, thanks for tappin' my face! well,my age is 14,my real name is luke, i haz dyed my hair blue!!! a.k.a my favorite color. favorite game: LOZ, minecraft, and i am a real nerd when it comes to games, im pretty much the coolest at most anythin' else, school, camp, LIFE! freind: anyone who follows or i meet any way hope you enjoy^_^
smokeys CatMaster_Lacey
hi my name is smokeys and i love disney channel, i love to have conversations and i am not the best at drawing but i hope i am OK, allot of the time i am busy but i try to make time for everyone, i go to church so i prefer for nobody to swear at me, i don't like people to judge me and i like them to wellcome me as i wellcome them, hope i can get some more followers!!!!!
Soleyl Soniikku
Hello -W- Drawing requests closed until I ask for them. If you read this you owe me a follow x3 [Just kidding] ^w^ Just a normal person passing by! I love drawing!! Anime and Video Games!! <3 Zelda fan Sonic fan FE fan Otaku :3 Fav anime: Naruto Noragami and Love Live! I have Switch!! See ya later ;D Unyeahs accident sometimes . . Nyaaahhh!!!
teddy sgv_2000
Hi im Teddy I love minecraft and build a lot. right now I am building a mansion in minecraft. when I am done I will let my friends go in it. and please follow me then I will follow you bye.
Toria♪ Toria-Hyse
I am a Christian. ☆Tø my ƒriends & ƒølløwers★ I appreciate your suppørt for the last 2 years ★Yøu will be what I miss abøut miiverse☆ I will not miss the admins è.é † Have a blessed day † If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Psalms 139:11 Just as there is light to drive away darkness, so, too, is there benevolence to banish evil. Princess Zelda
#Toonlink GATSBY1225
Not Good At Quickscoping. Thirteen years old. I like Triforce Heroes. Hoping to be "Electric"s friend. Have had several things deleted. [Still filling out my bio]
Blake GamingGhost19
Hey im GamingGhost19, I like Zelda, pokemon, etc. I hope you enjoy my content!
jrg89 jecoma89
Jaden Jaden4Prez
Hmm Nothing Much Please stop I Dont Have Cookies You Want Some Coffee? Well To Bad Told Ya Nothing Special
Zelda Fan FatBunny11
G'day! I love LOZ and mario games just Nintendo in general! I do alot of drawings so feel free to yeah them! please yeah my favourite post! I have alot of knowledge about the LOZ series and mario games please comment! follow me please and I follow back! please no wiiu chat or friend requests bye! BTW follow REMO
KManΩ KMitchell0026
I am an adult gamer; I have been a Nintendo fan since the NES days. No matter how many years pass, my loyalty to Nintendo will never change.
◆JL◆ jazzyandkayla
Hey...i'm Jazmyn You may adress me as Demon Lady JL Katate. Or JL if you please, but i'm not fussy... (Yah get the reference) #GhirahimFangirl #HES MINE! #FIGHT ME! #I'LL WIN BISH!!!!! Ò▲Ó ♥Piano ♥Drawing ♥Roof-Jumping ♥Anime ♥Music ♥Drag Queens Not to be rude but don't randomly friend me. Thanks
MEGA BRONY dreadicorn
profile comment hidden by solar empire propaganda. (the night will reign supreme just join the republic for cookies pie and winning the war we also have cake and muffins) THE SUN MUST DIE!
Ghost Cora Articoco15
Hi! How's it going? I'm KoCora. I'm a Legend of Zelda fan. I enjoy typing poems, drawing pictures, a Christian, and I am a kind person. And those of you that are wondering who I am, I am also Coco's alt.
MKX David★ DavidLeclercq
Hi guys I got a Nintndo 3DS for Chrismas and i like it plus theres a few things you need to know about me im 11 years old even if i like Rosalina when im still a kid and not a 18 year old that dosent mean that if kid fanboys love Rosalina so stay out of my posts if you are going to say you don't need to date Rosalina on miiverse if your a kid well stay out of it im a kid and i can do whatever.
Name:Justin Favorite Anime:Outlaw Star,High School DxD,Rosario+Vampire and Dragon Ball Z Favorit...
Name:Justin Favorite Anime:Outlaw Star,High School DxD,Rosario+Vampire and Dragon Ball Z Favorite Nintendo Franchise:Legend of Zelda Also like the visual novel game Princess Evangile Favorite Movie Franchise:Kung Fu Panda Play as much Zelda games as you want! Don't be afraid of taking chances! Just Do It! The Vengeful One will be watching!
Wii U Chat:If on Wii U. Also a long time gamer! Age:27