Users Fatboy Is Following
Nully KuroGospel
Female♀ × Age 27 × Nova Scotia ⇒My favorite series is Rockman/Megaman. I also like Zelda, Pokemon and Metroid. I love Hatsune Miku and other Vocaloids. I collect games (Currently own 1800+). I like anime and other cool Japanese stuff. ★Yeahs: 247,064+ ⇒Sub-account: NullGospel ⇒No Wii U Chat ⇒Be nice ⇒Kirby _____________ ♥Jonathan♥
Mel rosethorn28
I'm just a simple gamer girl who is a fan of Mario, The Legend Of Zelda, Sonic, Pokémon, Super Smash Bros and Megaman series. My dream is to be a video game artist or designer. I may be a young adult, but I have big dreams. Favorite Youtubers: Markiplier Jacksepticeye Game Grumps ZackScottGames P.S, I don't accept Friend Requests.
ςмγ dude♪♪ uni_players_5_11
Profile comment hidden by admin.
ZEBRA(NEW) zebra10045
こんにちは、動物が大好きすぎるケモナーです。 趣味で絵描いてたりするのですが、基本はマニアックなキャラやアニメを描くことが多いかもしれません。 好きな漫画:「ハンターxハンター」「るろうに剣心「BEASTARS」「ジョジョシリーズ」「獣人とペット女子高生 好きなアニメ:「海外アニメならほとんど大好き」「ジョジョ」「ワンパンマン」 好きな番組:「アメトーク」「水曜日のダウンタウン」「ガキ使」 好きな動物:「柴犬」「狼」「狐」「ハスキー」 嫌いな物「BL系」「ナス」「初対面のタメ口」
C. Turtle CancerTurtle
I don't accept friend requests from strangers. G'day, I'm C. Turtle, known to my friends as Mel/Melody. The C. stands for Cancer, as in the zodiac sign. I'm transgender, so that's a thing. I'm a big fan of Rhythm Heaven, Smash Bros, Ace Attorney, and Professor Layton, and I love crossovers. My alt. is CTurtlesAlt, I'll use that when I run out of posts here, so follow me there too if you want.
KinTaMarny losb-s62
どうもKinTaMarnyです Miiverseサービス終了に伴い、 大規模なユーザーの移民が行われております 私もTwitterやpixivにアカウントを持っておりますので そちらに来られた際は、 どうぞよろしくお願いします
ωaƒƒιες Animation3.0
Change is inevitable; Change is imperative. You cannot escape the grasp of change, for it shall seek you. You must accommodate change. EMBRACE IT. The franchises I admire most are: The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, Overwatch, and Pokemon. "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new". -Albert Einstein Yes, I'm asian.
がく mosipi
今まで携わられた方々どうもありがとうございました<(_ _)> 思えば約二年のミバ生活で6000人以上の方々に支えられ私は幸せ者だったと共に皆様方のこれからのご多幸を心よりお祈りします。 また主が生きてたらどこかでお会いしましょう!笑
X Scythe XSythe
Jay Mintydog123
hi everybody iam jay i love drawing music my family iam 20 huge walking dead fan i love music video games drawing and lots more taken
Luke MegaMan-Fan
Good day everyone! My name is Luke Behrends, I'm 29 years old & I have the games that I downloaded so far so here are my top 5 favorite games here on Wii U: 1. Shovel Knight 2. BIT.TRIP RUNNER 2 3. NES REMIX 1 & 2 4. 1001 Spikes 5. Super Meat Boy My favorite game as a Wii U Retail right now is Super Mario Maker! Hope you all have a great time! :)
SquidAxl SquidAxl
Just a gamer that occasionally likes to break stuff using glitches. - XCX - Rocking the 192K Sylvalum/Primordia Build. Also my main profile~Last Order
ハムたろう niwaneko
今まで有難う御座いましたo(_ _)o ペコッ 青い鳥でも同じ名前でいようと思うので、もし見かけましたら気軽に話してくださいな(´▽`) いろいろなゲームでお相手してくださった皆様、そしてミーバース運営様、本当にお疲れ様でした。 今まで青い鳥は、ほぼ放置していましたが明日あたりから再開したいと思います(´ω`)
∵*のっち*∴ 967mio
∵*のっち*∴ と言います!! 兄と私の両方使います。 アニメ大好き! ソードアートオンライン、銀魂、黒子のバスケ、進撃の巨人、青のエクソシスト、ハイキュー、等々... たくさんあります。 土方、キリト、緑間が特に好きキャラです 夢100とかパズドラしてます 。Perfume好きです。夢100では、ギルバート推し 犬 シェパードの竜と一緒にミバの日々 I am notti 狼大好きです!! イラスト下手ですがよろしく! フレリク、どんどんどうぞ!!!!!!! アイクも好き... コメント、共感は嬉しいです! ウルフさんに会うため、スマブラX超してますw あのボイスを聞くだけで萌えますwww(病気w) WiiUアカウントのみです。
AC 0:) angelboricua
Hello! How is it going? :) Traveling, games, music, lawls, homemade cooking, and a long walk on the beach. Blue chirp: angelboricua4t DArt: tweedlejack If anyone wants to keep in contact. \m/(>.<)\m/
Chloe vanessabowers
Hello peeps! Im Chloe. I enjoy drawing, reading, and chatting with my buddy Jillian, who is an amazing artist/friend.( go and follow her if you haven't already.) I like drawing, but I can't do it very good on my Wii U. Im a TOTAL sonic fangirl, AHEMshadow. I also really like The Legend of Zelda and Splatoon. I also am- *sees Shadow* UH GOTTA GO BYE!!! SHADOW DONT LEAVE MEH!!!!!!
Pooky Pooky-Belle
Hiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! It's Mii, Pooky—the cutest of the cute southern belles! And I looooooove almost anything Nintendo churns out! I also love food, anime, shopping, naps, books, and music! FYI—I don't do Wii U Chat, and I rarely accept friend requests from non-family members, but please feel free to Follow me or comment on my random musings! As long as y'all follow proper online manners, 'kay? ♥
Ĺàďý♪Ĺбvé♪ LadyInRed12
♥♪♡ Hello Friends ♥♪♡ This is Me.. I like to Draw, and Play MK♥ I like to protect pets! Iam a Fan of WiiU♥ I like to talk, I'm very good Person, but that I leave to your Criteria as I know ♥ NO WIIU CHAT...IF YOUR A BULLY STAY WAY!!! I'm an Adult and Single… ADULT REQUESTS ONLY PLEASE. (^˛~) ♥♪♡♥♪♡
Gray Myn4me15Gray
<Discord>, I'm howling at the moon, and sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon. This is goodbye Miiverse. I've made so many friends, seen so many wonderful things, but hopefully I can save them before the shut down. Find me.
Kaitlyn KaitlynKay
Hey i'm Kaitlyn. Im a 13 year old Australian who loves art.I do drawing requests. My favourite games are Smash bros, Fire emblem and Zelda!
◇ίκαrυς◇ The_Peace_Peanut
Hey im The_Peace_Peanut heres some info Im a very good builder and if you want me to build you something just let me know i'll friend you but after the build i'll unfriend you im good with a bow i love Minecraft™ and The Legend Of Zelda™ I use the Wii U sometimes and i don't have friend request on so ask me and i'll friend you instead im a tweenager and i don't use chat and that's all my info.
MΔEGΔN NerdierThanYou
Hey! My name's Maegan, I'm 19, I love drawing, and I hope to be a storyboard artist or video game concept artist! I'm obsessed with Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Splatoon, and Osomatsu-san, so expect a lot of that! But I occasionally draw other stuff~ I won't accept a FR unless we're mutuals; I'm cool with yeah bombs!
Pinky mudstain66
I love to draw and sing.I like reading manga. I love to play Zelda,Skylanders,racing,action and horror games.I think my best drawing is a portrait of my mom, but I dont think i could draw like that on here though.I also got in chorus and and art club. I'm now thirteen; I've been wanting to see what this was for a while.I hope you enjoy! ♥♥♥♥
ef1500 Peridot1500
Hewoo! Im ef1500 (e-f-1500) Im a crazy guy thats 13 and has mild depression and wants to be an electrical engineer. Im also VERY dedperate for friends. oh and im not single. I also LOVE steven universe and Teen titans! They are the best! Oh don't forget Lapidot!!! (Shipping of lapis and peridot) oh yeah... if you yeah! my posts of comment or even follow me. i take it All STRAIGHT to my heart! :)
Morgan Mellow_Tactician
Hi! I'm Morgan, if you know me from Fire Emblem: Awakening. Looking for RP partners and buddies! -Ylissean/Plegian -I'm 15 yrs old -Literate RP'er -Currently playing: Awakening, Fates, Echoes, Pokken Tournament, Pokémon Moon, Fire Emblem Heroes (Admin loves Frederick, Ryoma and Xander. XD I'm a guy btw ^^)
♪みみみ♪ MIMIMI2000
共感、コメント、フォロー、大変うれしいです。ありがとうございます。 フレンドリクエストは相互フォロワーの方で親しくさせていただいてる方に限らせていただきます。 Thank you for your Yeah,comment and follow. I do not accept the friend application. とび森:#チンクル#村、村長 みみみ♪ 夢番地Animal crossing,dream number: 1C00-0011-8B21 ※2016.11.21夢見の村更新しました。地面にマイデザで絵を描いています。
Pixlelated pixlelated
oh hi, thanks for tappin' my face! well,my age is 14,my real name is luke, i haz dyed my hair blue!!! a.k.a my favorite color. favorite game: LOZ, minecraft, and i am a real nerd when it comes to games, im pretty much the coolest at most anythin' else, school, camp, LIFE! freind: anyone who follows or i meet any way hope you enjoy^_^
ψTaylor mariosonicrules
I'm Taylor, i'm 23 years old, and I love to draw! And I'm Friends with everyone! No Wii U Chats please. :) If I not comment to you, it's because My 30 comment limits are up for today. So I'll comment you back when I can. And I don't accept friend requestes, if I know you well, I only accept requests from my Friends. I don't take drawing requests either. And please no spam "First" comments
CrazyGuy12 Dillbot730
Rest In Peace, Miiverse. 2012-2017 It's gonna be sad to see all of you go. Thank you Tom, for giving us a chance to gain friendships. Thank you Nintendo, for all those great moments for Miiverse. Thank you everyone for making Miiverse a great place to hang out. I'll miss you, and I hope you have a great life. I love you all. :)
Ape¥Laura moniquepoul
Ja nun ist es soweit das Miiverse wird bald enden und wir können nix dagegen machen.. Hier im Mv konnte ich endlich mal so sein wie ich bin und lernte die Besten Freunde kennen sowie meine große Liebe♡ Ich bin euch allen so dankbar für eure unterstützung und dafür das euch meine Bilder gefallen. Danke einfach nur ein großes Danke an alle♥ Insta:melody_the_wolf YT:Melody the Wolf Thanks for all
Soleyl Soniikku
Hello -W- Drawing requests closed until I ask for them. If you read this you owe me a follow x3 [Just kidding] ^w^ Just a normal person passing by! I love drawing!! Anime and Video Games!! <3 Zelda fan Sonic fan FE fan Otaku :3 Fav anime: Naruto Noragami and Love Live! I have Switch!! See ya later ;D Unyeahs accident sometimes . . Nyaaahhh!!!
☆ςυρerRιτα OliverandCompany
If you're an O&C fan, you came to the right place! If you decided to follow me, you're truly awesome! If you came to block/unfollow me, then I must of made you pretty salty. But Why should I worry, why should I care? This account is mainly devoted to one of Walt Disney's under appreciated classics Oliver and Company! So expect lots of random O&C FanArt! I mainly play Smash 4 & Pokkén T!
Alyssa XMadQueenAlyssaX
♡Welcome to my Throne Room~! ♡ Status: Check my Fav Post to keep in touch~ Name: Alyssa Title: Mad Queen Age: 20 Likes: Roses, Tea, Loyalty, & Weapons. #TeamMadQueen.
Toria♪ Toria-Hyse
I am a Christian. ☆Tø my ƒriends & ƒølløwers★ I appreciate your suppørt for the last 2 years ★Yøu will be what I miss abøut miiverse☆ I will not miss the admins è.é † Have a blessed day † If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Psalms 139:11 Just as there is light to drive away darkness, so, too, is there benevolence to banish evil. Princess Zelda
Rain Rider RaininGamer98
Hello, name's Rain. I play Animal Crossing, Etrian Odyssey 3/4, Splatoon, and Xenoblade Chronicles. I feel experienced with Breath of The Wild, so ask me anything. I'll get a NX sometime for Splat2n. Blank friend requests get ignored entirely Come again sometime. Also, I'm a ♂! If I don't like you, just block me, okay? I won't like you much.
Beccaζ SilentOfTheRoses
Why is my mii so edgy? Am¡n0~ Da c0rd RebelleB~ RebelleB # 5 8 8 0 DA/Bloo birb R/e/be/l\l[e\G\r\i\f\f\i\n
Spooky…AJ chromishot21
Goodbye everyone I love Cheesecake and Tomes Relationship:Alex (Love him so much) Favorite Users: Ink mely Caleb Kitty Cameron Lui Miinion/Casey Lank/Zula lord Meyette Firebolt Kamiu/Corrin InklinLump Mathew Sad Boy Meyah Ryan
Edme GamerWolf75
Hello! :3
Name:Justin Favorite Anime:Outlaw Star,High School DxD,Rosario+Vampire and Dragon Ball Z Favorit...
Name:Justin Favorite Anime:Outlaw Star,High School DxD,Rosario+Vampire and Dragon Ball Z Favorite Nintendo Franchise:Legend of Zelda Also like the visual novel game Princess Evangile Favorite Movie Franchise:Kung Fu Panda Play as much Zelda games as you want! Don't be afraid of taking chances! Just Do It! The Vengeful One will be watching!
Wii U Chat:If on Wii U. Also a long time gamer! Age:27