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Character unable to move.
Anyone else still getting this issue? Figured it would have been fixed after Beta; not sure if there's a specific trigger aside from getting hit while pressing (A)...
First consoles: GBC/SNES
Fave N'titles: Super Mario Sunshine & Kirby's Airide.
Most wanted on eS...
First consoles: GBC/SNES
Fave N'titles: Super Mario Sunshine & Kirby's Airide.
Most wanted on eShop: DWM1
I won't Wii U Chat and expect fairly correct spelling/grammar.
I don't accept blank friend requests.
State : NY
SSBU: Megaman/ROB
MK8: Villager
Splat: Octobrush/Slosher/Hydra
Fave SMM item: POW
I studied Ecological Economics but I'm trying my hand at developing Board Games.