Users S.W.A.T. Is Following
Layzie Dalayzie1
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it Age: Twenty-something In Las Vegas Want ARKHAM KNIGHT / FALLOUT 4 Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME I also own a XB360 and 3DS
Myy Mario9955
Welcome to my Miiverse account. This is where I post about Wii U-games. I have another account (Myy100) where I post about 3DS-games.
Eeee-Money egallager
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname. My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead. Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.
Joshua Mauddib1976
•No random friend requests! Automatic rejection! Only people from games or the MiiVerse that I know. •RIP §OS Clan •Artist, parent, fan of philosophy. •Favorite Wii U games, MH3U, Bayonetta 1 and 2, Rayman Legends (ranked 38th), ZombiU, Guacamelee (thanks Rob), Xenoblade Chronicles X, & Splatoon.
Erl Erl-Xtb
I'm that Mario Maker that no one knows. I made those hard traditional-ish levels you never played I don't care mich about Miiverse anymore. It won't be on the Switch. But I will. The only reason to friend me here is if you want to friend me on Switch. If you want to friend me on Switch, friend me here saying "friend on Switch", because we cannot share friend codes on Miiverse
Thaurmott SirFactorial120
Hello world! Formerly known as Math Tutor, I used to be a math tutor, but now I'm a programmer. I keep active with Wii Fit U. I love the Kingdom Hearts, Prof. Layton, and Ace Attorney series. Have a great day!
Jоn Jon_Gruver
в●ήειεšš EcopunkPirate
22-year-old guy who's obsessed with several famous and not-so-famous Nintendo games. Likes anime and PC games, all the usual geeky stuff. Also a lazy environmentalist who wastes tons of electricity on video games. Fave Pokémon: Rotom. Fave Pokémon type: Ghost. Fave Sm4sh fighters: Shulk, Captain Falcon, RosaLuma, Mr. G&W, Luigi, Samus, and Greninja. Splatoon main: 0.52 Gal
★Mike★ micat87
hi. I'm a maker on super mario maker. my specialty is challenging but fair lvls. I also speedrun games sometimes (especially paper mario.) and play splatoon and smash occasionally. what i've been doing recently: speedrunning New super mario bros. U
John 2 Johns2ndAccount
Im a gentleman who makes amazing Super Mario maker levels. That's all you need to know.
Hi. I play a lot of games and draw a lot of silly things. Follow me k! :D I don't play a lot this days because college is evil, but if you see me on, I'm always up for invites! #fireforeffectcomic
Mike Hammer80
I'm a family man who enjoys games later at night after my wife and kids are asleep. Been gaming my whole life. Wii U is an amazing gaming system, it's very underrated. I play more Nintendo then anything else. 3ds is also great! Can't wait for the switch. Game on!!!!
Lorn LornHg
Community Manager at Frima, the folks behind Chariot. Besides Chariot, I love Splatoon, Super Mario Maker and Runbow.
Kiyara starfinder36
Hello, I am Kiyara, My hobbies are: Art, Crafts & Designing things, But please note I will not add you as a friend if I do not know you in real life, Sorry! But you can still request what Super Mario thing you want me to draw as a pixel art! I'll accept as long as it is not too difficult, I'm starting to also take an intrest in music & writing, So I might upload some music levels,Nice meeting you!
Valin sedowood
Hey all i've Been a Nintendo fan ever since I was 3 years old. I love Mario, Kirby, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Pikmin, Metroid and Animal Crossing. You could probably call me a nintendo veteran haha, anyway add me if you want although I only Nintendoland and New Super Mario Bros. U for now but I will get more games later in the year. Enjoy the Wii U which I think will be one of Nintendo's best systems.
kbg bitriangle
Hi, I am a huge nintendo fan who has been playing nintendo since I was one year old :-) .
Luigi64 GamerLuigi64
Hello! Feel free to look, follow, comment, etc. Though I don't post everyday, nor do I have any good drawings that may catch your attention. So...yeah. Have fun? Also, for those interested in my Mario Maker levels, I made a post (seen in the top-right portion of the screen) with all of my ID codes included in it. I try to update it with new ID's as often as possible. Check em' out! :D
Blue Snow j3parkr
Hi there! Welcome to my profile. Feel free to follow me if you like my posts. I usually draw stuff here for fun, so I may do that quite often. Have a nice day!
Granka munhoowhe
Hello there, and thanks for visiting my profile. There aint much to say actually. Been a fan of Nintendo's products ever since I got a gameboy colour back when I was a kid. Right now I am studying photography, that is pretty much it. Oh, and I am from the Netherlands. greetings
Gspirit efilym
Kenny kwcjr1991
Jason DragonNinja10009
Jason 22 Male Autistic = social communications difficulty fav colour is blue fav genre of gaming is RPG Dream = to write the perfect story for a game that will make people happy. personality = hyper and silly but serious when i need to be.
GamerRobin Robertman
I'm mostly a fan of platformers, but I also like Pokemon and Zelda, even though my puzzle solving skills aren't great. Mario and Sonic are my series of choice, but I also like the Donkey Kong Country games and 64, Kirby, Crash Bandicoot, Banjo Kazooie, and Jak and Daxter. I also enjoy Mario Kart, Mortal Kombat 9,Super Smash Bros. and yes, even COD. Also, I don't Wii U chat.
pat PatrickTurtle
hai i like: undertale i hate: fnaf, writing profile comments, and homocidal children. where are all the knives
ChrisP SSJChrisP
Sm4sh mains: Roy, Ike, Ganondorf, Mario, and Corrin. Been a Nintendo fan for close too 3 decades and will continue too be for many years too come. I also like too play a little Xbox on the side ;) Pokemon X Friend Safari: Dunsparce?, Minccino?, Ditto
Cray Cr316h70n
CutterZ CutterZa
Keep small pets away from me, I have been known to eat them! just kidding, please don't sue me!
Supercube Supercube
Tom Mr.Snickelfritz
I like Mario Maker and am part of the Mario Maker Clan. I will post tips if you need them.
D.CROSS crazze
I've been a nintendo head since the 1983 donkey kong arcade days i own every system and almost every game for the nintendo home and handheld console's. so if you have a question dont be afraid to ask i might have your answers.
M GoombaBeGone
Shikata NintendoShikata
任天堂の四方宏昌(しかたひろまさ)です。『ゼルダの伝説 トライフォース3銃士』のディレクターです。 Hi, I'm Hiromasa Shikata from Nintendo, Director of The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes.
KellyCat Maethoriel91
It was me! I was the turkey all along! I was the turkey! Me!
Talakori Laubwerk
There isn't much to say about me. I create levels with Super Mario Maker. But i rarely upload anything anymore. I also play other games occasionally.
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
SRLAgent I SRLAgentI
イカよろしく! ※日本/ 北米・南米/ 欧州・オセアニア の3コミュニティに向けて、イカ世界のことを たまにイラストで報告します。 Hello, Squids! For Japan, the Americas, Europe and Oceania, I’ll occasionally pop in and give you an update about the squid world with illustrations.
Wuvwii Wuvwii
Was it my face you just poked? So I guess looking for my profile got ya stoked? My posts are like water balloons, they get you soaked. Hop on up and read 'em all before you've croaked. Go ahead and leave me comments, I'm not provoked. If they're nice, my ego might get stroked. My replies are like a burning flame, they leave you smoked. If you find this funny it's because I joked.
Lenatir Lenatir
I'm Robert! I'm 25, a dedicated Nintendo fan and father of a BEAUTIFUL baby girl named Aria Rose! I enjoy fighting games, but usually I go for just about anything. I enjoy Sociology, the Comic Book medium, and theology, linguistics as an interest, history, most of the sciences... And I'm a very boring fellow. Remember, it is bad to include contact information even on Tumblr. Thanks Admins!
Blue Blur SonicLuigiLover
What's up Squiddos! Welcome to my profile! ★I'm a huge fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog series... & Luigi! ★I love playing Mario Kart and Sonic Transformed online. ★Fave characters: Silver, Shadow, Sonic, & Luigi ♥ I don't Wii U chat.
First consoles: GBC/SNES
Fave N'titles: Super Mario Sunshine & Kirby's Airide.
Most wanted on eS...
First consoles: GBC/SNES
Fave N'titles: Super Mario Sunshine & Kirby's Airide.
Most wanted on eShop: DWM1
I won't Wii U Chat and expect fairly correct spelling/grammar.
I don't accept blank friend requests.
State : NY
SSBU: Megaman/ROB
MK8: Villager
Splat: Octobrush/Slosher/Hydra
Fave SMM item: POW
I studied Ecological Economics but I'm trying my hand at developing Board Games.