S.W.A.T.'s Followers
Mike Hammer80
I'm a family man who enjoys games later at night after my wife and kids are asleep. Been gaming my whole life. Wii U is an amazing gaming system, it's very underrated. I play more Nintendo then anything else. 3ds is also great! Can't wait for the switch. Game on!!!!
Amber DKCH_Adams
Evan MonkeyMadness486
Hi Miiverse peoples! I'm Evan, my favorite game is Tomodachi Life, and you may see a lot of it on my profile! HAPPY GAMING!
Emi Emilio180306
This user's profile comment is private.
Maria Marikita2
Hello person.My name is Maria people call me ''May'' so you can too.I would love if you helped me in some of the following games,SMM and Super Mario 3D World (I sometimes call 3D wrld).If you have some sort of idea for a level on smm please tell me and I will be sure to include it in my level(s)I play soccer and Im into art.So please become a member of the AA family (artistic athletes)
Ness hwas2701
The Drive sonicxpxd
I'm a Person on a journey to master the arts of Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart! Like RYU Says, "The answer lies, in the heart of battle."
Public Mii PublicMii8
Profile comment hidden by admin.
HOLA QUE HASE SOY GOYO XD :) ¦√ '_‘ ¥ † ! ¶ † ¿ ? ¤ < + ▲ ◆ ● ² ¹ ♭ ♪ ½ % ¬ ¯ ³%²¼ ºª*} »« ~& \» ’‚‘‛ ▲ ▼ «»
OUT OF POSTS. MSG/FRIEND ME 2 TALK! Yes i am astraú. Odinsman. shows: Supernatural, american horror, VIKINGS, walking dead (and fear), GAME OF THRONES
davide rtdavide3
Ciao a tutti! Mi chiamo Davide e ho una grandissima voglia di giocare con tutti voi!!! ho 10 anni, ho gli occhi marroni, il naso a patata, la pelle abbronzata perchè sono stato al mare e i capelli castani. Le lingue che so parlare sono l'italiano e l'inglese. p.s. accetto amicizie solo chi ha mario kart 8, splatoon e/o minecraft e chi sa parlare anche l'italiano o l'inglese #NOMIIVERSENDING
しゅんすけ XxSplatoonxX
FollowYou! tEmMiE000000
Hi! I will try to follow and yeah everyone! Have a nice day and thank you! ♡♥online status:(offline)♡♥ I DONT do wii u chat Accepting friend requests! If you already sent a friend request and I haven't replied then please send it again! Unfortunately I have already followed the max amount of people....
destinyhil paigeiscool15
This user's profile comment is private.
☆πσαн4мν★ NV63NV
Welp, it's the final day guys... Anyways, I'm Noah. I'm 13, Christian, and a T1D. Plus I'm a die-hard Mipha fan. I've made so many friends...it's sad to see it go. Favorite games: 1. Splatoon 2 2. Tomodachi Life 3. TLOZ: BOTW 4. MK8 5. AC:NL I'm a true NSLUC memer, so, yeah. My school schedule: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thanks for everything Nintendo and Miiverse. See you on the Switch! -Noah
Biggy Dee LilDally
Hi im Dallas nickname LilDally. I am 9 years old. I like to play baseball, basketball, and football. NBA2K14 is my favorite videogame. Byeeee!
Vicente Vicente101204
Splatoon:Merry Squidmas everybody! Mario Maker:Lets make the coolest station ever! Gravity Falls:BILLuminati be illuminati Bill Cipher Mario 3D World:Miau...(already completed all the game) Smash Bros:Iggy is the coolest! Well, everybody Nintendo Land:Trophies, money, friends, minigames, what else could you ask for?
Dantron157 Dantron157
si quieres ser mi amigo... DIMELO!♥♥♥
lil fire izayden7
if you wana be my friend you can I mostly play mario maker kirby and the rainbow curse and super smash bros I play mario maker to and love mr stampy cats you tube channel I think kirby is the best my amiibos all pokemon amiibos kirby king dedede somic pac man ps dont post bad words or il block you ok
Hello eveyone, I like mario and sonic at the rio 2016 olympic games, paper mario colour splash, and more mario and sonic games! I am the leader of JOMC (Jamies official maker club) also friend me if you like also I am single. I have a boring life
Dasch DogForFun
What's up guys! I'm Houndred, a dog/videogame/books-loving person! What can I say about me? Well, I'm 24 years old, I'm from Brazil and... I don't know, I thinks that's it Have fun playing! Because games are there for this / Divirta-se jogando! Pois os jogos estão aí para isso ;) Thanks for the memories Miiverse! It was fun!
Jamois coconuteaterplus
Hullo, call me jdz! I upload levels at least once a week in Super Mario Maker. I play SMM, MK8, SM3DL and SSB 4! if you follow me than I will follow you back. Bye-bye...
TRG☆ώhïtε☆ alenbb
Hello. I am a maker in SMM. Look:https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/profile/alenbb Nintendo™ fan 4 life! \(′•ω•`)/
Ethan hellomynameis364
SM&SF Purplefirefly
Have a good life, never give up hope. —————————————————— Nintendo videogames are some of my favorite videogames, if you have a problem with that then you bought the wrong console. If you would like to be friends on the Switch, send a FR explaining so. Thank you to everyone who tries to make other lives better and for people who decide to be nice.
James James7
Ah there you are! I was wondering when you would find me...Anyway welcome! I'm James as you could probably tell. I'm a brown Belt in Ju-jitsu and a big fan of many things such as DC, Marvel, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Godzilla and WWE and Star Wars. I like Art and History and I can be funny alot and sometimes sarcastic. I like to be kind and helpful too. I've been with Nintendo for 11 years
Eeee-Money egallager
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname. My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead. Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.
demond ant AnthonyGlenn2008
hi im nightmar heres a song ... im not a fan of puppeter but im a magging FEAR so what else is put up the bricks! I CANT SE ENYTHING NO I CAN MOVE AT ALL! I CURSE THE NAME! THE ONE BEHIND IT AAAAAAALLLLLL!!!! DISCORD IM HOWLING UP THE MOON! AND SLEEPING IN A SUMMER AFTERNOON DISCORD WHAT EVER DID WE DO TO MAKE YOU TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!! thats all i know by! oh tell me if i missd ene parts!
Tilly 1Tilly
i love yoki watch and mine craft
Joshua Mauddib1976
•No random friend requests! Automatic rejection! Only people from games or the MiiVerse that I know. •RIP §OS Clan •Artist, parent, fan of philosophy. •Favorite Wii U games, MH3U, Bayonetta 1 and 2, Rayman Legends (ranked 38th), ZombiU, Guacamelee (thanks Rob), Xenoblade Chronicles X, & Splatoon.
κιъъιε kibbledude
Hi, I'm kibble. Im chill and nice. follow my frndz snookemz chickenz32 pchicken Vg lover other peepz follow to get 800+ cringe cookiez memez: zhrek john cena bee movie every dreamworkz production memez are good i got the Nintendo Switch ayeee
o.oAbio.o sam-ii-am82
πειισ... ı αm αβıgαει!~ Cαιι мε αβı τπσυgπ.~ ƒгıεηδς: LILY ~★★★★★¯³¯♥#BFFL CCG ~★☆★☆★˙³˙#BFF CHRIS ~♡♡★˙³˜#FWB HAYDEN ~•¯•°¯°#KOOLAIDMANXD ZEE~°˜°˙¸˙#FFS (ƒгιεηδ ƒгσм ςсπσσι) I Have A Bunch More But I STILL LOVE Y'ALL! Hobbies : S-I-T-T-I-N-G, Playing Rather My Wii U Or iPad. (-_-) B /| |\ Y / \ E
Judith toty26
Hi, I love Nintendo games: Super Mario, Zelda, Fire Emblem, Kirby, Pokemon, Metroid, Star Fox, F-Zero and drawing on it. Also, I play Sonic. I love Disney and Pixar. I love cartoons, anime, books, cience and mathematics now. My dream is to study medicine or veterinary (I love animals, I have 2 rabbits and a dog :3) PLEASE NO WII U CHATS. My english is very poor. 26/08/1999 B-Day :D
1★シェン Spazer40
電源オン!さぁ始めよう〜音速ソニック越えていけ〜〜♪ Hello I'm Spazer40, I'm 17...That's about it. November 8th....
wulffrith wolflover15
my name is wulffrith meaning wolf of peace anyone is a friend to me & is very important to me i'm a very peaceful loving wulff if you need help ask me ill be there for you i am also a proud furry & supporter for them i accept them all for who they are & what they love remember feuding will get you nowhere never betray your friends & always take care of your loved one for life
SonicCC∞⇒⇒ L32389
Hey guys you'd all know me if you dont hey there my names SONICBOOM! I like UNDERTALE UNDERFELL UNDERSWAP SWAPFELL STORYSWAP STORYSHIFT and other AUs. I AM A SONIC FAN. MARIO FAN MEGAMAN FAN Overwatch Fan (★★★★★) Lol! I think some people already got here. :)
bendy FPaulino
hi i said beep beep im a sheep its raining tocos lean then dab are you following me yet watch me whip know watch nana follow me please if you follow me you will be cool are you still here follow me for being cool follow gamergames
flippy cat mybadboy17.com
Hi my name is flippy cat and i'm here for some fun in Miiverse
★βгαηdσи★ AsectFox
This is what all have been waiting for... Now presenting Wii U user BRANDON!!! Yes, yes thank you I'm glad to be here with all of you. If you've been living under a rock your entire life then, Hi my name is Brandon I was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada along with my younger sister and older brother. I started posting on Miiverse December 25th, 2015. Also THANKS FOR 500+ FOLLOWERS!!!
Scooter ScooterGoBlue
Hi My name is Scooter! I'm Part Of Team Eclipse the leader is AlpHaX, AlpHax is trying to stop Pokemon fighting and instead making them friends. So go check AlpHax out! #StopPokeBrutality #Eclispe4life Games I play Splatoon, Smash Bros, Mario Maker, Pokken Tournament, and so many other games!!! I mostly play Pokken Tournament. I post a Pokemon drawing in Pokemon Sun and moon community weekly,
Greg Just2good123
I hope we have fun together. I love to play handheld games and watch youtube. My favorite channel is game grumps and I would really apreciate it if you subscribe to them for me. And make sure to follow me too.
ú835ú)34ö noahultimate7
Hi. My name is Noah and my favorite colour is green. feel free to follow me and send a friend request. :) ¤====]========⇒
DSkillua austinv3
hi im Darkshadow killua if you want to play multiplayer games with me then why not friend me and message me so we can get our game on. PS. i love a challenge once in a while why are you still reading this? i have nothing else to say so why not just friend me already and stop looking at my profile already >_<
James Vorash_Kadan
Going to College for game design as well as working so I can be a bit busy at times. I hope to work for or with Nintendo within the next 10 years or so.
First consoles: GBC/SNES
Fave N'titles: Super Mario Sunshine & Kirby's Airide.
Most wanted on eS...
First consoles: GBC/SNES
Fave N'titles: Super Mario Sunshine & Kirby's Airide.
Most wanted on eShop: DWM1
I won't Wii U Chat and expect fairly correct spelling/grammar.
I don't accept blank friend requests.
State : NY
SSBU: Megaman/ROB
MK8: Villager
Splat: Octobrush/Slosher/Hydra
Fave SMM item: POW
I studied Ecological Economics but I'm trying my hand at developing Board Games.