*ºρгiηcεςς's Followers
TheEpicPka TheLitLitten
Im a gamer boy.And I love anime.I like to draw A LOT.I like the Pokemon,Mario Bros,Minecraft and the Sims series.My hobbies is to draw and play video games.I like watching ,Markplier,and Jacksepticeye.Last but not least I watch pyrocinical and dank memes.I'll also do a daily trivia for either Markplier or Jacksepticye video. I'm also a Jehovah Witness. Yeah boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Soleyl Soniikku
Hello -W- Drawing requests closed until I ask for them. If you read this you owe me a follow x3 [Just kidding] ^w^ Just a normal person passing by! I love drawing!! Anime and Video Games!! <3 Zelda fan Sonic fan FE fan Otaku :3 Fav anime: Naruto Noragami and Love Live! I have Switch!! See ya later ;D Unyeahs accident sometimes . . Nyaaahhh!!!
heichou25 heichou26
Hey tt le monde je m'appele Flavie et j'ai 15ans . Je suis une personne très sympas, j'aime bcp rigoler avec les gens. J'espère juste que tu va bien que tu est bien installer. J'espère aussi que tu va passer une exelente journee. J'aime jouer a MK8, Bo2 et bien entendu Splatoon. Breff voila je me suis presenter stv faire de meme vien privée pas de souci ;) Aller Tchao... :3
SPIRALCRIS Character Designer FACTS -Orange Headphone Inkling Girl aka WOOMY is Best Squid -Professional in Squid Parties/Fiesta Calamarrr ~Stay Fresh and don't get cooked stay Off the Hook~
Shaved... RamPR16
Beardlina no more. The end of an era. You guys are all amazing. Thank for the wonderful memories I've made here on this site. I wish you all the best in life. ;) P.S.: Find me and my art on the Instant Graham!
Mimik bzzbzz3013
Bonjour à tous je suis Mimik le sous-chef de la team Wolf le chef est wolf1 abonner vous à moi et je m'abonnerais à vous. Comme vous le savez miiverse ferme bientôt et maintenant c'est quasiment la guerre sur miiverse. Abonner vous à mon compte miiverse, aller je vous fait de gros bisous mes licornes
おりさ mayuko1209
Shy Guy TheshyGamer11
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alyssa alyssa.l.16
salut a tous je joue souvent au jeux pokemon .mon pokemon préféré est lugia ( le jour je suis kyubi céleste et la nuit je suis miss lugia la reine des lugia) mes jeux préférés sont pokemon (j'aime tout les jeux de la serie) sonic boom le cristal brisé monster high yo-kai watch gumball petshop hiver et petshop freinds
Goron Link KenBonePresident
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liline pauleline
en vrai je mapelle eline je suis nee le 3Aout 2008
ziro NarutoJBB
hi im allredy on Miivers for about i'de say maybr 1week igess but i'm allways opend and happy to make any new or old friends that i've known befor + any new friends along the way :p my dream goal is to become a very well known+ suseccfull manga ulistraitor creating my own orignal seiress called Spirit Blade :3
Sonic SonicAllStarz
Drem yol lok pah. Nelomsekun, mulaagsevulon! Zu'u aan vith daar mose wah verilir, maagaar Sonic ahrk Rick ahrk Morty truke. Zu'u vis ahk tinvaak Dovahzul. ★Zokhil trok☆ Sonic, Spyro, MGS, Rick ahrk Morty, Pokémon, Crash Bandicoot, Star Wars, South Park, Rayman, Skylanders, Sly Cooper, SSB, LBP, Star Trek, Mario, Kirby, CoD, voreye… Pruzah guur, Miiverse. Zu'u vomos pah het.
ヒカリ Natyure.Aya
Daniel TruesonicjrXY
i want new frends and i am frendy :)
DIO AkatsukiTreeLife
*Not really wryyyying internally* I feeling the sads at the moment. It has been a good run. I would like to thank you all for being friends with me. I appreciate it. IhopewecanmeetonClosedVerse!
Sasuke SonSasuke17
Stuff I Like: Pretty Much Almost All Nintendo Franchises (Mainly Legend Of Zelda) Sonic Kingdom Hearts Anime (Dragon Ball,Naruto,SAO,Bleach,Soul Eater,Inuyasha,Heavens Lost Property,RWBY,Fairy Tail,Deadman Wonderland,Rosario+Vampire) Drawing Youtube(Markiplier,Jacksepticeye,TheGamersJoint,Lord Frieza,Girku,Prince Vegeta) Horror Games (Slender-Man,Fnaf,Batim)Thats All K O K Bye ^^
G&K victor arthurvictorrose
bonjour, je m' appelle arthur . j' ai 9 ans.mon jeu préféré c'est splatoon.mon frére s'appele victor . jeu préféré de victor c'est splatoon.mon frère a 7 ans.est surtout,devenez mes ami (amie) est on jourez à splatoon est enfaite, j'habite dans le gers.arthur,tristesse ♥♡♡♡♡,gentilesse♥♥♥♥♥,mechant♡♡♡♡♡,rigolo♥♥♥♥♥.victore,tristesse♥♥♥♡♡,gentillesse♥♥♥♡♡,mechant♡♡♡♡♡,rigolo♥♥♡♡♡.voilà tout.
david papi sans-el-flojo
hola mi nombre real es david tengo 10 años cumplo el 18 de enero me encanta los video juegos, comer y dormir mi comida favorita es los tacos y las tostadas mi canal de youtube se llama sans el gamer flojo ¿porque sigues leyendo?
kirsten me minecraftdantdmk
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Lεαηdŕσ™ leandpol06
salut je mapelle leandro jai 11 ans chu en CM2 jai en bff Thomas voili voilou gentil:★★★★★★ mechant:★☆☆☆☆ humour:★★★★★★ PS: objectif 200 abo et je ferai plein de truc sur mon profil abonnez maintenant abonnez vous a thomas et a moi merci beaucoup
Lyn' 3DSNetworkA
Adieu! T^T I thank you all, I love you, that was the biggest and funniest experience I have ever seen...;( ‹3 ;-;
$αƒirα☆★☆ Shafira
Apodo:$αƒιгα ~Juegos favoritos~muxos Xd C:cariñosa E:entusiasta L:lista I:no ze me ocurre na:) A:amable ~Reto~100 subs y ago preguntas y respuestas
Philip tacoman7300
Hiya! I'm Philip! I am a supporter of follow4follow! I LOVE video games, and UTUBE!! Favorite youtubers are 1. Game Theorists (matpat) 2. Ireland Boys Productions 3. Everythingapplepro 4. Unbox Therapy 5. Mr a-game Can't have friends so don't ask plz! I'm just another Nerd that is on miiverse... Seriously follow me and I will follow you back!
Gâlxypändã dsnorton
ΣΨTerra FoxyRoxyCandy
Hey there, I'm Terra. Friends- Кαиdγ-сøπи (nnid-Kkandy105), ☆Raina☆(nnid-ToriRules) Ship Name- Bearra
☆сαmι★♪•ω• Camicavi
Ηοlα/Ηι/βοпjομr/κοηιсhιωα Soy Cαmι•ω• •Soy ♀ •Tengo cierta edad xddddd •Me gusta dibujar •#SaveMiiverse Ya no hay naaa Es enserio Se q me leiste.Bai
joseph jobotime
yo i like dragon ball z, the legend of zelda, and basketball. follow me please
Evan R. FlameBoyGames
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SweetiePie dollarheart89
Hi! I'm a ♂! And I hope you like my Drawings! And I'd like it if I can get 100 followers before Miiverse Closes! I'm not on..Have a good day! <3
òдó KrankItUp
When miiverse is gone: ♪♪I'm about to lose my mind, you've been gone for so long, I'm running out of time, I need miiverse, please bring back miiverse, I need miiverse, miiverse, to bring me back to life.♪♪ Beep–-–-–-Beep-–-–-–-– Beeeeeeeeeep———————————————————————————————————————— UPGRADING MII...
★☆quinn☆★ toxicwarlord1
hi boys/girls im quinn im really sad miiverse is going tomorrow:`( ill miss everybody
Andrès1803 Andres1803M4
Hola amigos como estan soy nuevo y quiero hacer amigos soy agradable cuando me conocen y si se pregunta cuant tengo 13
Arραη .ıl★ Arpanshahi
Hi my name Arραη.ıl Welcome to Miiverse! now we have glitch news all!!! from MarioKart7! i will play MarioKart7! ;) .·• .·•·.·•·.·•#savemiiverse•·.·•·.·•·. •·. (•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•) •) (•ω•)) ((•ω•) (• (•ω•) (•ω•(•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•)
Hi everybody I like to draw and to play soccer.I hope all of you love my drawings and follow me too! Hablo español.☆★
Silentpath SuperSailormoon1
favorite animal: Cat favorite games: The Legend of Zelda, Terria, and Splatoon 2 favorite color: Blue I like to draw Friends in real life: JEMbird4 Always accepting friend requests ^_^ Friends on miiverse: JEMbird4, hylian, Maithu and Ken
ψ☆îг[Jøħπ] Dropsi
Hallo Leute.Willkommen zu meiner Nutzerseite. »Ich poste oft nur komische Zeichnungen und bin ein fan von dem Anime "Naruto Shippuden"« Wer möchte kann mir gerne eine Freundschaftsanfrage schicken oder mir Folgen ~Bitte nicht wundern wenn ich oft nichts poste~
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