Users *ºρгiηcεςς Is Following
Artistic14 Artastic14
☆Artistic★/xxArtistic14xx isn't posting art on Miiverse anymore. Admins h8 meh lol xD Goodbye everyone! Until we meet again! (´;ω;`) This was a great year on Miiverse! <3
Rave Sir_Raven_Lives
Greetings. This is my backup on my old 3ds xl. Welp, my M@in is once more b@nned for another 2 weeks... *Sigh* This does not prevent me from my Drawing Crusade! (I'm gonna try to finish MC and PH before the end of next week. Gonna do 15+ without posting credits. (Ð@: 1Sir-Raven1) *Sorry I do not reply back but I yeah it to acknowledge I read it. I'm using my post limit carefully* Later!
Sudofox sudofox
Hi, I'm Sudofox! I make art, trashpost on Miiverse, and run an art and animation community. 📷ig moonshine.flare 🐦tw Sudomemo Long Live Miiverse, even After The Hatena Era The Miiverse Code of Conduct forbids sharing account info for other sites. As such, please do NOT contact me here regarding any issues you're experiencing on Sudomemo.
Lella CutePerson.17
ひむろ pretty-purin
ミーバース終了にあたって、、、 ミーバースは、私がネット上で知らない人とコミュニケーションをとることの、初めての機会でした。私はそのような場で、メッセージをやりとりするとなると緊張してしまって、変な事を書いたり、こういう事を言っても良いのかと悩んだりして、皆さんにもいろいろとご迷惑をかけたと思います。それでもミーバースの皆さんはすごくあたたかくて、こんな私ともたくさんお話しして下さいました。特に恩を感じる方々もいます。絶対に忘れない楽しい思い出ができました。本当にありがとうございました!!
JroViens JroViens
aspiring artist/graphic designer. Hoping to illustrate childrens books someday for a living.
Luly Chiquilino
Hiya. Name's Luly. I love videogame, especially The Legend of Zelda and Professor Layton. I like movies, especially animated. I also read, mostly adventure books, and everything How to Train Your Dragon. But my greatest passions are animals and nature. I also love drawing and...well, sleeping. I always search for some new friend and anything to break the routine. So welcome to my profile.
Tempuri Tippret
Ey Yo it's yo...uh...thing ere' to tell yo bout' mah page! Haha.. well, anyways, I'm Tipplet, a hobbyist artist who wishes to become big in the animation industry one day 'v' Please do not send me random friend requests, they become annoying... anywho! I'm big into splatoon, and have my own, uh...squad thing. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions! uvu
Miriam Filburturt
Didith Kutoii
petite présentation ( my self ) nom/name : Judith âge/age : 13 classe/class : 4e passion/hobbies : dessin et jeux vidéos ( drawing and video games ) folow : Arc☆64 ChuckNista Amanda Alien Lynαllα Tiago Agathe ˘G&Kmaeva˘ Grithis JroViens Princess Mymily Jade Toutes ces personnes sont incroyables ! *n'hésite pas à t'abonner ^-^* folow me ( if you want, of course ) objectif 650 abonnés!
☆CħдшдцΔд★ Amandine6609
Spécial dedi pour mes meilleure amis : Manon/Didith: My anges Gardiennes Angelina : Je t'adore^^ Tommy : Mon loulou adoré ^ô^ Lya:Ma zumelle adoré !!! Princess: Tu es Sympa ! @Ex/Belka: #le sang et les mec les + geniaux de Miiverse ^^ Nesta: Tu es gentil , drôle, sympa , tu dessine hyper trop bien t'es mon Nestatitnounet Aurelie. Nolwen : Merci infiment ,tu es Incroyable ^^
Haylie haylie2206
Okuran Kisoaki
Cosette onisuu
◆▲I draw mainly LoZ arts!▲◆ Hi! I'm Cosette/onisuu and I love drawing as a hobby! I hope to share memorable moments from my gaming in picture form with you all! :D I am using a 3DS. Sometimes, I post time lapse videos of my drawings on youtube. new leaf dream address 4D00 0013 9804 town: Kakariko mayor: Onisuu [last updated: july 21th 2017]
pöisõnïvÿ TabithaLenox
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~Winnie the Pooh♡ ♪Thank u for the friendship & support. For the yeahs & follows. Luv u all ♡ ♥Please Understand...R.I.P Mr.Iwata♥ *Joined miiverse Dec 2012*
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Sylvia SylvrWing
"Whenever there's a meeting a parting is sure to follow. However, the parting need not last forever"
Link zeldarulz25
Favorite Series : The Legend of Zelda Favorite Game : Ocarina of Time Favorite Pokemon : Lucario Miiverse is Dead as of November 8th Goodbye everyone I will miss you
After starting this user on Christmas 2015, I've had so much fun! I'll miss this place. To find me DOWNLOAD THE APP: Zelda Amino. No more pictures;-; Find me on Zelda Amino as Bitz-Player 3! It’s sad to see Miiverse go but we must stay happy! Goodbye I guess... (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
Natalia Natynesu
Hellooooo there!~ こんにちは! Natalia, but call me Naty. 16 y/o! Artist, I love draw Nintendo characters. I like a lot of videogames! The Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, Kirby, Kid Icarus, EarthBound/Mother, Super Smash Bros., Ace Attorney, Resident Evil, Star Fox, Fire Emblem, etc. Idk if I will be able to draw, because IdonthaveInternet. If I cant draw anymore until November 7th, thank you to all!!
Nik H. soNIKhdg
Hey! Thanks for stopping by. Anyways, I'm a huge fan of Sonic the hedgehog and The legend of Zelda, constantly making drawings and most of them being based on those two franchises. I also enjoy playing Super Smash 4 and spending time drawing on Miiverse (Yeah, I really like to draw, don't forget to check some of them out!) Here to make new friends and get better at digital art. See ya! ;)
It's-a me, Mario!! The Super Hero of-a the Mushroom Kingdom. You can call me Jumpman! I rescue Princess Peach from-a the fire-breathing Bowser. My bro Luigi often-a joins me to save-a the day too... So let's-a run and-a jump through exciting levels and-a grab some Red,Blue and-a Gold coins, because-a Mario is-a here! YAHOO! Have a Super day! Bye-Bye!
D. Monkey meca2micah
Hey guys, no time to explain, but that post that i'd made just now IS going to be my last post, i repeat, warning: this is not a drill, FINAL POST FOR TODAY!!! If i were you guys, i'd be copying those informations down to ya DS'/ devices in order to keep on in touch with me before our sweet lil' Mii faces vanquished, i'll see ya guys there. Thank u all for everything too and Miiverse especially
Donavan munarettos
Goodbye Miiverse Thank you @Cashew35.7 for introducing me to Miiverse! Thank you @Candycane for all the support! Thank you @Bearolina for making me laugh LOL! @Princess and @Chibi munna I ♪LOVE♪ you both! The most hardworking beautiful girls I've ever met!
mety333 mety333
☆Artistic★ artistic14
\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ Don't be sad. Just don't forget me. NEVER forget artistic14...*winkiddy wink* I look forward to when we all meet again!
Kaoru ShadowHedgehog92
Hello, you can call me Kaoru. I like drawing and I'm into twins. I am currently into Ouran, Story of Seasons, and Sonic. I don't talk unless you talk to me most of the time, but my mood affects how much I want to, and I'm affected by things easily, so I apologize if I suddenly stop. Thanks for your support. ❤️♥♡♪"Let's all play the 'Which one is Hikaru' game!"♪♡♥❤️ ⚜Ouran Academy⚜
ις KλΓιƒα Kalifa123
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Blupulla vaittinen
☆Hello! My name is Blupulla. I'm a self-taught artist who likes video games and drawing. -I might not accept blank friend requests -I don't use Wii U Chat -I don't take requests
Hunter hoodoooperator
My nameis Hunter Holtzmann and I draw. Drawing is the only thing im good at and i hope to put good use for it in the future. For right now though feel free to look at my accomplishments on here.
ψ†Dwayz†ψ™ PokeBigFan
J'ai fais une rencontre il y a un peu Plus d'un an,rencontre INOUBLIABLE, rencontre FORMIDABLE, rencontre IMPROBABLE, qui aura été la plus belle de toutes les rencontres que j'ai faites ici, ta rencontre Evy ♪Je me souvient de l'année dernière, quand sur l.a on parlait pas encore vraiment et maintenant je pense à aujourd'hui tu es ma meilleur amie, une amie en or à toujours dans mon cœur ♪\\^o^//♪
Master spongebob189
hello my name is master but you may call me splatgirl. i am 13 years old. i love playing splatoons, paper mario: color splash, super smash bros, kirby, and the lego movie alot and i also love wii u chats but you need to warn me first. You may follow me if you want. welcome to my page.
☆Baklava☆ Galaktoboureko
I am an adult gamer who hopes to become fluent in Japanese in order to become a translator. Favorite 3DS Games: Kirby Triple Deluxe Style Savvy Trendsetters Sonic Rush Adventure LoZ: Ocarina of Time 3D Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure Favorite PS3 Games: Macross30: The Voice That Connects The Galaxy Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
PK Ben supersonicboom92
TW: @ben_faulstick YT: PK Ben I Love to play Mario, Sonic, Zelda, Pokemon, Earthbound, Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy AND MORE! Join me on my epic quest to.. well, I'm just postin stuff. Facts about the guy that is me -I'm 18 -Fav game: Sonic 3 and knuckles -I'm an amiibo collector -I love to draw -Fav food: Spaghetti -Sm4sh main: Mewtwo -Video gamer since 3 years of age.
Sanctus Pk darkknight937
Miiverse closing in November? Lets try to make the most out of it. I'm just someone who likes to draw stuff from time to time Please note: Friend requests are closed, enough said I don't RP Comment spam and scribbles will be deleted No art request but maybe for friends...maybe So, sorry about that And with that, I hope you have a good day (or,night...whichever) Debuted:1/3/2016
Mari SeaSunSmasher97
Hello, everyone! I'm Mari. I hope you enjoy my work. Over the years, I've improved a ton thanks to all of you! I appreciate all of the love and support. Even if I don't reply, be sure that I've read every comment. My only competition is with the woman I was yesterday. I love guinea pigs~♥
Dominic ShadowXGen
Hey! I'm Dominic. I haven't been on here all that much recently. Thats what having a switch does to you I guess. anyway, ima big Sonic fan and like to do alot of art up here on miiverse. I wish it didn't have to end so soon but its not like its the only social media out there. Well thats all i'm gonna type on this thing for now. See ya! :)
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