*ºρгiηcεςς's Friends
ßιυε~ LeoBlue16
a meme XDemistar2
quit since 12-9-16 the reason: ive grown-up so much that miiverse is cringe for me you can still message me ill just it once a month
stampy masterlego06
Why are you reading this.. im not popular you know... why you still here... just leave me alone... get out now i say...
Cнαιdεη… ZoeyRulesAtGames
Wattpad: Chaiden-Kun I missed you all... skype: Zoeyrules101 Chaiden~ i hope we all can meet once again...
Lella~ SmashSplatDuluxe
/> > | _ _ | ••♥• /` Ξ__х ) / | / \ ) __| | | | / __| | | | | ( \___ \_)__) \ Ξ •I ρıαу da fιυτε •ωну am I here •I'm mostley αгτ •But enjoy your stay~ •I love nöтifiсατiönς so gimme some •I'm feisty òωó so don't go messing with my friends ——————————————————––——————— •Help me make it to 700•♥•
It's-a me, Mario!! The Super Hero of-a the Mushroom Kingdom. You can call me Jumpman! I rescue Princess Peach from-a the fire-breathing Bowser. My bro Luigi often-a joins me to save-a the day too... So let's-a run and-a jump through exciting levels and-a grab some Red,Blue and-a Gold coins, because-a Mario is-a here! YAHOO! Have a Super day! Bye-Bye!
Мαrα Jαde NolanToews
Hi! I'm 16 years old. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and crazy about the Hunger Games! I love playing Splatoon, Smash Bros, Disney Infinities, and Mario Kart 8+I'm max level 90 on Star Wars Battlefront on Xbox One. If you're not one of my friends I'd love for you to send me a friend request. My best friends are Cassidy, Stat, Noelle, ◆ģειςτ◆, Kaitlyn, and *ºρгiηсεςς. Please follow them! Thanks!
Master spongebob189
hello my name is master but you may call me splatgirl. i am 13 years old. i love playing splatoons, paper mario: color splash, super smash bros, kirby, and the lego movie alot and i also love wii u chats but you need to warn me first. You may follow me if you want. welcome to my page.
eric ericgboyawesome1
hey my name is eric and im a cactus nothing down here plese leave now go away you wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this
SonicTeam KatswellKoopa168
Sup! I'm am SonicTeamDrawer! I'm still ToadStar16! You can call me TailsBlazer17 or SonicTeamToons! ★Welcome 2 my profile! You can have a ton of fun here!★ ☆I don't accept friend requests from just random people! So don't be begging me to be your friend...XP But you are free to follow me!☆ ★I don't reply to comments that much! But i'm always around!★ ★HAPPY TRAILS!★
Meg tortoiseshell2
Ollo ollo! Thank you friends and followers for all the support for the two years I've been here, you all know who you are, and ya get hugs. Love ya! x3 Extremely close to being able to have a Switch, ahhhh! Soon soon. Soooon xD
☆arceus☆ tommy2277
hi im Jessica (or tom :P) i am shy i ♥ anime im a nerd :P Leader of poke squad DON'T FRIEND ME IF U WANT TO DO WII U CHAT! also give me a reason to friend request me i will not answer a blank one. and no you can't just say hi i will not accept it. awsome friends : gabe , kit(first friend), princess(shes the best one ever),fay(shes awesome), Luis(KOA)™ (hes awesome) team mystic 4 life
Angel AngelPit123
ιηκlιиg#30 here for Turf Wars!Or other modes! If you want, we could be friends but here's the part everyone misses...PLEASE GIVE ME A REASON!!!! Thank You! ςταγ ƒrεςн!
MAXY MaxTremb
S+99 Squid!
Аkihо cherushi647
Ello..I don't draw good quality drawings anymore because I don't care about life anymore :^) (I never did after all..) EEYUP
DatOneKid drewy6
OMYFLIPPINGODIMNOTHERE!!!! HELLO! GET REDY TO MOVE YOUR FEET!!!! Hello? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE GET OUT OF MY BOX OF MEMES!!!! Sorry bout that, anyways im SMG4(SuperMarioGlitchyFour)! I make youtube vids for a living and live with dummys in a castle! I also like SPAGETTI! okay... u can leave now...
kialerie Kialerie.Alexy
hello guys. im a gamer (a little). i think i can type anything right may be. i like to draw so much.
»Stαtisky Statisky
Thanks for the nice memories! Sorry for any possible inconvenience. I'm away from my WiiU at moment. Peace to everyone! Farewell, Miiverse.
Chara deb4015
Hi I'm Chara, I do Wii U chat, and I follow for follow (till I run out of follows).If u cant tell, I ♥ Undertale, rolplaying, and minecraft. I do like a lot of Undertale AUs, and I'm a fan of the warrior cat series. Shoutouts to: nyan cat☆★ (kalel432) Sans (SansAndPapyrusTF) Papyrus (aydencarrol1235) ★☆★♪DS♪★☆★ (Bad_Brony) Toriel (QueenTori.456) lustTemmie (weezie)
ΩS★Noe Noe_Soto
Hello i'm Noe/Angel its a pleasure to meet you! Active[X] Unactive[√] ☆Things About Me!★ Nickname: Angel Age:13 I ♥ Gaming Love to draw (But I perfer paper) Bye!
Ťσаðş TheTofuMaster
Hi. I like Toadz. My main in smash is Kirby/Dark Pit. I have a yoshi and toad amiibo. IDK what else to put here soooo.....bai
Sarah SpiritRiver405
So, you made it to my profile? Guess I have to tell you stuff about me. Hi! I'm Sarah! I love Splatoon, SSB4, MK8, and lots more! I also watch lots of anime! Best friends: ChillCream (CreamKnight21), Zachman3 (1477O1),and DARK★WISH (ladydarkpit) Please follow them all! They deserve it! Thats it for now! Bye! Thx for 690 Follows!
JD jayden128
Hi im Jayden, im 12 years old, I like playing Basketball and football. I can only draw good on paper. I like playing video games and my favorite show is Naruto FRIDAYS ARE AWESOME
Slay Z Tay1127
««Welcome»» Splatoon & Smash. Splatoon: Level 50 Rank S+99 Im rarely on here anymore, see u all on the switch! :D
τατøя tgilmore96
Party★ fhilsa
hi and welcome my main character is a dragon dog and i love all animals i am trying improve my art and restart i was really cringe and im sorry but we all start somewher,right?
Raúl kalilados
I love my life it is like a star up in the sky my favorite game is Disnep infinity my favorite food is pizza hot is yumm my life is in spain not in America but now is a new life to all of us Boys Girls and parents that your life was like that remember all the things that you and your family was.
InvaderZim TechnoWhale
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FK∞Inazuma Jonathan37
Well if you touched my face, you clearly want to read this. Arashi, Storm in Japanese. If anyone wants to 1v1 me, be sure to let me know. FK, Flying Krakens, of which I am a loyal admin of. I am online almost everyday, you can find me on Splatoon, Smash 4, or Mario Kart 8.
Dani EntrenadorDani1
¡¡¡QUESO!!! Heyyy! Well, I think I'll introduce myself… so… I am Dani and I'm just a common guy who draw stuff, play some videogames-that… that kind of things. And, that's it. Not so common. follow me. HABLO ESPAÑOL, Y ESO NO ME HACE MEXICANO. ¿ENTENDIERON GRINGOS? Twitah: @ElDibuDanis
Saphu FiskSF
Well, I'm going to miss all you ;v;/ Without MV I wouldn't have met such awesome friends and discovered my passion for art DevSquid: SaphireDoodles SplatoonAmino: Saphu Hope you all find that special something
dв|Cim noobcake221
Is MOTHER 3 localized yet •the dв stands for dirty bubbler we are an s/ s+ clan please message me if you are interested•
Knight HappyHylian
Hello and welcome! ^_^ I'm a person who draws for fun. My drawings mostly include (but are not limited to) characters from The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon, Undertale, and Pokémon. Additional info: *I don't take requests. *I also don't accept random/blank friend requests. Thank you for visiting my profile!
KIMorSEAN? ArtfulOrpheus60
We love collaborating on games, taking turns, and sometimes even competing against each other! - Kim & Sean
Stephen Stevenboi77
Hi My Name Is Stephen Im A 11 Years Old Boy Who Loves Drawing,Games And Playing With Friend's My Favoite Game Is: Mario Kirby NintendoLand Sonic Minecraft Pokémon And My Favoite Mario Kart 8 If I Get It A Quick Shout To My Best Freind's In Real Life: John(CerealMaster Stephen(STheBest) And One More To Princess For Teaching Me To Do Grey Thank You See Ya Later Byeee! Remember YOLO@ :) .Com
It's time to say goodbye! for me, it was a pleasure to chat, post, draw and play on your side for nearly 5 Years on WiiU. I hope we can joyn together again show the world what it means to play along with friends. (perhaps on Switch sys) I'll check miiverse until shut down at 08/11/2017 THANK YOU, BUT 'JON FOX' IS ANOTHER CASTLE See you again on another Screen! Greetings 'Jon FOX'
Maxy Maxime1999
I love birds. Especially when they're blue. I have one, his name is MaxySplatoon Real S+99 player. Splatoon fanatic. Plays competitively : ) Feel free to support me. Won't be using miiverse anymore btw. ____________ sapnu puas
Mr.Tails god_13-hot
hi my name is Fk÷Tails i will do all i can to help my team in regular battles in Splatoon Level:50 Rank:S+30
mety333 mety333
Merv merverse599
Hello people of the internet and the like, this is SwervinMervin here! Thank you so much for following and "Yeah!"ing my posts over the years. I appreciate all of the support. If you wanna find me elsewhere, you can... uh... look around. The web. *cough*checkmyfinalmessage*cough* It's been a great ride, folks. I'll miss you all. SwervinMervin, swervin' out!
RosAlina:D Daisygirl101
Hey, ♥Rosalina here♥! Please feel free to check out my other mii verse account. This account is my second one that I don't use! (My other account nintendo network I.D is DayZgirl101) Although... You might find a drawing on this one here and there. :) ♥Thanks again!♥
Hydro SuperLuigi15
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CGamer X Coolgamer282000
Seize the day, live for the moment! Mario, Sonic, and Megaman fan 4 life! I'm a kid from the 80's who enjoys a variety of different and amazing games, from 8-bit to 3D, but looks for that one important quality, fun! I hope you find my posts a little entertaining to you! Happy gaming everyone! LLAP and Stay Fresh!! "Video games are meant to be just one thing...fun" R.I.P Satoru Iwata
*˘Åsh˘* Ash1995
So ye. I like to draw, thats it. :p I don't accept friend requests on the whim, I need to get to know you a bit first. Thank you!
☆Chi-san☆ djemit
Dam homework is getting to me 'Squid-itter' - ThatOneVaporeon 'SquidTube'- Chi-San (Live Streams)
Shu DragonMuffin
(Also known as intoxicatedbadb0i) Im a socially awkward self-taught piece of art trash that'll smother you with hugs and other nice things. I only accept friend requests that have messages and/or from mutuals. Im always up for a chat, drop me a pm! Have an awesome day you beautiful stranger.
¤Mΐke¤ jaystikmuver13
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