★STEPHANY®'s Followers
SlimeLord slime_lord707
squidparty and hi woomys ♡♥☆★◆♪♭ one thing hide&seek I forgot my daughter is going to play my wiiu in friday thank-you for reading my profile woomys see you next time bye wait you still here I will give you a donut. bye woomys♥♡♂♀★☆▼▲■◆●♪¥£€¶§$
tHe_gOaT IkeFire120
Yo what is up guys its boy ThE_GoAt. Im a chill nice person and yeah. I mean I get that a lot so imma ya. Friend, family. Music is my thing. And dont forget to friend and follow my brother: @PacoThePikachu.Guys Lets try to get me to 200 followers and ill do something u guys want me too do or something like that Not taken :) #Logang4life #JakePaulers #Youtube #Clash Royale #Clash of Cans
Devin Clunker04
Goodbye Miiverse! I will miss this and all of the wonderful things that this platform has brought us. I have a challenge for all of you! To comemorate Miiverse, go and friend as many people as you can before Miiverse's end!
channelbbg McDONALDSyUMMMM
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im new here
AYEEE WASSAUP!!!im daylan 1.i was born may 2.i love the color blue 3.im african american 4.i have blue eyes♥•♥ 5. basketball is litteraly my life 6. idk why im saying this but im single lol:`( 7.im chill,nice guy 8. i like playing some gta,advanced warfare , COD2, 9.im 6"2 10.im 16 !!! bye.... ^3^ EWWW im so wierd lmaooo BBG>3
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AceZepherd sonic-x22
Furry/Gem/loves pokemon, attack on titan, steven universe, art, & pizza. dislikes art critics, snakes, & other reptiles except for turtles. wants a pet " Lion's Mane Jellyfish" one day!!!! Loves listening to Pentatonix, Todrick Hall, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Meghan Trainor, Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, Pitbull, Ke$ha, Miku Hatsune, & Psy. Wants to be a Disney Villian!!!! Loves eating Captain D's!!!!
MIGUEL M_102302
Quinton SteelerNationGuy
Hi my name is Quinton. Here's some things about myself: I love sports!! I'm 14 Follow4Follow! That's all for now!! Go Steelers, Pirates, and Penguins!! By the way, eveyone has heard that the 'verse will end in November. So I ask a small favor. Click the follow button. I have a goal of 500+. I will follow back. Together, we can make miiverse an amazing place.
Alina N^.^ BeachyCHECKYgal
hey yall im ALINA ♥♡ im from LA So u know we lit XD IM A HUGE GAMER ,im chill , im girly,loud,fun,cool,chill,annoyed easaily,caring,lovable 16yr old girly who just wants to have fun and party XOXO
caroline! SHAWTY033
heya my girlys and gals im caroline but you can call shawtey cuz imma little sweetieXD jk but im 16 im black\white i love pink LIKE YASSSSSSS!!! big fan of niki meh prettys and dogs wassaup o_ó u can friends me and follow me ill follow u back pinky promise OH and another thing....... I NEVER BREAK PROMISES!!! BYE^~^
AUTUM ö_ö THICKgirlyBaby02
HEY ITS ME AUTAM♡♥!!!!!!!!!! i love anime and sports ! i love animals♡ i love pokemon i love myslef of course LOL i love scary movies im very sweet im also 17 so yup im a boss :} so u cant f#$% me if u wanted to ♪join the thick girly fam TODAY because together we will defeat those basic girls u know we thick ,we bahad,we gonna stunt on ems ho's bye bye bbys;)♡♂♥♀
Jadelyn lsfrederick
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Juliet :3 JulietDelgado
my favorite stuff : game grumps : markiplier : jacksepticeye : pewdiepie : pizza : video games : horror movies : viva la bam : hollywood undead : system of a down : korn : slipknot : creepypasta : voltron : attack on titan : egoraptor : anime : audioslave : amarican horror story : adult swim : south park : five nights at freddys : undertale : pokemon : Edds World : bendy and the ink machine
™JOSE……… KUTCHmaster5226
heyooo im jose i like pizza hut and tacosXD
^.^Haley●☆ Girlyslays02
hey its ya girl haley .follow me
©¢$ALEX∞± Litboii123
name:ALEX i like music ♪ im 16 i play call of duty im pretty chill ig ..... kansas kartel on yt meh name"lil johnny" all yall flexin n stuff when really you aint about it so sit down lil homies... oh also i really dont care what ya gotta say so yeah dont come trynna start sum,cuz i dont care also wass good ladies LMAO nah just playing :`o
RainbowFox Vanquish0723
♥♡Hey its RainbowFox23! nicknames: Fox,Rainbow DISNEYLAND AND DISNEY THINGS! Bffs!: Cj,Zero,Melody,Derpy,Esmene,ArtiSquid♪, Eva,Tom♥ I'll miss you all... followers, friends, you are the best thing that has happened to me... now its goodbye :( My clan is now down... wasn't the best but it was good.. also i made a new and final post... also i may not be here before it closes here but i'll try .♡♥
René Octo_Squid_13
»Chance»↑ 05Chance
(U can join if u ask & add an ↑ 2 ur name.) Members: Chance↑[Leader] ↑Kris↑[Vice-president] Isai ↑ Thom↑ †Mena†↑ £Drago↑ Jonathan↑ м¢ƒ•ςрмL•↑ Owen enrique↑ Devon ↑ Mason↑ Wd.gaster↑ Kenshi↑∞ τεαcυρρυ★↑ Liam↑ ςλvλgε↑ «Zero»™ ↑ Konyan'w'↑ ↑«матίa»↑ ↓Aziid↑ ↑ Glade ↑ Mason ↑ ↑Miku↓ trent↑ ↑→Gяаρэ←↑ sulaiman↑ ♪★one eye↑ Austin↑ bendy ↑ Koala↑Bear »Cupcake»↓ ApolloRJR↑ Machai↑ ↑Pancake↓ ↑☆Pichu★↑ ect…
ßøàAlphà clhubb21
1. Your thinking oh this is that type of thing again. 2. You can't say Moo what out your lips touching. 3. Your trying it. 4. Your start laughing or smiling. 6. You did'nt notice I skipped 5. 7.You just checked. 8.Your gonna copy what I did and put it on your bio. Bye...... No more left.. Ooo the single lady's O_0 You did'nt hear that. Bye!!!!!! Stalker
Trent trentloveshugs
I love Pokemon Sun and Moon, anime, books, singing, drawing, and youtube. Bravest Warriors is pretty cool too. I love food alot and hanging out with my friends. Oppai and aheago are awesome and MLP is life. Feel free to comment or do what ya like on my page and I guess follow me if ya want. Thanks!
ShadowKing DarksideSlayer1
Hey guys how u doin u can add me on wii u i play MK8 and Smash so yea add me but dont wii u chat me unless u ask and i will play anybody at mk8 just send me a friend request and i will add u most definitely
Nikita lovelifeandme
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WOODS thebeastX226
Sup, Guys WOODS here! Fav Stuff: Video games, Movie, Books, and ect. A BIG FAN OF: THE LAST OF US , imagine dragons and fallout boy. FOLLOW 4 FOLLOW I ACCEPT ALL FRIEND REQUEST!!! FAST FACTS ABOUT ME! I'M 13 I'M 5'4 I'M IN 8th GRADE I'M HAVE A PS3! DAY STARTED MIIVERSE 8/3/2017 REMEMBER PEACE OUT BYE!!!!
☆Thomas☆ j-dizzle428511
Follow Cadence :p
Carmen online42
Seamos amigos
SavageLee Madlypancake143
alright so im not going to be posting that much in the next week cause my auntie & uncle over! :):] there baby is 6 month old!!!! hobbies: snare drumming and football NEW SHOW storey of a cat! make sure to follow these guys bobcrafty D3RMAN harvs, green poke, Dylan, miimaster joshTL ★harriet★X caiden Yvonne mia coolcookie and umaari!
Jayden Praise_Tom_Brady
hey im Jayden!! I am a big fan of Zelda,Splatoon, and Mario games!! If you follow me i'll follow you back. "PEACE OUT". ' 'ω' my age is between 12-15 i also have a 3ds plz follow my friends Tessa and Neaon!!!! ps im dank af
hello pepes
benyamin benyamin1211
hola soy benjamin hablo español and un poco inglish me gusta aser amigos y conocer gente nueva
danny baelynJocelyn
Hiiii ima girl who plays tons of games. I watcg anime, especially Dragon Ball Z and TokyoGhoul. im a big nerd and i also love to draw.....;)
LuxVr Gvlegend97
¡¿What's up!?Yo soy Marcus pero me puedes llamar lux ._. Soy de esas personas que le gusta quedarse en el sofa viendo netflix o hacer lo que me gusta, mi serie favorita es 13 reason why, si no la has visto pues mirala o si no, tabla para ti :v...en fin, es muy buena, te la recomiendo…gracias por gastar tu tiempo en leer mi perfil, te deseo suerte!! ;3
Avery SwagDog360
This user's profile comment is private.
Dee deeder9
I am a sweet girl named Andrena, nice to meet you I try to post at least twice a day. I REALLY JUST GOT 100 FOLLOWERS if you're reading this please follow. well, I gess thats it :)
Michael CaptainAmericaxx
ŘĘÐŞȚĒŔŽ Benttlly5
Hi im redding,18 years old the greatest gamer in the world. sarcasm is just one of my many talents. I never make mistakes, i thought i did once but i was mistaken. i like jacksepticeye pew die pie and markiplier my favorite series for 3ds are pokemon, mario, zelda, shin megaga or whatever. i think grumpy cat should rule the world. in pokemon alpha sapphire my pokemon are level 100.
Daniel Sendexi
Hi, my name is Daniel, I'm Brazilian but I live in Canada. ________________________________ My favorite games are Mario Kart 8 Fallout 4 Mario Galaxy Forza Horizon 3 Star Wars Battlefront ________________________________ My favorite netflix series Sherlock The Flash Arrow The walking dead Elementary Prison Break Stranger Things Legends of tomorrow
hi im stephany and i love makeup .whoever wanna FOLLOW me aint gonna stop u so smash that botton ...
hi im stephany and i love makeup .whoever wanna FOLLOW me aint gonna stop u so smash that botton !!!:] .i usaully play on my xbox ^.~
im the only person who keeps it 100!theses♥ daysXD fr tho
if ur being rude then...
my inner ghetto comes
out just saying lol BE WARNED
YOU could leave nowó_ó
no fake ppl allowed here so skr skr outta here
dont trust nobody :`(!