★STEPHANY®'s Friends
AYEEE WASSAUP!!!im daylan 1.i was born may 2.i love the color blue 3.im african american 4.i have blue eyes♥•♥ 5. basketball is litteraly my life 6. idk why im saying this but im single lol:`( 7.im chill,nice guy 8. i like playing some gta,advanced warfare , COD2, 9.im 6"2 10.im 16 !!! bye.... ^3^ EWWW im so wierd lmaooo BBG>3
MIGUEL M_102302
Alina N^.^ BeachyCHECKYgal
hey yall im ALINA ♥♡ im from LA So u know we lit XD IM A HUGE GAMER ,im chill , im girly,loud,fun,cool,chill,annoyed easaily,caring,lovable 16yr old girly who just wants to have fun and party XOXO
caroline! SHAWTY033
heya my girlys and gals im caroline but you can call shawtey cuz imma little sweetieXD jk but im 16 im black\white i love pink LIKE YASSSSSSS!!! big fan of niki meh prettys and dogs wassaup o_ó u can friends me and follow me ill follow u back pinky promise OH and another thing....... I NEVER BREAK PROMISES!!! BYE^~^
AUTUM ö_ö THICKgirlyBaby02
HEY ITS ME AUTAM♡♥!!!!!!!!!! i love anime and sports ! i love animals♡ i love pokemon i love myslef of course LOL i love scary movies im very sweet im also 17 so yup im a boss :} so u cant f#$% me if u wanted to ♪join the thick girly fam TODAY because together we will defeat those basic girls u know we thick ,we bahad,we gonna stunt on ems ho's bye bye bbys;)♡♂♥♀
™JOSE……… KUTCHmaster5226
heyooo im jose i like pizza hut and tacosXD
^.^Haley●☆ Girlyslays02
hey its ya girl haley .follow me
©¢$ALEX∞± Litboii123
name:ALEX i like music ♪ im 16 i play call of duty im pretty chill ig ..... kansas kartel on yt meh name"lil johnny" all yall flexin n stuff when really you aint about it so sit down lil homies... oh also i really dont care what ya gotta say so yeah dont come trynna start sum,cuz i dont care also wass good ladies LMAO nah just playing :`o
WOODS thebeastX226
Sup, Guys WOODS here! Fav Stuff: Video games, Movie, Books, and ect. A BIG FAN OF: THE LAST OF US , imagine dragons and fallout boy. FOLLOW 4 FOLLOW I ACCEPT ALL FRIEND REQUEST!!! FAST FACTS ABOUT ME! I'M 13 I'M 5'4 I'M IN 8th GRADE I'M HAVE A PS3! DAY STARTED MIIVERSE 8/3/2017 REMEMBER PEACE OUT BYE!!!!
★STEPHANY☆ XxLadySnipes1023
hi im stephany !!!this is my 2nd account LOL♥♡♪ #sorrynotsorry
danny baelynJocelyn
Hiiii ima girl who plays tons of games. I watcg anime, especially Dragon Ball Z and TokyoGhoul. im a big nerd and i also love to draw.....;)
Taco2 PacothePikachu2
This is Pacotaco's 2nd account! Go read my main account's SSB Series: S1-15 ep S2-4 ep so far! I also made another series: Paco's Adventure! Check out all 5 episodes! Be sure to Yeah them if you enjoyed! It helps me a lot! Go follow my main: PacothePikachu! Oh! Taken by: RoseRoco (kitkat7201) Main: PacoRoco (PacothePikachu) If you have read this far, then take care! See you on my main!
Qajuan qajuan09
HEY! I love Minecraft,Netflix,Pizza etc. HUM UH NUH NU HU
Anthony flight5788
NO GREIFERS Im a Redstone Artist I build mandsions and I am Really good at survival Greifers Are Nubs
αυτυмη~κυη Rhunt001
uh ow my head è-é go away why so curious ↓fine look↓ emo/female/bi ▼▲▼ born oct.13th ▼▲▼ 4 '10 ish è-é ▼▲▼ i have 'slight' anger issues heh ▼▲▼ ~important peeps~ ▼▲▼ yan- Jay★(beckyreal) ♪LeHon♪ ▼▲▼ мςνΒεαη(supersonicboom04) ☆LeBakaBean☆ ▼▲▼ §ęρ‡ΐč~ėγέ(NateReese) ♥MyCuteNerd♥ ▼▲▼ •Iη☆Ζεε•(captaingunner) ◆MyDaughter◆ ▼▲▼ when in doubt,eat a potato ü
Gustavo Almeida.93
Que comecem os jogos!
tutyfruty tutyfruty1977
holi hi my friend hola amigo
Azari22 Azari22
favorite game: The Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess Hobby-ish?:watching anime and doing karate. (i am a huge Nintendo fan, and a huge Hamilton fan.) personality: stubborn, gets angry easily ( hothead), nice, friendly, alone( i dont have many friends.) favorite subject in school: reading,writing, and math favorite book: Deltora Quest (series) dream career: Author
leland condorsahl
hi i like minecraft, maroi cart, splat,i like all games
Hi everyone i hope your doing great today i'm Kristian aka kris v8 i am 15 and a black belt in taekwondo and like animation but i can't really draw but i won't let that get in the way of of my hobby :) My likes Spongebob squarepants. Disney infinity Martial arts. Jaiden animations. Music. hamilton Science. Deep conversations. Helping people.
Slim Shady Kiddynomite22
Sup! I'm... no my quotes won't work out for this so follow me anyway. Questions randomly thrown in though the day. Are you triggered yet?
Pinkie 2BPencil91
Hi,Im blueBoy age~ adult, also a big kid by heart :) color~green,purple,blue food~ spaghetti,rice ,chicken system~ wiiu xbone pc,soon switch,3ds that is all here is your cookie i know i cant draw o.o ok bye now :)
ShadowKing DarksideSlayer1
Hey guys how u doin u can add me on wii u i play MK8 and Smash so yea add me but dont wii u chat me unless u ask and i will play anybody at mk8 just send me a friend request and i will add u most definitely
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ALoudTaco™ PerezMusiclover
Profile comment hidden by admin. u gave me a black eye when you poked my face bully ˙¯˙
Male, artist, muscian Favorite Artists: Inoue Takehiko, Bill Waterson, Masayuki Taguchi etc. Favorite Anime: Yu Yu Hakusho, HxH, Kaiji, etc. Favorite Manga: Real, Battle Royale, Akira, etc.
Fade CoZ Fade_CoZ
Hi im Fade_CoZ i play call of duty i have alot of friends. im 16 i listen to alot of music. i plan to b a rapper when i grow up. my fave singer is ivan b.
Jason chessor18
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Nitro NitroNinja285
Call me Nitro
Ricky ricardochacon27
Kyle KyleD1983
hi guys if u whant to frend me i will say yes so go a hed and i play a lot of breth of the wileld and mareo and mincraft so if you whant to play with me then join ps. plz be my frend
Joel Joelarthur2001
welcome... if anybody wants to play smash just friend me i main various characters such as... link, donkey kong, little mac, zero suit samus, samus, ness, lucas, mewtwo, (and pretty much all of the other dlc)
Ryan Jr ryanolsonjr
Hello uh... i will write about myself i listen to the band gorillaz alot i play my wii or wii u and im a guitarist and i love the band my chemical romance i go see Fall Out Boy alot i am a huge Panic! At The Disco fan on pixel gun i am the lead singer of a band death reapers we are death rock and foist metal and i watch Stampy alot , in my school i am a wrestler i am the usa champion
benyamin benyamin1211
hola soy benjamin hablo español and un poco inglish me gusta aser amigos y conocer gente nueva
Viktor SilentXGhost
hey whatsup ready to see about me here u go: gender:male obviously ~♥taken dont even ask♥~ best freinds:callie,•ΔК★αмαıg•,and sammistrych9 favorite games:splatoon,legend of zelda games and stuff like that consoles i have:WII U,3DS,Xbox 1,maybe getting a Nintendo Switch and playstation 4 and thats about it :D IM NOT TELLING U MY GFs NAME :(
dapper boy TSA_FREEDON
im FREEDON i play call of duty. when i get bored i rap or sing to my self in lobbies. i do date online. i do tryhard and i wiiu chat and im 16 my i n s t a g r a m is v s 9 1 6 no spaces
jason JasonMaune
sonic boom
BEAST[TBR] cyberbeastFX
Name's BEAST[TBR] my clan is the bomb rushers. We are a splatoon clan and we are currently looking for well ranked battling squids that are a A- or higher. Just show me a post of your lvl, rank, gear. If I or the other leader likes what we see we will add you to our team. The two leaders are Demi[TBR] and myself. contact me by responding to my most recent post. good luck in getting in to our clan
mama mia biggestblessing
hi my name is julianna l like to color and play games also i love animals and nature and no chat with me
K.C pvp420
Splatoon is the best game they ever made.I JUST LOVE IT. One thing you need to know about me is that i am a big fan of Selena Gomez My favorite thing to do is singing,dancing and playing games fave animal: dog♡
dylan wwewrestler14756
Hey guys this is Dylan :3 i do rps drawing requests (anytime) and Q&A's (when im bored) i don't wii u chat :T thats all look (gives cookie) kthxbye
rane zig137
my face hurts! anyway i forgive ya,so... you should know that i'm ok with gore. i like nintendo i'm a good drawer and creative finally i own m.s. magic squad so goodbye yo *dab* leave you wat car? cake? 100000 $? i shall destroy your bed! okay bye.
Jayden Praise_Tom_Brady
hey im Jayden!! I am a big fan of Zelda,Splatoon, and Mario games!! If you follow me i'll follow you back. "PEACE OUT". ' 'ω' my age is between 12-15 i also have a 3ds plz follow my friends Tessa and Neaon!!!! ps im dank af
★Jonathan★ jonathan198583
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shawn hammertim_e5
Fan Of :Eddsworld :Pop Rock :Anime :Art And much more but there is a limit for my typing so pound that follow and friend button tell you friends. Lets try to get 25 followers and I will do a day of fan challenges. 13 and single
Leaf subactor
Hallo miiverse. here's some stuff about me: favorite color: Dark green favorite game series: loz height: 5'8 occupation: loz cartoonist favorite animal: horse age: 13 shouttout: Paco Maurice Daniel9082 Sophia Heidi AA peach
christina jade82
snapchat me my name is prgirl101 i wii u chat to my fav color pink also blue and i love eating candy my fav games minecraft and other games to like artistic games like painting kk peace out u can leave now BYE :-D :-P
Mia Nipsey03
hi im nipsey and i love minecraft craft if you ♡ minecraft friend me p.s jelly is my bestfriend ♡
DaddyWhite Whitepham
I can be a little friendly at times lol see ya
Kevin.S.P Tardis611
HEY THERE! The name's Kevin (15), I love playing Super Smash Bros and Splatoon, message me and we can play sometime (that is if i have the game as well) Fuzzy Pickles!(^o^)
hi im stephany and i love makeup .whoever wanna FOLLOW me aint gonna stop u so smash that botton ...
hi im stephany and i love makeup .whoever wanna FOLLOW me aint gonna stop u so smash that botton !!!:] .i usaully play on my xbox ^.~
im the only person who keeps it 100!theses♥ daysXD fr tho
if ur being rude then...
my inner ghetto comes
out just saying lol BE WARNED
YOU could leave nowó_ó
no fake ppl allowed here so skr skr outta here
dont trust nobody :`(!