Users ★STEPHANY® Is Following
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tHe_gOaT IkeFire120
Yo what is up guys its boy ThE_GoAt. Im a chill nice person and yeah. I mean I get that a lot so imma ya. Friend, family. Music is my thing. And dont forget to friend and follow my brother: @PacoThePikachu.Guys Lets try to get me to 200 followers and ill do something u guys want me too do or something like that Not taken :) #Logang4life #JakePaulers #Youtube #Clash Royale #Clash of Cans
★DRAKO★ drako333
FOR WHATEVER,I KNOW A LITTLE ENGLISH!!! ^•^ HOLA !!! Mi Nombre es: IRVING DRAKO HERNANDÉZ Pero pueden llamarme DRAKO Esto es lo que mas Amo: Futbol»Freestyle ● Musica»♪★♪ Arte»▲▼▲ Anime» ~º-º ~ƒ Artes Marciales» ИÎИJÛŤςů Videjuego:TĦΞ LΞĢΞNР؃ ΖΞŁÐΔ …▲ ▲☆▲ ( ( ( <¯_¯_¯_¯_¯_¯_¯_¯φĮĪ===¤
ALoudTaco™ PerezMusiclover
Profile comment hidden by admin. u gave me a black eye when you poked my face bully ˙¯˙
jajapotter jahicis2
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Anchel Anchel-KnapNok
Hi there! I'm Anchel from KnapNok Games. We released Affordable Space Adventures exclusively for Wii U and Spin the Bottle: Bumpie's Party. We love to hear your comments about our games, so please keep them coming! :)
Juliet :3 JulietDelgado
my favorite stuff : game grumps : markiplier : jacksepticeye : pewdiepie : pizza : video games : horror movies : viva la bam : hollywood undead : system of a down : korn : slipknot : creepypasta : voltron : attack on titan : egoraptor : anime : audioslave : amarican horror story : adult swim : south park : five nights at freddys : undertale : pokemon : Edds World : bendy and the ink machine
Jovany Jovany.velasquez
What's up you guy's my name is Jovany.v nice to meet you! Age: 16 (Birthday Coming Up) I Have Nothing To Say... Games I Have.. Minecraft (Really Good At PvP) Splatoon (Level: 41, Rank: S) Mario Kart 8 SSB etc... Miiverse: 2012-2017 R I P
SavageLee Madlypancake143
alright so im not going to be posting that much in the next week cause my auntie & uncle over! :):] there baby is 6 month old!!!! hobbies: snare drumming and football NEW SHOW storey of a cat! make sure to follow these guys bobcrafty D3RMAN harvs, green poke, Dylan, miimaster joshTL ★harriet★X caiden Yvonne mia coolcookie and umaari!
ShadowKing DarksideSlayer1
Hey guys how u doin u can add me on wii u i play MK8 and Smash so yea add me but dont wii u chat me unless u ask and i will play anybody at mk8 just send me a friend request and i will add u most definitely
René Octo_Squid_13
MARCOS tacostamales
Manda CiCi235
Hello lovely people of world im Manda i LOVE pokemon i love rayquaza i have a dog called miley i love dogs!!! i am 10 #team sun i have a 2ds! please be nice follow them Ravahrn★☆★ ★s★potatos mςv Ajay YT mςv ☆Joăo★ Luήa <3 (sry bout heart Luna) Rocko john Jen★Pika clans im in ΜКЯ Ħ★ Chicken fam i ‹3 EseponxUmberon have a LOVELY day SpoopyМàÑD says bye bye!
skilltendo 001p7a3
YT Kanal : PaxxOneHD ★♪♡• skilltendo...: ★♪♡• 😃🔲🔺🔹 Hobbies+LBbeschäftigung,: Zocken,Chaten Lieblings-SpieleKonsole : WiiU ,3ds,retro Liebling Spiele-reihe;; :Mario karts,(Mario) Lieblings Farbe,farben,,:Grün Lieblings Youtuber : Domi,Luca,Ju,Dezztroyz Lieblings Haustiere :Hunde Datum: 12.04 Fan von : Nintendo , YT #SAVEMIIVERSE 🔊🔊🔊🔊💬💬 Auf YT heiß ich NICHT skilltendo -'
»Chance»↑ 05Chance
(U can join if u ask & add an ↑ 2 ur name.) Members: Chance↑[Leader] ↑Kris↑[Vice-president] Isai ↑ Thom↑ †Mena†↑ £Drago↑ Jonathan↑ м¢ƒ•ςрмL•↑ Owen enrique↑ Devon ↑ Mason↑ Wd.gaster↑ Kenshi↑∞ τεαcυρρυ★↑ Liam↑ ςλvλgε↑ «Zero»™ ↑ Konyan'w'↑ ↑«матίa»↑ ↓Aziid↑ ↑ Glade ↑ Mason ↑ ↑Miku↓ trent↑ ↑→Gяаρэ←↑ sulaiman↑ ♪★one eye↑ Austin↑ bendy ↑ Koala↑Bear »Cupcake»↓ ApolloRJR↑ Machai↑ ↑Pancake↓ ↑☆Pichu★↑ ect…
Leyri Leyre-warprinces
Trent trentloveshugs
I love Pokemon Sun and Moon, anime, books, singing, drawing, and youtube. Bravest Warriors is pretty cool too. I love food alot and hanging out with my friends. Oppai and aheago are awesome and MLP is life. Feel free to comment or do what ya like on my page and I guess follow me if ya want. Thanks!
Princess princesscricri
Bonjour à tous, Fan de mangas, j'adore dessiner mes personnages préférés (The legend of Zelda, Fairytail, One piece, animés Ghibli). Si vous aimez mes dessins, n'hésitez-pas à mettre un "ouais" ou à laisser un message (je parle anglais, allemand et un peu japonais). Dédicace spéciale pour : Alexopro Aurelie.Mangaka Lucypro PokeBigFan \\^o^// the best boy ^.~ ♪
WOODS thebeastX226
Sup, Guys WOODS here! Fav Stuff: Video games, Movie, Books, and ect. A BIG FAN OF: THE LAST OF US , imagine dragons and fallout boy. FOLLOW 4 FOLLOW I ACCEPT ALL FRIEND REQUEST!!! FAST FACTS ABOUT ME! I'M 13 I'M 5'4 I'M IN 8th GRADE I'M HAVE A PS3! DAY STARTED MIIVERSE 8/3/2017 REMEMBER PEACE OUT BYE!!!!
☆Thomas☆ j-dizzle428511
Follow Cadence :p
Adrian adrianquibuyen
I love jordan shoes there the best shoes ever. I love basketball, football and wrestling. My favorite basketball team is the Golden State Warriors. Michael Jordan and Jordan Burroughs are my idol. SF Giants and SF 49ERS!! I play basketball,football, and wrestling.SRHS! Relationship Status: Single. Fav movies: Fast and the Furious 1-7! Fav tv show: The Walking Dead!
Carmen online42
Seamos amigos
Jayden Praise_Tom_Brady
hey im Jayden!! I am a big fan of Zelda,Splatoon, and Mario games!! If you follow me i'll follow you back. "PEACE OUT". ' 'ω' my age is between 12-15 i also have a 3ds plz follow my friends Tessa and Neaon!!!! ps im dank af
benyamin benyamin1211
hola soy benjamin hablo español and un poco inglish me gusta aser amigos y conocer gente nueva
danny baelynJocelyn
Hiiii ima girl who plays tons of games. I watcg anime, especially Dragon Ball Z and TokyoGhoul. im a big nerd and i also love to draw.....;)
Chan NordicWiiU7
Thank you for support to my profile! I am pleasure for having fun of Miiverse! Goodbye Miiverse forever. Merci pour votre soutien à mon profil ! Je suis content de m'amuser de Miiverse ! On ne revient plus au Miiverse. Goodbye forever Miiverse. My posts remaning for today: 0 Comment OPEN:
LuxVr Gvlegend97
¡¿What's up!?Yo soy Marcus pero me puedes llamar lux ._. Soy de esas personas que le gusta quedarse en el sofa viendo netflix o hacer lo que me gusta, mi serie favorita es 13 reason why, si no la has visto pues mirala o si no, tabla para ti :v...en fin, es muy buena, te la recomiendo…gracias por gastar tu tiempo en leer mi perfil, te deseo suerte!! ;3
Avery SwagDog360
This user's profile comment is private.
Michael CaptainAmericaxx
ŘĘÐŞȚĒŔŽ Benttlly5
Hi im redding,18 years old the greatest gamer in the world. sarcasm is just one of my many talents. I never make mistakes, i thought i did once but i was mistaken. i like jacksepticeye pew die pie and markiplier my favorite series for 3ds are pokemon, mario, zelda, shin megaga or whatever. i think grumpy cat should rule the world. in pokemon alpha sapphire my pokemon are level 100.
Daniel Sendexi
Hi, my name is Daniel, I'm Brazilian but I live in Canada. ________________________________ My favorite games are Mario Kart 8 Fallout 4 Mario Galaxy Forza Horizon 3 Star Wars Battlefront ________________________________ My favorite netflix series Sherlock The Flash Arrow The walking dead Elementary Prison Break Stranger Things Legends of tomorrow
momma bear chicken1212
wassup miivers
Hi Everyone This My Profile as u can see so lets get to the facts My Favorite Food Chicken,Refried Beans and Pizza My Games,Splatoon Minecraft Super Mario 3D Land And More Fav YTERS FaZe_Apex,DanTDM,MyLifeAsArii=My cousons channel Clans: DX:Member мςv:member V:member VP:Leader Update Disclaimer:I am moving to Georgia Soon ill be off and also i am turning of accept friend request
konnPvP_gg natsudaiemma
こんにちは! えっと後僕はpvp勢なので、誰か強い人たたかわないか! pvpワールドある方フレりく送れ! 所属チーム BTS〆 PvP 好きな軍艦は、 カールヴィンソン ロナルド レーガン ジェラルド.R.フォード ドワイト.D.アイゼンハワー まあ、これぐらいです! see you!
kay kay Kay-Kay4742
hello i am 11 years old and i love to play kirby games and mario games and box boy mostly everything and thanks for following you make me feel happy when someone followes me.keep it up
ναιιεγ SweetGra56
.·•Hi, this is Valley, I follow you if you follow me!! Here are some games I love: Yoshi Games Kirby Games Minecraft Disney Infinity 1, 2, and 3 And many more! Please Follow: Reshraim63 Jewels HappyMii#1 Aoife LOL! Na Pupster Status about the week: Vacation!! I'm trying to reach 200+ followers! So help! Thanks!! Question of the month: WhatismyfavoriteMariocharacter? POTATOES!!!! :p :P ;p ;P
sriyasssss sriyasgutta82209
Lily Wolf_Queen805
Hi! Follow me please. =D Goodnight sleep tight and don't sleep until tomorrow night. =D You can leave now You know you are just wasting your time!!!! Leave now!!!!!!!!!! BYE!!!!!!!! DON'T LOOK!! hey hey hey another day. i am a girl btw BYE GUYS. =D
bored af asia03
HEY PEOPLE!!!! bestfriends:TACOMAN!!! ,KERA♥♡, LACE★☆, and me myself and i my boo: papi.... (sorry ily♥♥♥) status: goodbye miiverse i won't be posting as much so don't be expecting anything. LEO: I WILL FIGHT!!! anyway bye guys!!! ;P
kamila mathieu1919
como estas
Dee deeder9
I am a sweet girl named Andrena, nice to meet you I try to post at least twice a day. I REALLY JUST GOT 100 FOLLOWERS if you're reading this please follow. well, I gess thats it :)
hi im stephany and i love makeup .whoever wanna FOLLOW me aint gonna stop u so smash that botton ...
hi im stephany and i love makeup .whoever wanna FOLLOW me aint gonna stop u so smash that botton !!!:] .i usaully play on my xbox ^.~
im the only person who keeps it 100!theses♥ daysXD fr tho
if ur being rude then...
my inner ghetto comes
out just saying lol BE WARNED
YOU could leave nowó_ó
no fake ppl allowed here so skr skr outta here
dont trust nobody :`(!