Willy's Followers
Thomas FieryMarioBlue2
Hi, I'm a 19 yr old boy. Shy in person, calm & collected. I like dragons, to help people & I want to express myself in poetry and art. I love Nintendo, Yoshi, Music & playing with friends. Aim for a positive life! :) Communication=respect, relief & truth. Twlff8r DragonRuler97 Distco7d FieryMarioBlue#4191
Tripp rainbowmercury42
Jonathan shadowd3781
Zelda, Animal Crossing, Metroid, & Mario... How can you go wrong? Adult gaymer here - Die-Hard Nintendo Fan! I like long walks on the beach, clichés, and sarcasm. #comedy #witty
Parker Loftis
i love minecraft...
Happyboy tayvion123
Sorry Guys Don't Wii U Chat Me! If You Want To Play Hide And Seek Message Me! I Check My Messages EveryDay! If You Add Me Use Code: H4 T9! Thanks For 600 Followers
Wоlfia Lexuslyce
Hello welcome to my profile feel free to follow me and comment my post.Also if you want follow my followers because they are amazing.#YOU CAN DO ANYTHING IF YOU SET YOUR MIND TO IT
Yeshua yesh12
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Sean seanflan222
Wasup da names Sean.Im 13 years old.I like smash bros,zelda,fallout,gta,cod,final fantasy,minecraft,metal gear solid also have a ps4 .My favourite youtubers are jacksepticeye,gamegrumps,smg4,dashie and markiplier. Ok Im out :p.
Noir TheGreatNoir
*Wario winky face*
Ninetales SquidKid2005
My username is Nine, and I regret everything I say here. All my posts before January 2017 are dead :p
leah<3 aaliahbaexo
heyy guys you should play mario cart 8 its awesome!!...
splatoon Hytham123
i have been in level 17 in splatoon and it hase been gone
Dean Golden24boy
Shellshock Shellshock222
this acccount is now inactive forever go to my other account Shell NNID:ShellshrekV2 anyways goodbye
Zoso1701 Zoso1701
Parent, songwriter, teacher, sci-fi fan. Gaming in the morning. Before work. Regular voice on GamerParent's Magic Hour Podcast. I've been gaming since 1989. Mega Man (NES) is my favorite series, and I'm partial to survival horror and sci-fi genres.
Hello,nintendo freak here, also like the Dallas Cowboys,Led Zeppelin,The Honeymooners,Mario Kart and any Zelda game,friend me follow me
skylar skyb101
Moochie GeneMoochie
Hey! You can call me Gene or Moochie. I love Zelda games, RPGs, puzzle games, & Mario. Splatoon! Get fresh, bro! Friend me & we'll play together! I'm a huge baseball fan - let's go, Giants! I like working out, hiking, reading, playing guitar, & writing. Sloths are my favorite animal. They're just so awesome! I'm Catholic Christian. I don't Wii U chat. Thanks for stopping by! :D
KittygamrT tlanear
NAME:тαηıα GENGER:Fемαıе ΑGE:пøт αναıвαιе FAV SPORT:Soccor FAV CORLOR:ρυгριе, βιαсκ and аqυα FAV GAME:мıηсгаƒт, αηd αηımαιсгøςςıпg HOBBIES:dαηсıпg,ςιηgıпg,апd dгαωıηg FAV SHOE BRANDS:ναης,αηd аddıdаς FAV GROUP:ιıττιемıx FAV ANIME:ςαο,ιονε ιıνε,k-on, апd Tοгαога FAV KOREAN GROUP:тшıсе, ßιасκρıηκ, шJςη, апd, геd νеινет
BM1302 Iannnjamin
i like hyrule warriors smash bros Mario kart8 and super mario 3D world
HigorMelo™ Higor2005
HEY GUYs.... higor here! and welcome to miiverse!!!! i was too lazy to make an friend list.... see ya'! whatever
jheferson jhefersonmonagas
:-) Dios es mi amigo Fiel y tanbien es conpañero y mi padre fiel en toda mi vida
AWESOME101 Awesomeboss47336
I have been playing mario kart 8 with my amiibos
TATI tatianawiwi
hi my name is tati IM 13 YEARS OLD my favorite color is PINK I LOVE My Family AND Friends MY OC IS MY MII im lovely sometimes im mad but its not you im sweet love pitbulls
LazyDylanö dylan153
(follow EVIL TOAD, thats my second profile!) Hey, i almost fell of the edge because of you pushing my face, Master hand. P.S no wiiu chat, follow to follow. I DON'T COSPLAY BIG TIME!!! I don't want fame or popularity, just seek affection.(JK) My Mii (LazyDylanö) is me IRL! BTW >3o WiiFit Trainer amiibo is mine.
Dz.HME bandit501
Hi my nickname is HME, I'm the helper of Steel Divers Sub Wars, and the creator of The Big Dam Bridge, and Soccer Up, and still working on more games! I like to play Mario Kart 7 and 8 with people too!!
ty Vikings31
i love skylanders!!!! i love allgames and friends if you want tips for video games ask me!!!!!! :)
David.W davidwilde
sam olakasefandino
Ola me llamo Samuel y me gustan las cosas como : las crepypastas como Slender o Jeff the killer . Tanbien los memes :) o los juegos como the wonderfull 101 ,wind waker hd o mario .También me gusta la musica por ejemplo : Skrillex,Avicii,Daft punk o Maroon 5.
owinter$$$ olemanwinter
my name is walter im very nice i allway,s wanted a wiiu i love hotweele's sorry i don't have much dut sence my friend got a wiiu i have mony for a wiiu so he bot a wiiu to git money my dad did all this.
Carlos cheezbuger
i like cheezburger and mario too!
matthew mattfranzen
I Played Mario ever since i was 3 years old. I am pro at Mario and boss at smash. I can not friend until 2018. And I have a New 3D-S XL.
Ollie♀♂ ShadysLady13
Hey all, I'm Lauren! I love cracking jokes and incorporating witty references into everyday conversation. I've loved Nintendo since I was four years old, when my brother and I got a GBA SP. (I'm sort of obsessed with The Legend of Zelda.) I enjoy watching Vinesauce, GameGrumps, Egoraptor, JonTron, OneyNG, & PBG on the 'Tube. I love platformers, as well as adventure, RPG, and open-world games.
Lia LiaKitty
Kevin ulqkev
Hey, ¡qué onda! Me llamo Kevin. ILTLOZ Suelo jugar: Smash Bros, Metroid, Mario, COD, RE, SH, ZombiU, GH, Bleach, Castlevania, Kirby, Pokémon, etcétera. Me agrada el animé y escuchar música. Me encantan los horror survival games. Pikachu!
Criss ThunderChunk
Hey, my name is Chunky Thundermuffin, or Thunderchunk for short. I'm that geeky guy with a passion for gaming and slapping da bass.
Ross iwasacactus
Hey folks! Feel free to say hi! I'm pretty nice! Love Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros multiplayer! Let me know if you're up for a game!
Gemini Neuromancer
I am primarily on Sony's platform now. If you'd like to friend me, send me a message.
sish sishman
age 13 name: sish fav game: assassin creed my girlfriend: foxy birth: july 30 fav word: peace :) bff reece
Ginger mattyleabollen
Hi, I love playing the wii u.
Hey there! I am an awesome guy with a lackadaisical sense of humor and a strong love for video ga...
Hey there! I am an awesome guy with a lackadaisical sense of humor and a strong love for video games, especially RPGs and action/adventure titles. I've also recently started collecting amiibo, and I'm itching to collect 'em all!
Hit me up to see which digital world I am exploring today!