Willy's Friends
Jefe squelchout
Ryan rMusicMaster
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AthelReiki AthelReiki
wolf wolfheeart95
hi i am sorawolf nice to see you would any of you like to chat i love anime manga swimming horse and music my favriote animal is the wolf i also own an nintendo 3ds as well
raulie101 raulie101
i love super mario!!!!!
TexCub TexCub77
Foulander Foulander
Why hello thar! I'm currently in love with SSB4, so just message or friend me if you're up for some 1v1s or you just want to play for fun, I'm always down.
つゆ tuyuhorumon
Simon DaWaffleState
Im Known As TheWaffleState!
Wolfy SteveTh3Monkey
Hylian W xoIrishWxo
Hey guys! My name is Wil. I'm very much a family man. Happily married and the Father of two beautiful kids. We play games together for as a family and for fun! Please Nintendo, GameCube titles on the VC!
Alvin F8d5thWhl
Dean Golden24boy
Donnie Dwl4900
Hey fam, i love video games. The Legend of Zelda is my favorite series, Twilight Princess being my favorite game. i like to have fun, and i like to be funny. I like to make YouTube videos! if anyone wants to know my channel just ask! i just make vlogs and short films and funny skits though. Add me! :)
Anubis Pharaoh_Tut
James hubjam
Noir TheGreatNoir
*Wario winky face*
Jordan jbean3535
Timmo tschunk84
Jaren Jaren8r
Got alot of work to do on Super Mario 3D World
Gaara cr8zyshredda007
If you draw good, its an automatic follow. If you draw Midna, its an automatic follow. (I really like Midna!)
Woodster Woodster2000
Pro Gamer
Side Guebe92
Ricky GlacialHighKick
I bake things and play with sugar. Studying to be a plant ecologist/botanist. RPGs are my favorites! Talk to me about Golden Sun, Bravely Default/Second, Tales of Symphonia, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Pokemon, or whatever you like, really. I'll listen!
FATBOY tijerina200
HAPPY BIRTHDAY i do will u chat i love to play Mario,donky kong,the legend of zelda,kirby,and pokémon so let's be friends!!!! and i play the violin to.
MATTHEW Link3letterword
Matt mattsouthern
Amanda rikaateabug
ed Mr.Funtime
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NO☆Therlu Therlu
No longer really feeling it. Socializing account of the Luther/Therlu consortium. Curator at #MadeinMiiverse. Honorary member of the PKRS Club. Team NintendObs. NO☆. Toad fan since the inception of the Mushroom Kingdom. It's official: the Nintendo Treehouse has called Toad "the voice of victory." NintendObs Play With Passion. NintendObserver For the people who just want to play videogames.
Saint Nick Nickin8bit
twitch.tv/SaintNickGaming Come check out the stream sometime! Will be playing Wii U games soon enough.
Kenny river36
Hello nintendo lovers, I love RPGs . Old school virtual console games I love too. I'm in college so if you are younger please don't request a friend. It's nothing against you. I am watching American Horror Story, and Walking Dead. I'm playing Dragon Quest 9(DREAMING FOR 10),MK8, and Pikmin 3. I am totally into some old school Fleetwood Mac these days.
Sean SeannyU93
I'm a 22 Year Old from Ohio. I like Nintendo, have played Nintendo all my life.
Jason power_peach
hello everyone, I enjoy many aspects of gaming but love mario, and many more.. I always like to have friends who i can share good times with and share some online co-op or pvp with, i hope to make new friends and make miiverse that much more like home. please add me if you would like...
NIXY like pocket monsters zelda mk8 and such.
Sheradon H Shiragon21
I'm Sheradon, Writer/Competitive gamer/Japanese learner/Future Twitch streamer/Photo Lover. Im learning graphic design/web design and would love to one day work for nintendo I'm almost 23 so video games are apart of me. Things like Street fighter,smash bros, Mega Man,Pokemon,Zelda,Mario..and Mario kart,Earthbound,Fire Emblem,Golden Sun and we will get along great I love spicy and sweet things too.
Nina CaribbeanCalypso
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Coco slicksullen
Heyo~ Welcome to my dysfunctional profile • I'm Coco • ♪ If it matters I'm a ♂ and currently 17 ♥ I'm also obsessed with Splatoon 2 and also love squid parties ♡ Britney Spears & Melanie Martinez ♡ ★ And I have a Switch too, so feel free to add me on that ☆ Tag, You’re It, Play Date, Milk and Cookies etc. ~ Bomb Rush Blush (Team Callie and Pearl!) Goodbye Miiverse, thank you~ ♥
Justin riseBLUEsun
Hi random Mii person looking at my profile, I'm Justin. I browse Miiverse quite frequently, so if you want to send me a friend request, feel free.
Javi Javiersan99
Nintendero a más no poder! Adoro Mario,Metroid y Zelda entre otros pero que no me quiten mi consola que muerdo ! Cada vez que juego a un clásico me emociono!
Mav mav807
Zelda, Dragon Quest, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Professor Layton, and JRPGs, basically.
sam samhall23
Ad_rad Barbairians
Justin GnarledRivers
Good morning. Im in a band called In Search of Signals and I'm an audio engineer, I record bands and musicians and make them sound good. I'm a die hard Zelda fan having 100% complete every official game to date, from Skyward Sword to the original on the NES. Feel free to give me a shout about anything! Games I'm Stoked For: Zelda: Wind Waker HD Bioshock Infinite Sim City Luigi's Mansion 2
zeldafan85 Zeldafan85
Gaymer 4 Life! Gaming is adventure, a getaway, a form of expression and art. Currently playing: Rayman Legends DK Tropical Freeze Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 Hyrule Warriors Mario Kart 8 Sonic Lost World Super Smash Bros. U Watch Dogs Please Follow
Tristan Vincentdante
Bring on the Nintendo NX.
Mischief MischiefComics
I've been gaming since the ColecoVision. I'm an aspiring cartoonist and a lot of my comics are inspired by games, 'specially Nintendo games. Please follow me if you want to see the pictures I draw. ♥Mario ♥Zelda ♥Dragon Quest ★ Shovel Knight
Hakai hakaivalente
Optimus Royall123
Ulf heimdal
Welcome to Ulf's madhouse! A guy with eternal fascination and enthusiasm for video games. Fond of most genres, and quite the big sucker for nostalgic moments Top 10 favourites 1. Tales of Symphonia 2. EarthBound 3. Conker's Bad Fur Day 4. Bayonetta 5. Final Fantasy IX 6. Okami 7. Beyond Good and Evil 8. The Legend of Zelda; Majora's Mask 9. Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings 10. Xenoblade Chronicles
Eddy French_Kemys
Into science, food and sport! Fancy a game of MK8 or splatoon?
Tyler SideScreamer
So, I'm a huge gamer. I'm eighteen. I've been playing the likes of Mario since I was five, and as I grew up my gaming experiences changed, and I've come to love countless different game characters. I also have a 360/PS3. My favorite series are; Super Mario Halo Zelda Battlefield Metroid Super Smash Bros. Mario Kart Anyway, feel free to add me and look forward to playing. :D
Chris Gaijin_Chris
Fan of all things Nintendo here. Just your average 28 year old, with two college degrees, and now a Wii U! Aspirations include teaching English in Japan someday and lots of travel. Life is far too hilarious to be serious all the time! Favorite franchises are Zelda, Mario, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil and Mass Effect. Feel free to add me.
GE&Yoshi GreenEgg-n-Yoshi
Amiibo=50 Sw: BotW-all¶,30◆,55* MK8DX-10golds@50 Splat2- Lv12 SM-O (pre-ordered) WiiU M3dW-249★ C.Toad-17☆,42◆ SSB4:190† Splatoon:Lv50 YWW-2.1√ 3DS ACNL-DC:5200 3641 9845(East Egg) FL-12@Master,10@Hero,6@DemiC Lv79,270Qs Kirby3DX-130кс KirbyPR-53ş TeamKirbyClashDX-Lv33 Hey Pikmin- 1.1√ M3dL-322★© fForms-25ƒ spPlaza-106/156Ts P-Shuf-349ρ P-Pi–†-137p NinBA-1430b
DryBones DryBoneJones
Hello, I am an artist working on my first steampunk graphic novel. I've posted concept art here and there. I have more art to share because miiverse is awesome! Anywho, I'm a fan of Nintendo (not a fanboy), can't say i'm crazy about some of their decisions as with its competitors. I'm also a fan of platform, racing, fighting, horror games.
Sam RavenFreak
buhja gumchewerdave
Hey! I'm buhja! I'm a huge fan of Nintendo, and one of Mario's biggest fans. First off, I'm a Christian. My goal is to know Jesus Christ better and become more like Him every day! I LOVE completely clearing out video games, sometimes to a crazy degree. My two favorite accomplishments (so far) are: Level 100 in M&L: Dream Team (See favorite post) Collecting 9,999,999 coins in NSMB2 Love da →:)
Ken AE86CorollaLevin
Rossome Rossome2648
Joe Fox JoeFox
● Playing Lately ● Dark Souls 3, Uncharted 3 ● Want to Play ● Zelda U, The Last Guardian ● Top 10 ● 1. Super Metroid 2. A Link to the Past 3. Super Mario World 4. Earthbound 5. Bloodborne 6. Metal Gear Solid 7. Shadow of the Colossus 8. The Last of Us 9. Mass Effect 2 10. Mario Kart
Porkchop Porkchop
Ceijay Ceijay
Hello, I'm Ceijay. I like all kinds of things: art, video games, gardening, cats, the beach, ect. I play my Nintendo all the time! I really like multiplayer competition that you find in games like Mario Kart or Smash Bros. Animal Crossing is my favorite title, and when it comes to pokemon I'm a water trainer. Enjoy. ACNL Dream Suite Address: 4500-2539-1620 Colors 3D: Ceijay
Jon Jonnyboy
Gamer, hardest of the core, lover of all things Nintendo, husband, father of 2, child of the 90's, and host of the Nintenshow Podcast!
Charming InTheGrid
In deep thought about thinking deeply. I'm a professional charmer. I lived in Japan for over 8 years. Favorite games: XCX, Super Mario Sunshine/Galaxy 1&2, Luigi's Mansion 1&2, WWHD, ALBW, & SPLATOON. __▲ _▲ ▲ ★ I can speak Japanese ☆ No I'm not Japanese ★ I believe in magic ☆ No I'm not a wizard ♥ I love TRON ♡ Yes I live in the grid *Always Original
Wiseguy Wiseguy
Proud Nintendo gaymer! Loving Miiverse on Wii U & 3DS!! My fav. games have always been Nintendo games! Anything Mario, Zelda, Starfox, Fire Emblem, F Zero, Smash Bros, Metroid, Pokémon, Code Name S.T.E.A.M. & the new indies on Wii U! A BIG Sonic & Knuckles fan from the Sega Genesis era! Enjoying Disney Infinity & Amiibo! Friend me & follow my other account at Sithwise
Jonathan Cyan_Gadget
Gaming on Nintendo since 1992! Proud collecter of retro titles! I'm pretty laid-back and I love to help out my fellow gamers. I love all kinds of Nintendo games, from Animal Crossing to Zelda! Chat me up sometime on Miiverse and feel free to follow me! Thanks for checking my profile and happy gaming!
Marcello Glacier928
Founder/Editor-in-Chief of GamersXtreme.org Wii U Games I Own: -007 Legends -Avengers BfE -Batman Arkham City -FotNS:Ken's Rage 2 -Kung Fu Rabbit -LEGO City Undercover -Mighty Switch Force -Nano Assault Neo -NFS Most Wanted U -NSMBU -Ninja Gaiden 3:Razor's Edge -Nintendo Land -Puddle -RE Revelations -Runner 2 -Sonic Transformed -TEKKEN Tag 2 -Toki Tori 2 -Trine 2 -Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper -ZombiU
Jerms fixyourface0814
Huge gay Nintendo dork. I also love music, movies, and drag queens. Ex-host of the Qoopa Klub podcast.
Marty_Mar Plumbertime
I'm marvin aka marty mar,from good ole New Jersey, been gaming for over 20 years,i draw a lot as most of ya'll can see, thanks for the yeahs and followers, much appreciated ,currently loving zombie u if i don't answer im probably drawing, sorry.... and also my friend list is getting full, so feel free to follow me instead.....
Dry Bones Moodeeb
Gaming w/ Nintendo from the beginning. Favorite NES games include: NES: S.C.A.T, LoZ (1&2), BattleToads,MGS SNES: Super Metroid!!! N64: Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Starfox (so many!) Gamecube <3: Eternal Darkness, WWaker, P.N.03, Rogue Squadron, D.Dash! Wii: S. Sword, Xenoblade, Dead Space, RE 4 WiiU: ZombiU, ME3, Shovel Knight!, Miiverse! I cosplay A. Wesker daily. Blank friend requests R rejected.
Bob1387 Bob1387
Greetings, fellow Nintendo fans! I mostly use Miiverse to doodle, talk about all things Zelda related, and post the occasional question when I get stuck in a game. Like my artwork? Follow me so you can stay updated when I post new drawings!
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Hey there! I am an awesome guy with a lackadaisical sense of humor and a strong love for video ga...
Hey there! I am an awesome guy with a lackadaisical sense of humor and a strong love for video games, especially RPGs and action/adventure titles. I've also recently started collecting amiibo, and I'm itching to collect 'em all!
Hit me up to see which digital world I am exploring today!