Users Willy Is Following
Jonathan shadowd3781
Zelda, Animal Crossing, Metroid, & Mario... How can you go wrong? Adult gaymer here - Die-Hard Nintendo Fan! I like long walks on the beach, clichés, and sarcasm. #comedy #witty
Skye NintendoSkye
Hiya, I'm Skye from Nintendo. I'll be posting videos with Nintendo-related stuff in the YouTube Nintendo Channel sub community, so make sure you swing by ;)
Tee t.bonkers
Sean seanflan222
Wasup da names Sean.Im 13 years old.I like smash bros,zelda,fallout,gta,cod,final fantasy,minecraft,metal gear solid also have a ps4 .My favourite youtubers are jacksepticeye,gamegrumps,smg4,dashie and markiplier. Ok Im out :p.
Ninetales SquidKid2005
My username is Nine, and I regret everything I say here. All my posts before January 2017 are dead :p
Dean Golden24boy
Juanjiggy Juanjiggy
Hi everyone! Thanks for checking out my Miiverse profile. I am your friendly neighborhood Nintendo rep for the Hutchinson, Salina and Wichita KS areas! Check-out the Facebook page StreetPassKS for Nintendo related happenings in Kansas and stop by and say hi!
Jimmy jimmyelgringito
Ryan Rymo918
26 years old Favorite games: Zelda: Skyward Sword, Ocarina, WWHD, LbtW Resident Evil 4 World of Warcraft Journey Kid Icarus: Uprising Mario 64, Galaxy 1 & 2, 3D World Uncharted 2 & 3 Mass Effect 2 & 3 Sonic 2 Mario Kart 8 Super Smash Bros. Splatoon Pokemon Red Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 Portal 2 Animal Crossing: New Leaf SSX3 Katamari Damacy DDR Advance Wars
jheferson jhefersonmonagas
:-) Dios es mi amigo Fiel y tanbien es conpañero y mi padre fiel en toda mi vida
Nintendoer Nintend0er
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch! My top 10 games (in no particular order): LoZ: Majora's Mask LoZ: Wind Waker Final Fantasy X Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword Final Fantasy VI Dark Cloud 2 Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations Kid Icarus: Uprising Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Xenoblade Chronicles
Gav CymroGav
I enjoy finding mosquitoes fossilized in tree-sap & cloning dinosaurs from the blood I find inside.
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
Danny 340091
Wii U account: ChatotKirby My name is Daniel, and I'm 19. You'll probably get along with me, and I'm friendly and calm to most I meet! ^-^ I draw sometimes. This profile is filled with my fun, cheerfulness, quirkiness, and all that madness. I like Mario, Zelda, and I'm a Pokemon, Kirby, and Animal Crossing fanatic. I joined Miiverse on 2/13/2014
Patrick salvistallion86
A fellow gamer from Los Angeles CA, I play all consoles but I love Nintendo the most. Soccer, comics, and sci-fi are some of my favorite things. Add me if you want to play some games online and talk about anything game related :]
Kohaku Kohakuchan
I'm a former staff member on BZPower. However, my staffing days are far from over as I am launching a new gaming website soon. I'm a Lego fan, Nintendo fan, lifelong gamer, and I'm simply fabulous. <3 Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is the best Paper Mario.
Kevin ulqkev
Hey, ¡qué onda! Me llamo Kevin. ILTLOZ Suelo jugar: Smash Bros, Metroid, Mario, COD, RE, SH, ZombiU, GH, Bleach, Castlevania, Kirby, Pokémon, etcétera. Me agrada el animé y escuchar música. Me encantan los horror survival games. Pikachu!
Kevin AZ10er94
A gamer who just loves adventures and speed. Also, I'm a singer and student. My nerdiness knows few bounds.
Ross iwasacactus
Hey folks! Feel free to say hi! I'm pretty nice! Love Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros multiplayer! Let me know if you're up for a game!
Gemini Neuromancer
I am primarily on Sony's platform now. If you'd like to friend me, send me a message.
Criss ThunderChunk
Hey, my name is Chunky Thundermuffin, or Thunderchunk for short. I'm that geeky guy with a passion for gaming and slapping da bass.
Kowie T KowieT
I'm a retro-gamer & know the meaning of a good challenge. I also like to consider myself a Completionist: a game is not done until it's 100% done. I've spent more time playing and replaying Zelda games than I care to calculate, and I play some annually. PS: Shovel Knight on WiiRemote is the best way to play! PPS: Trying to convince my wife to let me name our kid Samus. PPPS: My daughter is Samus.
zeldafan85 Zeldafan85
Gaymer 4 Life! Gaming is adventure, a getaway, a form of expression and art. Currently playing: Rayman Legends DK Tropical Freeze Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 Hyrule Warriors Mario Kart 8 Sonic Lost World Super Smash Bros. U Watch Dogs Please Follow
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
AthelReiki AthelReiki
Jean-Paul Falible
Hey Howdy!
●Michael brwdladr
I love games and movies. I enjoy horror, sci-fi and dark comedies. No Wii U Chat please.
Jordan jbean3535
Spoony SpoonyTech
Proud dad of 3, happily married, and born again Christian! Owned multiple systems from various companies but i'm a Nintendo fan first. 3ds is my all time favorite system and 2 thumbs up to Atlus for helping with that.
Hello, and good to see you. I love my Wii U, ever since I got it on Boxing Day! I mostly play the older game systems (like NES, SNES, N64, etc), so I might not be available. I like cartoons by DiC Entertainment, especially the ones based off video games! (BTW, also a brony... BROHOOF!) I am a nice person, and I get along very well with others. See you later, and have a good time!
olli ollirain
Main graphics guy at Rain Games, creators of Teslagrad.
Jax Epic_Jax
Hai! I'm a confusing person. I'll say that right away! Anyway, my WiiU account is... well... also Jax... but my NNID is Jaxinson (for some reason). So, if you're friends with me, be sure to be friends with both of me! ok... I think I'm done here. BYE! :P
Craig saturniid
Andy BearBoxMediaAndy
I'm Andy Ford from Bear Box Media. I produced Internal Invasion, and currently have more Wii U games in development. Feel free to ask me anything about the game, and I'll do my best to answer you!
TexCub TexCub77
Jeremy Lawman1980
Video games? Video games.
Hey there! I am an awesome guy with a lackadaisical sense of humor and a strong love for video ga...
Hey there! I am an awesome guy with a lackadaisical sense of humor and a strong love for video games, especially RPGs and action/adventure titles. I've also recently started collecting amiibo, and I'm itching to collect 'em all!
Hit me up to see which digital world I am exploring today!