Linkplasy's Followers
Devin Clunker04
Goodbye Miiverse! I will miss this and all of the wonderful things that this platform brought us. I have a challenge for all of you! To comemorate Miiverse, go and friend as many people as you can before Miiverse's end!
WaggaWagga Wagga2000
おうすけ sukesuke1212
[AFS]ヒットマン ZEROver2.0
自分はヒットマンです 性別、男子です 年齢14です 皆様はよく投稿されますけど自分はそんなに投稿しないんでそこんとこよろしく
すみっコぐらし すき pss2500
こんにちは、みなさんはスプラトゥーンやマリオカート8を、やったことはありますか?楽しいですよ。ぜひ、やってみてくたださい! あと、かるく自己紹介をします。 好きなゲームスプラトゥーン。好きな動物猫。好きな授業PC社会。好きな食べ物ビビンバ。 これからよろしくお願いします。あと、スーパーマリオ3Dワールドとゆうゲームもあるので、ぜひやってみてください。 みなさん、フォロー本当にありがとうございます。これからも、フォローお願いします たまにスプラトゥーンの、ナワバリバトルは、煽っているかも一緒になったら敵でも見方でも私と一緒に煽っていただくとありがたいです。ミーバース終わるまでたくさん楽しみましょう!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HC|Bö$$ómè dslkfjvftklntri
Welp, miiverse is dead very soon. Doesn't matter anymore about anything here. I enjoyed this service and sad to see it pass but I hope someday soon another service will exist that's new and improved. If you're reading this, comment #ripmiiverse on any of my posts, please and thank you. Why bother write up much. Thanks for the fun times, miiverse will be missed.
larissa salmeronarce2015
Crispy swagmaster297
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mathéo matheodu37
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☆Emma TDG SunsetShimeur
hey! je t'ai bien vue cliquer sur suivre + hein bon voila quel que info sur moi voila voila gentille ★★★★plus un autre et demi ☆ généreuse ★★★★★ méchante ½ belle ★★★ ☆ intelligente ★★★★★ et respéctueuse ★★★★★ gourmande ★★★ voila n'hesite pas a t'abonner ↑ dessans ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ voila gros bisous a Cléo a akina et a ma best loulou = louise bisous bisous ^.^
makenzie cazbie
hello im cazbie im a australian girl who does gymnastics and like's game's. i like fnaf, bendy and the ink machine, undertale and i have roblox my name is stardust_glimmer. and also i like my littie pony, rick and morty and more ( i dont watch that much tv).and i'm born on 24.8.2007 the birthday on my profile is wrong welp hope you like my profile.=)
シュクラ fmmerritt
Not even playing this game anymore im done
Tolga Tt0404
Hey Leute! Viel Spass mit meinen geposteten Bildern! :)
ĞΘŁDžσмβîε★ kinga1
i love all the player and people in the game and everbody in the world everbody is friend and family to me :3
XxDarthXx AndOneKid08
Thanks everyone for giving me posts on my stuff and i will be geting the dlcs for mario kart8 soon and minecraft bye.
Azi Kvng_Zekie
hi my name is Nuriah if you follow me i'll follow you i'm 10 the wiiu is my dream consle i just got it in 2016 i share it with my big brother micaiah you might know who he is. i'm also new to this i don't have much friends nor' followers but i am very nice i have 5 wiiu games and 6 wii games thats all
fav jawn trouble79
hello!! my name is xavier and im new on here. looking to make friends and ...
こうへいワン fhin12
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sunny lily2001chs
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Reptile2.0 Death_Trooper76
Hello there, I'm Death_Trooper76 and this is my profile. Some info about me: 14 years old, love Dishonored, Zelda, and Pokémon, and FNAF. Follow me and I'll follow you back. Come and join me on Amino. I have a lot of OCs for you to read. Alternate accounts are Darkness8811
Sonic Sonicapple
マカロン manon616
私は、おきなはけん うらそえしにすんでいます。 名前は小学3年生のかりまたまのんです。よろしくお願いします。!
Cat★Luki LucasJagla
Hallo Leute Infos die ihr über mich wissen solltet! Name: Lucas Alter: 13 Geburtstag: 06.07.2004 Lieblingsessen: Burger, Wrap, Pizza, Milchreis, Lasagne, Sushi Lieblinsfarbe: Grün, Rot, Blau, Schwarz, Gold Lieblinsverein: FC Bayern München Lieblingsspiele: BotW, Splatoon™, Minecraft™ Best Friends: ♥Meli♥, Niels, Philipp, Mike, Kevin, Adis, Ajren, Danijel, Lukas, Oliver
Guille GuiNinEs
Hola soy Guille, mi videojuego favorito es splaton, por favor seguime y yo os seguire, y os dare un mola.
Aquella DarthRia
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Bonbon UtterBonsense
Hello! Things about me! I love spiders I like old horror movies My fav food is tacos My dream vacation is Tokyo Japan Games I play: Splatoon Mariokart 8 Super mario 3D world Super smash bros Pikmin 3 Nintendo Land The legend of Zelda the wind waker HD Finally Lego Jurassic World Thats all from me bye! O30
■☆★■★☆■▲▼● danijusti111
emmanuel zerty.dgb
si tu t'abonne tu reçevra des jeux
trinity Karelsenetwork
hey im trinity! im currently single! i love hunting and fishing! im a tomboy! i love playing basketball! i love running! i loveee pancakes! And im in love with my bed!!! follow me and ill follow you back!!
PECUCHPLYR karlosj13
********** EvanLiam07
Hi guys Im Evan i love splatoon Level 50 S Rank Clans: NONE! I NEED ONE! ♡IM NOT TAKEN!♥ I love anime DRAWING IS MAH JAM! I quit WiiU MC 2016-2017 WiiU Chat only if i know your over 2 weeks K thx for using your time to read this K thx bai
うねいですうねうねΩ ri0228k
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ruben ruben0638
me llamo ruben vivo en españa me gusta hablar frances neerlandés y inglés
ruben papamamayruben
quereis jugar al minecraft wiiu edition
♪☆Riley☆♪ PikaCats70
Hi, I'm Riley! I love Pokemon Art Academy. I might not be the best, but i still draw. I don't care if you like my art or not. Feel free to "Yeah" and follow me!! <3 k bai now LEAVE OMG GO AWAY jk lol xD but seriously u should just go... ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★NEWS★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ Ok, im sorry about the lack of posts. So many things are going on through my family right now, ill post again soon!
Jonathan JonathanTF
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~Devin~ :( Nindevin23
D¡scord:Devin22Gamer#2671 УТ:DevinGamer ClosedVerse:Devin22Gamer or my mii name ☆тнапкуоц fоя 1200 fоııошеяς★ I appreciate every single yeah and follow! Bye I WILL MISS YOU!!!
Hi my name is Timmy welcome I love minecraft!!!