Users Linkplasy Is Following
WaggaWagga Wagga2000
[AFS]ヒットマン ZEROver2.0
自分はヒットマンです 性別、男子です 年齢14です 皆様はよく投稿されますけど自分はそんなに投稿しないんでそこんとこよろしく
すみっコぐらし すき pss2500
こんにちは、みなさんはスプラトゥーンやマリオカート8を、やったことはありますか?楽しいですよ。ぜひ、やってみてくたださい! あと、かるく自己紹介をします。 好きなゲームスプラトゥーン。好きな動物猫。好きな授業PC社会。好きな食べ物ビビンバ。 これからよろしくお願いします。あと、スーパーマリオ3Dワールドとゆうゲームもあるので、ぜひやってみてください。 みなさん、フォロー本当にありがとうございます。これからも、フォローお願いします たまにスプラトゥーンの、ナワバリバトルは、煽っているかも一緒になったら敵でも見方でも私と一緒に煽っていただくとありがたいです。ミーバース終わるまでたくさん楽しみましょう!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HC|Bö$$ómè dslkfjvftklntri
Welp, miiverse is dead very soon. Doesn't matter anymore about anything here. I enjoyed this service and sad to see it pass but I hope someday soon another service will exist that's new and improved. If you're reading this, comment #ripmiiverse on any of my posts, please and thank you. Why bother write up much. Thanks for the fun times, miiverse will be missed.
makenzie cazbie
hello im cazbie im a australian girl who does gymnastics and like's game's. i like fnaf, bendy and the ink machine, undertale and i have roblox my name is stardust_glimmer. and also i like my littie pony, rick and morty and more ( i dont watch that much tv).and i'm born on 24.8.2007 the birthday on my profile is wrong welp hope you like my profile.=)
larissa salmeronarce2015
Crispy swagmaster297
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ruben papamamayruben
quereis jugar al minecraft wiiu edition
sunny lily2001chs
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banbi kosikasafo.3gatu
--------BEST MY LOVE-------- #Hey!Say!JUMP ヤブ¢ イノ¢ ダイ¢ チィ 薮宏太 ¦伊野尾慧 ¦有岡大貴 ¦知念侑李 #AAA ダッ¢ シュータ ニッシー 日高光啓 ¦末吉秀太 ¦西島隆弘 #GENERATIONS リョータ アラン 片寄涼太 ¦白濱亜嵐 #3代目J Soul Brothers ナオト ガン¢ NAOTO ¦岩田剛典 フォロバ 131パーセント シュガー 100パーセント 3ガツ8ニチ 宏新 --------I LOVE YOU--------
Halpando Halpando
Shyshu~min JDHitGirl138 my name is a very um.....specil name my friends are Mizy~chan! Gulgu~kin Vinmin_ ADMIN_NOT_HOME Pixystick_ θωθThat awkward nerd_ Anonymouslyweird: AnonymousPotatoGoust potatobibby p.s...... Follow these....peps MD⇒Jane Alonso BeNdRoNed E.j Madey roze Armondo kitten bribri Tøp Lost silver Jeff.the.killer
Tobu-Hope® 713955xx
フォロー絶対返す 好きなゲーム 被虐のノエル マイクラ あなたが私を殺した (←ゲーム名だよw) 身長0.1センチ 好きな食べ物 無い アーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー♂
keniah Rizzy33
welcome and send friend requests
ethan 2 absalon2
Hi im Ethan shhh im old one because my other account was not working
Hi Everyone This My Profile as u can see so lets get to the facts My Favorite Food Chicken,Refried Beans and Pizza My Games,Splatoon Minecraft Super Mario 3D Land And More Fav YTERS FaZe_Apex,DanTDM,MyLifeAsArii=My cousons channel Clans: DX:Member мςv:member V:member VP:Leader Update Disclaimer:I am moving to Georgia Soon ill be off and also i am turning of accept friend request
おとめばくだん srkrkrotmbkdn
cass horse30143
cccccchici if you read this can you call me on wii chat
dabean47 dabean47
He he i♥You The Most.
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pokemonlu2 LaylabelleU
りょうせいだよ^_^ TOKU0927
こんにちは、 皆からからは、得ちゃんとか本名で呼ばれてまーす 自己紹介 好きなスポーツ、サッカー 好きな食べ物、無い 好きな科目、体育 好きなゲーム、スプラ、マイクラ 好きな人、いない これぐらいだよ。 フォローしてね~
Lisa MissFacetious
Hi! Lisa the game developer of Intropy Games, follow me for lots of game design fun. ^_^ Always happy to see fans following me. @MissFacetious @intropygames
Miggs AngstyGaijin
Angsty as ever but loving the Wii U. Lead Producer for Astral Breakers from Intropy Games, speaker of Japanese, and eSports columnist for Team Evil Geniuses. Neither ninja nor rock star, but still ridiculously awesome.
SRLAgent I SRLAgentI
イカよろしく! ※日本/ 北米・南米/ 欧州・オセアニア の3コミュニティに向けて、イカ世界のことを たまにイラストで報告します。 Hello, Squids! For Japan, the Americas, Europe and Oceania, I’ll occasionally pop in and give you an update about the squid world with illustrations.
Hi, I'm Yuri from Capcom U.S.A. and I'm the community specialist on Monster Hunter. Keep an eye on the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and Monster Hunter Generations communities for news and fun activities!
Víctor OXiAB_Victor
Hello, I am Víctor. I am the Game Designer of Canvaleon, I can give you tips and advice about it.
Ed SaturnineGames
Game Designer for Saturnine Games.
Agnes Imageform
2D Artist working at Image & Form // Character designer behind Steamworld Dig // Hi everyone! I draw 24/7...
Mr.Bozon Mr.Bozon
The "Shantae/Mighty/Contra4" guy. My favorite games? 1)Zelda a Link to the Past 2)Super Metroid 3)Mega Man 2 4)Castlevania SOTN 5)Contra 6)Resident Evil GCN 7)Street Fighter Alpha 2 8)Resident Evil 4 9)Super Ghouls n Ghosts 10)Luigi's Mansion.... wait, forgot Super Mario Bros... oh boy, start over. To be continued...
Intropy IntropyGames
Official Account of Intropy Games Play Astral Breakers on the Wii U eShop and show me which Zodiac Sign reigns supreme!
Mike Roush MikeNRoush
Co-Founder Gaijin Games
Alan arawkins
Hi, I'm Alan Rawkins / Rawkins Games, creator and developer of Dolphin Up. If you have any feedback or questions about my games, please let me know!
vincent vincenttremblay1
cesar satern_sky_1955
i work for 4j studios
Mike NostaticMike
I am the main developer at Nostatic Software. I hope you enjoy playing our games!
おおたに NintendoOtani
『マリオ&ルイージRPG ペーパーマリオMIX』のプロデューサー 任天堂の大谷 明(おおたに あきら)です。 I'm Akira Otani of Nintendo, producer of Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam / Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros.
FormUpStdo Form-Up-Studios
I am the owner, sole operator and publisher of Form Up Studios. 2015 releases: Tri-Strip 2016 releases: Near Earth Objects 2017 releases: C???? and The ??? ???
Joachim noowandagames
Hi! I'm Joachim Graesser from noowanda, the developers of Discovery.
Julie NintendoJulie
Minecraft MinecraftCT
Official account of the Minecraft Community Team!
flameon gabzjmm23
Smashingly great!!!
Hi my name is Timmy welcome I love minecraft!!!