Linkplasy's Friends
Joseph TheCoolGuys1206
Hello, I am Joseph. If you know me from my old nintendo link: "JLuv429" then try re-friending me. My new account is: "TheCoolGuys1206". Games I have: Super Mario 3D world, Mario Party 10, Super Smash Bros WiiU, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Nintendo Land, Minecraft, Minecraft Storymode, Super mario U, Mario Maker, Splatoon, and Paper Mario color splash. Hope to see new friends. Thanks.
Alien HakuMyShaku
Hello.My name is corey and I live in Ireland County Kilkenny and I am 9 years old but I will be 10 years old in a month.Ok so plz follow me
るい yr1183
mr.heck mr.heck
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仝〆◎ReAl Me VicaVolatic
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Jeremy-ĽĦ XxJeremy.Vialon9
Andrew scold999
I don't know what to say. XD
CreeperBoy 2004joseliszka
Hola soy josé oh aqui CreeperBoyHD Tengo dos canales en youtube:CreeperBoyHD, CreeperBoyHD y Spideyfan. Me gustaria Jugar online con Amigos Al WatchDogs en Modo Libre Vivo en Alemania y tengo 13 Años bueno sin decir mas CHAO!!!
Levi levisasha
bella raga hey tu che stai guardando il mio profilo ti ringrazio. brother:simone BBF:stefano oltre a essere il mio compagno di scuola. mi piace tanto splatoon. sono l'unico ad aver comprato il gioco quando sono finiti i splatfest?XD tra poco prendo nintendo switch :D Schiaccia Segui + e mi farai molto felice. hy my name is levi bonjour mon nom is levi ok.....byeeee
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dragon21 dragon1675
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bro izaacmelgoza
ŕēśφľůтiøń chilango79
did you know the first ever frech fries werent cooked in france?. They were cooked in greece get it?
champion popers7890
hey bro whas up if you want to be part of the new champ team you can join i will take any friend request
Chass TheCampbells001
goku logandean119
i love undertale dbs and pokemon!
ricky Ricky12376Sanche
Julian josuerod11gmail
greeting's everyone my name is Julian and i love deadpool, the misfits, nirvana, skillet, guns n roses and ac-dc, i absolutely love jack skellington as well and horror games like bendy and the ink machine and slender. I also let the light of drawing in my life as well. HOT TOPIC is my favorite store by the way :3 Peace!!!
dj AkajaandDepren12
lil b Kenshad18
Hello im Brysen and my nintendo network is Kensah18. *List what i like to play* splatoon super smash bros. i accept friend request if your mean to me i will block you or not be your friend anymore if i like you alot then i will send a friend request or in a event don't block me pls NO WII U CHAT!!! well smarty chu is my friend
417ソルガレオ 417sub
ラリオーナ! Hi!;D This is WPI☆ミ417'S4s altanative account! 『WPIミ☆417S4』のサブアカです(*^θ^)з 『シイナ』と呼んでください!Plz call me "shiina"! ・リク&無言フレリクは基本スルーします。 ※本アカのフレンドさんは優先的にフレ申請受け付け中 ・サブアカのため時々しか投稿しません。 ・コメ返が極端に遅くなる場合があるのでご了承下さいm(_ _)m よくトーンの描き方を聞かれますがトーンの描き方は随所コメ欄にて説明してます。自分は握力が強いため、保護フィルムに傷がつかないよう繊細なタッチを心掛けてます。
Hania H5zMn505jJ
Du hast mein Profil gefunden! Ich bin länger nicht on Folgt bitte : Marie und Kawaii :3 ( und mir ) ich zeichne gerne und feue mich richtig wenn ich freundesanfragen bekomme (^-^) ich folge euch auch wenn ihr mir folgt ! Ich folge euch liebend gerne! ich hoffe das ich viele Followers und Yeah`s beckomme! viel spaß noch auf meinem Profil, Ach und KEIN WII U CHATT
fangemprer tabithaq22
i have played lost reavers
Doom guy lmalvaez
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GERRICO Coolguys679
I am the best student evr!!! I love to play games and read books!
dabean47 dabean47
He he i♥You The Most.
rafael 16Rafa14
i just like to play video games and stuff
conbear Conbear1
Hi i like minecraft :3
Lunamar3.o coquisrocha
The Bern Apparition17
bernie would have won
jack jackEsID
hi my name is jack im a really big yo kai watch fan at first i hated it but now i play it every day on my 3DS xl my favorite is jibanyan hovernyan and whisper and jibakoma and jetnyan and komasan and robonyan so im a pro at yo kai watch 2 Bony spirits and Fleshy souls and yo kai watch 1 so my Nintendo network id is on the 3DS xl its CaptinJacke10 so feel free to follow me on miiverse
willi fuzzy0027
momma Hawks0052
DIAMONDYT sorenivan
as u can see i am pretty op , so frend and yeah me and i will yeah u and follow me and ill follow u .and dont be a #hater or else and if ur a hater and try to follow me i wont follow u.and his name is JOHNCENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AR*StIcKtA finnmolly
lol my name is charlie and i am good at 200cc. i hope you join my tournement mario kart world cup. oh im 18 years old aswell. i dont have a switch yet so ill be back to u all really soon until i buy one. oh shout out to igelWH and TrisTronix for helping me get better at mario kart so yeah peace out chow
apple YUUMA0712A
Alexis Tiamba24
Hi, I'm Kayla. I'm ready for anything to come my way.
ESTEBAN285 Estebitan1018
Hello There.I Play Super Mario Maker,Mario Kart 8,Minecraft Wii U Edition,And Need For Speed Most Wanted U!!!!!Follow Me To Join My Team Today.I Will Be Hosting Tounraments That You Can Join Anytime!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jade jmsardine
hi guys i am jade AKA jmsardine and i absolutely love to play minecraft splatoon and a couple other things. while you are here press that friend request button
Jude_g jude_g
i like to play wet friends
chicken43 dmidkiff
kiersten wildan38225
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kiko KikoPrez
isaiah sneadfamily1738
millyrock on any block
Spike svbiblicals
I like to play minecraft. I love playing online where I can talk to other players, but I can only play with friends, so send me a FRIEND REQUEST...lets team up to build and play!
joseph bobe21
FireBoy dancemom77
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Pikachu arigon83
i like video games and i am 8 and i love when i win. but i feel bad when my friends lose so i cheer them up
winky ;) winky1995
hi everyone
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
isabelle lulu24410
shasa Mawashigeri-25
#Thug Life#
Simon SimonSchranz48
kika kikavictoria
$AV£M£V£R$ ralphyrabbit
HyruleLink SebastianVeco
Just Like Magic :)
saul ThunderLegion
Luke skywa jomart81
angel angel060805
hola esto es mi informacion personas geniales: tu ermos@ y eso es todo espero k sean mis amigos y si me siguen yo los cigo mande me solicitud meta de amigos 90 y de sub 180
gamer boy FabulousFlying5
reverser chepito01
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Dami nostavic
Andre Luis alalpower
Sou inteligente,educado,gosto de ouvir música,assistir filmes,sou cristão protestante,Belo Horizonte,Brazil.Descance em paz;pai.Rest in peace;father.
sarah sassouille94
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Zekromosma CPThomashay
Big Foto berndpat
Hallo danke das du bei mein Profil vorbei schaust \(^o^)/ Mein name :Kevin alter:** Ich hasse leute die mich immer in Minecraft ausschließen Lieblingsspiele: SPLATOON,MINECRAFTundLEGO CITY UNDERCOVER und bin ein stolzer Instagramkanal besitzen mit 50 Abonenten DANKE DAS DU VORBEI SCHAUTEST SCHÜSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIII :) :] #NICE
pipa rich5980
buddy buddy1234weird
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LGMONEY lgm0n3Y01
umbreon thomasbristol87
QueenCesar Mommy-Star87
xavier xavier1229
Halpando Halpando
Erik Skillakins
jt JTwiiu123
ernesto butterfly27
Mikrotek HymoonMikrotek
Hallo liebe Wii U Freunde Nintendo Land SuperMario Bros U Wii U Party Assassins Creed 3 Zelda The Wind Waker Pikmin 3 Mario 3D World Rayman LegendsThe Darksiders 2 DK C. Tropical Freeze Mass Effect 3 Wii Sports Golf F-Zero, Super Metroid, DonkeyKong Mario Kart 8 Hyrule Warriors Mario Party 10 Bayonetta 2 Toad Treasure Tracker Super Mario Maker Animal Crossing A F! Wario Ware Wonderful 101Lego City
かんちゃん♪ kanchan55
どうも、かんちゃん♪です。一番大好きなゲームは「星のカービィシリーズ」ですので、カービィファンです。そのため、カービィが大好きな方にはフレンド大募集中です!!! 好きな事は食べる事と新コピー能力を考案する事で、特技は勉強とスピードクリア、趣味はペット(ビーグル犬)の散歩とこのWiiUでバーチャルコンソールのカービィシリーズをプレイする事です。もしも2018年にスターアライズとニンテンドー3DS版の「星のカービィ レインボースーパーデラックス」が発売されたらいいなと思う事を希望しています! 各投稿と各コメントのそうだね!とフォローをよろしくお願いします。
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This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Hi my name is Timmy welcome I love minecraft!!!