Users Trev Is Following
Kirac ClubWolfLeader23
I grew up playing the Sega Genesis and Gamecube. My favorite game series include: Animal Crossing, Professor Layton, Sonic, Style Savvy, Pikmin, Harvest Moon and Mario.
Gerbil DeguDax
This user's profile comment is private.
kj kajimi
Toni SixSideDice
I´m designing games at Eclipse Games.
PB Studios PixlBitStudios
Hi this is Nick and Francesca from PixlBit Studios. We hope you're enjoying our inaugural title, PixlCross on your Wii U!
Dave LoudenAwkward
I am the Managing Director at 13AM Games! I love platformers and produced Runbow. Show me your fave screenshots!
Bailey Bailey98
Wii U developer and stuff. I made Don't Touch Anything Red, Neon Battle, and Escape From Flare Industries.
Wobbly T. WobblyTooth
Hi, I'm the director/developer of Wobbly Tooth Games. Please feel free to get in touch.
Angelo YazarMediaGroup
Hi I'm Angelo! I ported Electronic Super Joy: Groove City to the Wii U. I work for Yazar Media Group LLC and I'll be making the official posts for the Groove City community. ▲
Maya YazarMediaMaya
Hi, I'm Maya! I'm a lead developer on the Cutie Pets games from Yazar Media Group LLC. I'll be making official posts for the Cutie Pets Pick Berries community. All hail Mandeer!
Jason C. cp_jason
Hi! I'm Jason Cirillo, designer of Woah Dave! from Choice Provisions. Twitter: @Robotube
Sherry NostaticSherry
Hi, I'm Sherry, an artist and game designer at Nostatic Software. I hope you have fun with our games and look forward to hearing from you!
Syrenne 4CGSyrenne
Lead (and only) developer at 4 Corner Games, the developer of such games as I've Got to Run! (Wii U), I've Got to Run: Complete Edition! (Nintendo 3DS), Monochrono (Wii U, Switch, coming soon) and more coming soon! Follow me for news regarding my games!
Ed SaturnineGames
Game Designer for Saturnine Games.
Kevin Magitroopa
I love playing video games, especially Nintendo games like Mario and The Legend of Zelda!
Daniel ChrisShigeruNews
Hi, I am Chris a Editor For Follow me to get excusive screen shots from upcomming games!
Emery Monzerol
I am co-founder, programmer and music composer at Takusan Works.
nitrochem nitrochem
Hey Nintendo fans! I am a team member of Nitrolic Games! Feel free to follow me for news and updates on our games.
Mike NostaticMike
I am the main developer at Nostatic Software. I hope you enjoy playing our games!
TACS_Thom tacs_thom
Thom here from TACS Games!
Cordero FingerGunGamesCD
I'm Cordero from Finger Gun Games. I'm the programmer of Stone Shire and Ohayou! Beginner's Japanese. Nice to meet you!
Treefall RaceyJT-Treefall
Ron LogGamesRon
I'm Ron from Log Games.
[+=öö]Matt onlymatt
Its time for an update! I have made the music for a wonderful little game called Toss n Go, and a full soundtrack for Tiny Galaxy, check booth out. I have three wonderful daughters. I will have my music in a few upcoming Wii U eshop games! Big things to come!
Tam seven5three
PC and Nintendo gamer. Pan. He/His. Husband. Unapologetic feminist. Not your bro. #6502cast
Jennifer Nyamyam
Hi! My name is Jennifer. I am one of the co-creators of Tengami. Nice to meet you.
Snake Den SnakeDen
Hi! Im the developer for Snake Den. I look forward to competing for the highest score and getting your feedback in the Snake Den community.
Fletcher Mobot-Studios
Paper Monsters Recut community dude.
Shaun GandDJ
Enjoy playing and reviewing video games. Been gaming for over 30 yrs. Own almost every Nintendo system released. Favorite gaming computer is the Amiga. Always interested in establishing new connections. Currently stream on Twitch and Youtube.
Chris Kurisama91
Hello! I'm Christopher F. Arnold! Founder of NAMI TENTOU MUSHI and creator of PING 1.5+!
Ace Ace_TheSurfer
Hi, I'm Daniel Navarro from Dolores Entertainment. I'd like to share news with you about Ice Cream Surfer.
hugo hugosmits3DSXL
I'm the endboss of Goodbye Galaxy Games. I made Tappingo for 3DS and Flipper for DSiWare!
BraveRock braverockgames
Hello, I'm Brave a developer at Brave Rock Games. Our first Wii U application is Red Riding Hood, a visual novel meant for young readers. COMMUNITIES RR Hood: Stonecutter: Alice in Wonderland: Twitter: Facebook: Fan Art Gallery:
CIRCLE Entertainment. Many thanks for everyone support us! Follow us on twiiter: @CIRCLE_Ent Fackbook: CIRCLE Ent. Sometimes we will making giveaway.
Greg ZeNfAProductions
Hello! I am Greg from ZeNfA Productions. Developer of ZaciSa's Last Stand & Hot Rod Racer. Please follow me for official updates on the game.
O2 Games o2games
We produce titles for health and family: you can call them "Healthy Games"... Fit Music for Wii and Wii U Baila Latino for Wii U Luv Me Buddies Wonderland for Wii U and 3DS
YannEA Armillo
Yanni from Fuzzy Wuzzy Games: we made Armillo! That boy gets into ALL sorts of trouble... <sigh>
Barkley Barkley_Eclipse
Hi, I'm Eduardo from Eclipse Games and I'd like to share news with you about Super Toy Cars
Jordan NinjaPigStudios
I'm the developer of Meme Run, Bigley's Revenge & IQ Test and founder of Ninja Pig Studios. Go download any of my titles and have a great time playing with your friends and family.
Andy BearBoxMediaAndy
I'm Andy Ford from Bear Box Media. I produced Internal Invasion, and currently have more Wii U games in development. Feel free to ask me anything about the game, and I'll do my best to answer you!
ManderZ ManderZByteZ
→ I AM MANDERZ BYTEZ©! ← Slime covered! 28/F | Artist | 90s nicktoon | Married to superdbop♥.← wiiUversary 11/18/2012
Eli TreeFallStudios
Hi I'm Eli of TreeFall Studios! I'm the developer and producer of The Letter! Hope to connect with you on Wii U!
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