Trev's Friends
Daniel ChrisShigeruNews
Hi, I am Chris a Editor For Follow me to get excusive screen shots from upcomming games!
Kirac ClubWolfLeader23
I grew up playing the Sega Genesis and Gamecube. My favorite game series include: Animal Crossing, Professor Layton, Sonic, Style Savvy, Pikmin, Harvest Moon and Mario.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Devilbrobo DPittman
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Jeffrey 142506
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Gerbil DeguDax
Player One Erixsan
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Cody M. moldycarton
Former Nintendo Power writer, videogame enthusiast.
TomServo TomServo89
Illustrator, Designer & Writer for NintendoLife.
Victoria thegeekchic
Jenn JennG1
TNNtendoU! TNNtendoU
****PLAY MY ADVENTUROUS, EXPLORATION FILLED, CREATIVE SUPER MARIO MAKER COURSES!!! Hey I'm Tyler, 33 yrs old,small town Granite Falls, NC! I'm cashier & author horror novel: Breller Feller! Luv '80s music nicknamed Ty D. '80s Guy!!!(with 3 !s) lol. Njoy oldr tv, movies,& mor! 1st vid game as kid: Galaga arcade & fav N games:Mario, DKC, & othr Nint. old school! Thx 4 readn & hav fun n Miiverse!!!
Mau5trash Mau5trash
PurelyMatt 310MattP
Multimedia Manager at
Leuvsion leuvsion
Directing Developer of Twisted Fusion for Wii U out now and podcast host of Nintendo Voice.
BplusGames BplusGames
Game Designer of BitBoyARCADE and Creator of Kubi the Bit Boy!! Official Nintendo licensed game developer Always working hard on games with my characters ZeLeLi, Kubi, Niki and H... oh sorry, don't want to spoil you! ^^' Always Happy to see Fans following me!! Official Verified NNID:
Syrenne McNulty
Personal North American account of the creator of 4 Corner Games. Japanese acct: SyrenneMcN Euro acct: SyrenneEU Official acct: 4CGSyrenne
ManderZ ManderZByteZ
→ I AM MANDERZ BYTEZ©! ← Slime covered! 28/F | Artist | 90s nicktoon | Married to superdbop♥.← wiiUversary 11/18/2012
Kuri-sama Kurisuellegarden
I am a game developer. I live my life revolving around games. Inspirations: Shigeru Miyamoto, Hideo Kojima, and Suda51. Favorite Series Zelda★ Mario Pikmin Metal Gear Solid★ Final Fantasy before XIII Kingdom Hearts Nintendogs Professor Layton Phoenix Wright Disgaea/Phantom Brave Anything from Suda51★
Tam seven5three
PC and Nintendo gamer. Pan. He/His. Husband. Unapologetic feminist. Not your bro. #6502cast
Chris~BigK BigK_201
Founder of Utah 3DS Streetpass. Studying Japanese and Marketing. Love playing video games and the video game industry.
Alex PKCruisin
Writer for! Check out our website and magazine why dont'cha?
Eli Bigg-E
l'm Eli of TreeFall Studios. I am the producer of The Letter! I love many things, one of which happens to be Nintendo. Also Music, Food, the planet of the Pikmin, and Iguanas. Im weird I know, but that is how it is supposed to be.
RCMADIAX rcmadiax
Michael from RCMADIAX games. My first title, BLOK DROP U, is releasing soon in the Americas. Working on release for Europe and Australia.
J Money J-Money
Hey Justin here! I am Assistant Editor @ and Pure Nintendo Magazine. I have an unhealthy obsession with zombies and I love fast cars. My favorite Nintendo character is Koopa.
James purely_james
Justin purely_justin
Editor-in-Chief | Pure Nintendo Magazine (PNM)