Where did all the scores go?
Trev's Post
Super Mario Maker Community

Super Mario Maker course immortalized in print
To my 500+ Miiverse followers, and other SMM fans, please share one of your course designs (Course ID # & brief description) Potential publishing in a future issue...
Super Mario Maker Community

Want to immortalize your SMM course in print?
To my nearly 500 Miiverse followers, and other SMM fans... please share one of your Super Mario Maker course designs.(Course ID # & brief description) Potential pu...
Just Dance 2017 Community

How do the co-op world rankings work?
It gives a number, say 500 out of 97,000. Is the latter number based on how many JD 2017 Wii U owners have gone online? Not even Ubisoft seems to have an answer.
Super Mario Maker Community

SMM courses immortalized in print
Please share a cool Super Mario Maker course design. (Course ID # & brief description) Possible publication in a future issue of PNM, Pure Nintendo Magazine. (Many...