Sea Joe's Followers
Doggy Kittychan33
hi im Tyler love:private i miss kendal i loved her in all of my heart im 14 my senpie is kendal we both love each other we think about each other best friend in real life:jason miiveres pet:☆jimmy bun☆ im in a musal spasm in my left shoulder goodbye forever miiveres
Max ei7fzb
Hello! My name is Max! Bonjour! Se ma pelle Max! I like Bendy And The Ink Machine and FNAF! Planets:★★★★★ Maths:★★★★☆ English:★★★★☆ Irish:★★★☆☆ Pet: Dog √ Cat X
Kaffworld MinecraftFred
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mimi charlizetr2006
hi I am mimi I really enjoy play video games and watch tv (: (:
kk donnak224
◇★Hayato★◇ hayatoida8810
痛いよ今、顔にキズがあるんだよぉーー おふざけは、やめてこんにちは、こんばんは、◇★Hayato★◇です。 ・住んでいる場所 京都です。 ・趣味 特にありません。 ・学年 普通の6年です。 ・得意な事 絵を書く事、(これくらい…) ・好きな曲 いっぱいありすぎて分からん… ・私は、犬はです。←(どうでもいいww) ・彼女は、いるかって 内緒 ・年齢は、 12歳です。 いままで見てくださってありがとうございました!! もし、良ければフォローお願いします!! 建築が好きです!!(外装の方が好き) 特に仲良くさせてもらっているフレンドs (`^´)s つばさs (°д°::)s 好きなユーウチューバー ・1位 きりざき えいじ ・2位おるたな ・3水溜まりボンド じゃ僕の紹介を終わります!!投稿ぜひ見てね!!みんなバイビ
☆★ホモ∞ニート★☆ shinobi123
juneilys johnpinkaso
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Gamer Girl WUSHEPS
Well guys you were all amazing people and I will miss you all!! It was awesome these past years on Miiverse and now it coming to a close.... Again thanks for all your support and love!! You guys make me Smile! :') THANKS FOR THE AMAZING YEARS!! -Gamer Girl/Woomy Gamer..... *Real Name* Shayde! Oh and heres my Nintendo Switch F code SW326656250027 My game name is WoomyGamer! THANKS AGAIN!!! :3 BYE!
JROK0724 ErasableNinja
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RageMage ragemagegamer07
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squid kid marioo555555
Its a shame that miivers is closing.... I will have many memorys of all my friends messages, That time someone reported me, and how amazing the miivers community is..... Miivers will be mised.... Good bye miivers.... forever. :-(
Aye what up.My name is Destiny I'm 14 years old.I'm a gamer, dancer & artist.I'm a girl.I like dance,drawing.Video games are my life.I have desluxia,depression. And if you follow me I will follow you too & I might YEAH BOMB your posts.Hmu if you want to be friends:D.I'm Mexican/Colombian^o- P3ACE OUT #2017
SINNER Octagonapus1
...I don't understand... why do you want me to write about myself?... 0 posts left Why won't you leave...?
Mia Nipsey03
hi im nipsey and i love minecraft craft if you ♡ minecraft friend me p.s jelly is my bestfriend ♡
narky stunz45
atony jhanna1986
hi guys this channel will support art drawing doddling and youtube. thank you for being here with me.
Joltichu Joltichu
My Pokemon O.C.s Joltichu Illusion (Zoroark) Mie (Mienshao) Light (Absol) Sapphire (Midday Lycanroc) Taki (Zangoose) Fluffy (Cinccino) My Animal OCs Ruby Fox (Fox) Kin Neko (Cat) Remi Leo (Lion) Grey (Wolf) Sky Light (Greys' Sister) (Wolf) Zander (Panther) Snow Leo (Snow L.) Bolt Tiger (Tiger) Cookie (Fox) Crest (Red Panda) Miyu Kabuki (Anubis/Jackal) Zera Sun (Bunny) #ThankYouMiiverse!
/ Comikid
Jacob richards9498
Things are looking grim... I'll miss all of you deeply. Thank you everyone, for all the great times. Now, some info on where you can f¡nd me. Universe that's closed: My name, mii, and everything is the same. (;
ash limalamosa
i like playing mincraft i have been playing for 2 years now and i mostly post my builds
stephen Steve-da-1
hey guys whats up,im steve-da-one
Jayden Minnie33
Botini KingCake45
Hi. I play Super Smash Bros Dragon Ball Fusions, Pokemon Sun. I have magearna im trading it for Meloetta. If you follow me you will get all shink pokemen and all characters on S.S.B and also the one you bye
KingZekrom BigbossZekrom
I am the leader of the guild known as "The Elemental Guild" We are a peaceful guild that wishes for good times, good battles, and overall to have fun times! Gym leaders so far Fairy:Adam (VE) Ground: Zam/Blizzaria I'm the steel mono type trainer! My admins Riley Riolu and Jordanslash2.1 are extremely good people! Follow them! They help things out. Also, Admin hunting will be soon! Status: Here
Anonymous anonymous.10000
im a big time fan of monster hunter gen & pokemon x&y alpha&omga sun & moon.& fantcy life . in a band for a few years. likes music. like cooking. um well this is all i can share with you without telln you who i realy am thank you for reading this. friends with all in here :) becase i am a nice persn. :) well bye & have a good day
Derek derekddiaz
Hello people! My name is Derek. I am 16 years old. I like splatoon, steven universe, mario, pokemon, animal crossing, and wiener dogs! If you follow me i will follow you back! I also speak a little bit of spanish. Hola:D
Citrine MesaRoleplays
*Sigh* :/ *I have secrets* Idk what else to write here * I'm emotional and I like things done my way * I bite my thumb at you * I like roleplaying
uMopap!sdn TheConbros2
hi This is my backup account for TheConbros and for when i run outta posts for ΔΨ sans also , is mayonnaise an instrument
melone AleksanderPilich
hi bin 16 jahre alt bin jeden tag online und meine lieblingsspiele sind minecraft,splatoon
Smerperior Exciton79
Just an alt. that draws in the Unova New York Club! Serperior is the best starter! Goal: To Become NY Club's best artist! Sad Reality: I'm the only one who draws there... Main Accounts: Entei-Sama (Exciton97) Exciton★Vξ (ChobitsLove) ←Search NNID not name! Please, feel free to follow and yeah me!♥★☆♪ Unova Forever!!!! Follow: Connor (yogibear163) Forrest (MintyWhisker)
Eoghan Eoghanky21
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Joce★Bear JoceTheLlama
Hi I LOVE to play acnl
nick naruto.7500
i like games
Mae MountainGal
Hi, Ive enjoyed being a part of this family.I have met many people and all of you have made being here fun and enjoyable.So thank you to all of you.
jarred MarioMakerJarred
Hi i'm Jarred, a simple 11 year old that likes anime and make rpg's so apparently im your everyday anime fan and an rpg maker i only use rpg maker fes
Joseph MLGJK25
Hey there! so, few things about me. 1: I AM a furry so, don't be mean 'bout it 2: I like Mario, Minecraft, Pokemon, DBZ Kai, and Role-plays. Also gimme a follow and I'll follow back ALWAYS! Furry info: Species: Wolf Looks: White colored fur w/ black tail/ear tip. Green jacket Sans' shorts. Red chest fur (like Shadow) Traits: Perseverance, Lazy. Welp. See ya, kiddo.
Kaitlyn Kaitlyn5820
Ivy raymond13579
Hi im Ivy and im your average 11 year old OR AM I Favorite Videogames:fnaf,sonic,mario, kirby and pokemon Memes for life so thats a little about me bye you wasted your time down here
Cynthia StarLove59
Salut ici StarLove59 je suis une fan de splatoon et des jeux mario zelda fire emblem kid icarus kirby et pokemon mes meilleurs amis son Nicolas Brice Louise Victoria Nƒ∞Sirius~ Louisa G&KLéna G&KÉthane Deborah Coralie minibleu☆★ Axel n'esiter pas a vous abonner merci ^^
For the love of your fans Nintendo, JUST STOP.
~Secrets be WithHeld~
For the love of your fans Nintendo, JUST STOP.
~Secrets be WithHeld~
Anyone feel up for a hunt? Would be happy to hunt with anyone, feel free to ask (^-^) I'm open for 3U, 4U and Gen.
For everyone who is curious I'm 22.
Co-founder of the newly founded "J & U Builders Company".
God bless and good-bye ( б_б)-☆-(ą_ą )