Users Sea Joe Is Following
Miiwagler™ miiwagler
I am the Creator of the Nintendo Crafters. Coco™ is the leader! (chosen by me). We make nintendo minigames in minecraft! I'm also a huge fan of nintendo and enjoy playing video games! Consoles I own: 3DS,WiiU,and Switch. Peace out Miiiverse!¡!¡
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
こりんご koringods
ポケモン大好きですが、バトルは弱いです。 プチコン3号ひそかにプレイしてます! フォローバックやリクエスト受付は基本しておりません。 イラストの構図コピーについて こりんごのミーバースにあるイラストで良ければどんどんしていただいて結構です♪自分も最初は漫画家さんのイラスト真似るところから初めたし、参考にしていただけるなら嬉しい限りです♪ 英語コメントには適当な返事します、ごめんなさい。外国語知識皆無の為…(´▽`;)ゞ
фーうpさんーф kutomi
(♪) ときどき連続共感します。迷惑だったら言ってね フォローはたまに返します Q&A 眠いです>寝ましょう あばばばば>(^p^)え? フォローします>(・A・)嘘...でしょ。 ○ね>いつか○にます。 北○鮮について>ミサイル食べたい←頭おかしい 家で何か飼ってる?>ハムスター 宇宙人飼ってる?ww>ノーコメントで 終了です プロフ *».人間.«* ∴・:“男”:・∴ ×-+ボーカロイド系が好き+-× ∀»~俺にとってはアニメの秋だね~«∀ !』.生きる今が一番幸せ.『!←れるりりさんの神のまにまに観てた人(俺は輪廻転生するけどw ____________/_____ I | ● ▲ ● | I I |__________ l __I ↑すいっち風↑ あなたはだんだーん俺にフォローがしたk C(^▽^)お前ちょっとこっちにこい
Phunky Rad-Icarus
-Lazy Gamin' 4ever- Favorite Games: Mario Kart 8, Metroid Prime, Xenoblade Chronicles, Fire Emblem series, Zelda Skyward Sword, Metal Slug, Bayonetta2, Kid Icarus, Gradius, Serious Sam, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Lego City Undercover, Torchlight 2, Neverwinter Nights. I have a PC, Wii U, 3DS, and Gamecube. Please feel free to follow, friend, and comment!
GanjaGal GanjaGal247365
Hi, feel free to call me GG! WARNING: Aquired taste required! A little about me...I'm painfully shy & have a severe, incurable, rare case of sarcasm. ~>~ KushQueen is my alt..looks nothing like this.
^p^on T08N08
プロフィールコメントは運営がおいしくいただきました。 ミバ終わりそうなのにBANされちゃった(⌒,_ゝ⌒)このアマァ! \ (/o^) <共感=既読 ( / / く フォロワー150人突破!ありがとうございます!4/28 フォロワー200人突破!ありがとうござます!7/25 フォロワー300人突破!ありがとござす!7/30 フォロワー400人突破!ありざす!8/31 フォロワー444人突破!あざす!10/31 ども ばどきょー 大好き^p^onです 名前は[(^p^)ON]=[ON]ではなく[(^)P(^)ON]=[PON]です、[^p^(on)]=[^p^]は許す ブロックは基本しません(0人) しょしんしゃ神様リスペクト フィッシャーズの音MAD凄いなぁ 更新日 '17 9/15
Jody Jody21
Hey,whats goin on. if you follow me expect relly random and silly posts. i'm also getting into glitchs so expect screen shots. but of coarse you dont have to follow its just great ly appretiacted.So talk to you later. bu bye.oh by the way i accept friend requests but no wii chat or talking untill i know you personaly
RageMage ragemagegamer07
Profile comment hidden by admin.
viper Sceptileslicer
hey all of my fellow sceptiles my name is sceptile slicer (i dont slice sceptiles) andim here to tell things about me I love pokemon, minecraft, and terraria I CANT READ Salty234 is my enemy yeah i got nothin else intresting
Jag! jag123
goodbye guys... you don't know how much I'll miss every one of you. You're all amazing, and never stop dreaming!
Survivior SwimmingEagle42
My name: Adrian My age: 21 Hair color: Dark dark brown Eye Color: Gold Fav. Game: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild Fav. Game Series: The Legend of Zelda series Fav. Food: ♥♡Brownies♡♥ I'm building a 100% survival only kingdom with no host privileges or any ''hacks.'' If you want to see my stuff, Why not follow me? I'll post a build at least once a week.
Mia Nipsey03
hi im nipsey and i love minecraft craft if you ♡ minecraft friend me p.s jelly is my bestfriend ♡
narky stunz45
atony jhanna1986
hi guys this channel will support art drawing doddling and youtube. thank you for being here with me.
Bry howintheworld
-Offline- Mood: meh Song/Band: literally any anime opening Heyyy, I'm just your regular weirdo. I draw a lot. Likes: drawing, anime, BBC, Homestuck, Vocaloid ANIMES/MANGAS I HAVE WATCHED/READ: Free!, Durarara!!, Diabolik Lovers, Death Note, Black Butler, Karneval, Hetalia, OHSHC, Fairy Tail, Attack on Titan, Soul Eater, Pandora Hearts, Afterschool Charisma, Haikyuu, All Out, Tokyo Ghoul
Trip Sikyanakotik
Author of Today's Client, a daily story series in the Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer community. I am working to improve my drawing and writing skills. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. Please be brutal.
ash limalamosa
i like playing mincraft i have been playing for 2 years now and i mostly post my builds
Jayden Minnie33
Dejanae shemom443
2180+ Followers... Thank you! I'm going to miss all of you that supported me. Specially here on Miiverse :,o. Spending time in here with everyone is really fun! Info in my favorite post. Memories won't be forgotten. See you next time!
KingZekrom BigbossZekrom
I am the leader of the guild known as "The Elemental Guild" We are a peaceful guild that wishes for good times, good battles, and overall to have fun times! Gym leaders so far Fairy:Adam (VE) Ground: Zam/Blizzaria I'm the steel mono type trainer! My admins Riley Riolu and Jordanslash2.1 are extremely good people! Follow them! They help things out. Also, Admin hunting will be soon! Status: Here
Botini KingCake45
Hi. I play Super Smash Bros Dragon Ball Fusions, Pokemon Sun. I have magearna im trading it for Meloetta. If you follow me you will get all shink pokemen and all characters on S.S.B and also the one you bye
SeaJoe DemensionWalker
MIIVERSE CLANS ARE FINALLY DYING AHAAAHAH! Dragma going to do WHAT now? ;) Also because I'm sure it doesn't matter, here's my deviantart; Demensionwalker. Please don't kill me Nintendo. '-' ~~†εαm §рiг†~~ ☆★Team Shiny Fighters★☆
WW★Sushi Nawel2012
Yo , je suis un fans de mangas. Je vais vous en présenté : ⇒ One Piece ● Dragon ball s ● Food Wars ● Sao ● Radukai isshi no cavlry ●Hundred ●Haikyuu!! . Et encore plein d'autre ... Sinon je joue a Mario kart 7 ~ Monster Hunter ~ Fire emblem Héritage – Conquête , Voilà . Abonne toi et jouons ensemble ;)
Vango SikTornado
Salutations, I'm Vango pleased to meet cha! Relax and be easy we all chill here yo. Be the Raptor.
Joltichu Joltichu
My Pokemon O.C.s Joltichu Illusion (Zoroark) Mie (Mienshao) Light (Absol) Sapphire (Midday Lycanroc) Taki (Zangoose) Fluffy (Cinccino) My Animal OCs Ruby Fox (Fox) Kin Neko (Cat) Remi Leo (Lion) Grey (Wolf) Sky Light (Greys' Sister) (Wolf) Zander (Panther) Snow Leo (Snow L.) Bolt Tiger (Tiger) Cookie (Fox) Crest (Red Panda) Miyu Kabuki (Anubis/Jackal) Zera Sun (Bunny) #ThankYouMiiverse!
amr sosman123
hi my name is amr im 14 and i like pokemon and anime.
LeoN LeoN88627
Accepting drawing requests! 絵のお題募集中! (´・ω・`)ノ Hello everyone! I'm from Argentina so I speak Spanish, a little bit of English and Japanese. Playing on the Switch *The Legend of ZELDA Breath of the Wild Playing on the Wii U * Hyrule warriors * Splatoon * The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD Playing on the 3ds * Pokemon moon, FE fates
Reima 582347
Reima here, how've ya been :D, welcome to my profile, i am the ultimate homestuck fan, and love drawing, so send me requests status: online and happy, i also take requests :3
Raymundo RayDangoVago
[RayDango] Nos vemos!!. Yucateco fan de Nintendo,Animación,Juegos,Pizza,Musica ochentera,Musica Vocaloid y Frikieadas,Solo publico dibujos,Me gusta el dibujo a pesar de no ser muy bueno. In English ;D I like Cartoons,Anime,Nintendo,Games,Pizza,Vocaloid and 80s Music,etc Age/Edad:2?. I only post drawns,My english is bad®. saludos.
SongBird♪ Songbird808
I'm just me, a 25 year old chick with nothing better to do outside of work than play videogames.
lexie lexieblack123
im doing shiny give aways for shiny lv 1 pokemon plz find me i will be on moon if u want my free shinys then plz find me
*Hino~kun* Kazio-san
Hello Beauie here, Im 12 turning 13 in April. Im in 7th grade. Im very friendly and love to talk so, dont be afraid to speak up. Just to let you know when I get alot more pokemon shines currently zero, I will do give away's and Shout out to Mr.Ice he is very nice and awsome! My first miiverse friend! online ★ offline ☆ busy▼ school ▲ sleeping ● currently ★
Fιии FinnTheCookie
Hey! I'm Finn! A Nintendo Gamer! ;) Friend requests open at all times! -=-SSB4 Info-=- Main: Mario Side-main: Villager
ClutchLord jeremiahterrero1
Im jeremiah Age20 "Im pretty chill" I enjoy playing video games such as splatoon, Mincraft, and Mario kart 8. splatoon lvl 50 A+ I am a runner catch me if you can
FoxChild Katlin5
Welcome to a random persons profile! :D Hi I'm FoxChild! But you can call me Todd if you want! :D I'm an 11 year old boy who loves to draw! :D Follow these amazing people! - Eddie - Emma - ArtiSquid♪ - Ξstrεllα - Kyle - Fabulous - Inka - Noe Have a great day! :D Don't be scared to talk to me! I don't bite! ^U^ Ooh! Have a poptart on your way out! Bye! ^^
Mario RPG Co-owner
"Hello fellow miiversians! ^^ Current Co-owner of ☆★Team Shiny Fighters★☆ Owner: Chosen Admin: Richard Most active during weekends. If you're interrested in joining leave a comment on any open discussions. Any kind of competitive player, collector or advisor welcomed! :) There will be a tourney for members held via pokebank update, for a chance to win a shiny! :D
Chosen Toolshrink2
Heyo! I love nintendo! I also love pokemon, Shinies forever!★ I also love a bunch of other games! Clan: Shiny Fighters (I am the Leader.) Clan mates: Sea Joe/Every Vote/Mario RPG (alternate) is co- leader.
MedGval GDE713
Hello!I'm Gio!You should know- *I love drawing,animating,animation,singing,and playing sports *My favorite books are Percy Jackson,Diary of a Wimpy Kid,and Pokémon Adventures *My favorite games are Minecraft and Pokemon *I am a YouTuber *I'm 13 *And I'm a Christian Status Online [✔] Out of posts [✔]
For the love of your fans Nintendo, JUST STOP.
~Secrets be WithHeld~
For the love of your fans Nintendo, JUST STOP.
~Secrets be WithHeld~
Anyone feel up for a hunt? Would be happy to hunt with anyone, feel free to ask (^-^) I'm open for 3U, 4U and Gen.
For everyone who is curious I'm 22.
Co-founder of the newly founded "J & U Builders Company".
God bless and good-bye ( б_б)-☆-(ą_ą )