Shiny trade post, specifics in post
looking for a ★Larvesta or Volcanora, ★Surskit or Masquerain, ★Pichu, Pikachu or Raichu. I don't have much but here's my list: ★Latios with megastone, Event Celebi...
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Community
Shiny trade post, specifics in post
looking for a ★Larvesta or Volcanora, ★Surskit or Masquerain, ★Pichu, Pikachu or Raichu. I don't have much but here's my list: ★Latios with megastone, Event Celebi...
Pokémon X and Y Community
Shiny Pokemon Trading post
I'm looking for ★Larvesta, ★Masquerain, ★Pichu, Pikachu or Raichu. I have ★Latios with Latiosite, Event Celebi, Jirachi, Arceus and Genesect. .3.
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Community
Shiny Trading Post!
I am looking for specifically ★Pichu, ★Pikachu or ★Raichu. I have ★Latios, Jirachi and Kyogre. Also if anyone wants anything more I have a TON on Moon I sadly can'...
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Community
Question about Wolf Link Amiibo heart level
Is there any other way to get Wolf Link more hearts than to play through Twilight Princess? Game was hard enough as it is on wii for me, not to mention funds being...
Minecraft: Wii U Edition Community
Looking for nature/fantasy builders!
I'm going to begin a creative flat map for a future role-play fantasy nature setting. Anything nature related or nature-like is welcome on this new map! No human-m...
Minecraft: Wii U Edition Community
Updated Minecraft crashes system
Yep, everytime I try to log into a world, offline or online, friend's or my own it crashes. u_u I have no idea why either!
Aspie discussion
Soooo, anyome else here have Asperger's Syndrome? If so what you experiences with it? I'll tell ya, I had a really bad meltdown today over how to clean the burner ...
Play Journal Entries
Monster Hunter™ 3 Ultimate
Anyone up for g rank mantle farming? I'm trying to craft gunner Alatreon gear and I'm needing Rathian, Lagiacrus and Uragaan. c:
Play Journal Entries
Monster Hunter™ 3 Ultimate
So, anyone care to hunt Alatreon or Lucent Nargacuga with me? I'm trying to farm for gems.
Play Journal Entries
Monster Hunter™ 3 Ultimate
Could any hr3 hunters come by my room today? I'm a hr3 hunter named Luna and the room title speaks for itself. I just want a real experience without op hunters to slaughter the fun. I'm on lobby 2.
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community
Holding a Shiny Giveaway (READ THIS POST!)
Holding a shiny giveaway consisting of five shinies! It's going on three days and I'm just waiting for 19 more entries. Go under my following to find my alternate ...
For the love of your fans Nintendo, JUST STOP.
~Secrets be WithHeld~
For the love of your fans Nintendo, JUST STOP.
~Secrets be WithHeld~
Anyone feel up for a hunt? Would be happy to hunt with anyone, feel free to ask (^-^) I'm open for 3U, 4U and Gen.
For everyone who is curious I'm 22.
Co-founder of the newly founded "J & U Builders Company".
God bless and good-bye ( б_б)-☆-(ą_ą )