LENK's Followers
DANA Hessman76
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BJBat FloppyDude
Hi, This Is BJBat, And I Love Gaming! You Can See Me Online On Minecraft, Mario Kart 8, Wii Sports Club (East Midlands UK) And Splatoon! I Am Extremely Grateful For All My Followers! Also Please Take Time To Follow My Brother NitroBoy And My Friend Raj! Sorry For My Bad Spelling. Also Thank You So Much For 420 Followers Miiverse Friends! Bye For Now!
Bros Can You Follow Me
Luigi23 UnstoppaBull
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Elijah Luigi1Mario12007
THANK YOU ALL FOR 400+ Followers! •Help Me Get 500+ Followers! •I will follow you if you follow me. •I love to play Minecraft with my friends. •I also play Breath Of The Wild. •I do not grief in MC. •I post funny things and try to reply to all my followers •I have a cousin Dylan, Username: dylamaddox •I love Action, Adventure, and Fighting games! •I'm a christian BTW The Big Bang Theory is stupid.
とわちーーーん to10wa27
どうも、とわちんです。 フォローしてくれたら1000%フォロー返します。 ・好物 マックのてりやきバーガー ・好きなYouTuber たくっち ・好きなゲーム WiiUマイクラ、GTA5 〔以上〕です。 ごゆっくりどうぞ
ethan Thomas2784
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なおP shizuoka.saiko
活動日(マインクラフト) 月曜日 マイクラ歴6年クラフト 火曜日 まったり建築クラフト(6時~6時45分) 木曜日 ゆっくり実況撮影(マルチのみ) 金曜日 一週間終了祝い(自由にマインクラフト) 土日 みんなのワールド探索(ワールドに行きます) 平日 毎日投稿 コラボ企画もやるかも!?あと、永遠の17歳です。
321yes jnbowen9
hi peoples!!!!!!!
AimeePlayz AimeeCrane2
Hey!Itz AimeePlayz!A cool 10 year old gal who luvs Miiverse! Daily news:David is sick!Get well soon :) My Gamez:Splatoon,MK8,LOST REAVERS,Youtube. School friends on my Wii U:pkchris☆★,Izzy,Alfie(hasn't accepted yet Online Freinds:DanITFC,Marinette,PacManFan. Daily shout out:Pacmanfan Cool things about me:I am English,part Irish,and a little bit indian(My greatgranddad is indian;I dont look indian
DerpJacob eatsleepmine11
Hi! I'm DerpJacob. I'm a 15 year old teen who makes off topic posts and drawings of countryballs. Nice(>:]) users . MII king . Ian~ . Brandon . MII king . Daniel . MEEM kong . MII king . MII king . Laurzy . MII king . Trashbot . Snowy . Venoct . Gluttony . Ultra Urk . C Meister MII king X DerpJacob is the best ship.
zozo zozolucky
Aka Hika akahikariaaahhh
よろしく ぽきさん みやさん好きです
angichan 2211Ahmid
hallo im angichan 3D EX zero plion im 100 players vs all important players {maud , acro queen , dark flage , tord , teduka , ao biozin , ao kadu , papy , theresa , ao jay jay , ku , ao charly , no on , taker , ahmed and 1961}
Julie JulieSophy
Hallo ich bin neu in Miiwerse. Ich bin 8 Jahrealt. Ich will gerne mit andern Nutzern spielen. Wenn lemant mit mir spielen will möchte gerne Supermario 3D Wold spielen oder Wii sports Club spielen.♡♥Ich froje mich auf neue Freunde! Wer will mit mir spielen? Wer will mit mir befreundet sein? Ich spiele gerne Mario3DWold! Geburtstag: 10.02.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Ferベッテル/サブ R32R34R35
どうも、ベッテルのサブデータです。いろんなゲームをやっています!!! 詳しくはフレンドからベッテルとあるので見てください ベッテルにフォロー宜しく!!!。 私、可愛い?
MR.MASTER saknint
HI I AM MR.MASTER! I have a lot of games and am really sad that Miiverse is closing!! This is my life! I love Miiverse and you guys! THANKS FOR THE 100 FOLLOWERS!!!!!! (^o^) (^o^) I have drawn the Dark Lord as a celebration!! Again, thanks so much for the 100 Followers!! I can't thank you guys enough!! 2 years ago I was at 0. Now look where I am! THANK YOU GUYS! REALLY! MY GOAL IS DONE! ♥ U!
らいむ Raimu-BLACK
らいむ∞のサブ垢です!! こっちも、よろしくです!!
Kiibo liloreocookiez
◆B U T T H A T ' S K A Y A Y A D A Y ' S L I E I S N 'T I T ?◆ Hi im ◆Leafff :^) not that anyone cares. Fav Husbandos: Henry Ouma Kokichi Male corrin rantaro amami Gender:alien(female) Waifus: kaede, angie,junko, celestia, miu iruma and kyoko from danganronpa.
Calebƒ Masteralpacas.9
It was an honor to serve ƒluƒƒy here, but i am still serving elsewhere. My log-on is now, today. My 1.5 years here were pretty good. I started so small. I made friends, some quit and are never to be seen again. Its been fun so thanks for the yeahs and follows. Caleb R, M. Alpaca, FERPpaca, Calebƒ
Tin Foil Purrbix
Heya. I joined Miiverse back in 2013. Little me at 11 was ecstatic to have her first social media, and it sure was a hoot. You people I met on Miiverse were real friends to me, people who shared my joys; gamers, doodlers (and memers) like me. So, just for my acquaintances, I leave with my true name, that I bore when I first arrived. See me again sometime, somewhere else. ˘υ˘
Kirsche 0275cherrie
Hi und willkommen auf meinem Profil meine liblingsfarbe ist:orange meine liblingsspiel sind: Need for speed most wanted und Mincraft und ich bin .... jahre alt und ich freu mich wenn wir Freunde wären! XD WII U Chat: nur mit Recht guten Freunden. Falls ihrs noch nicht wisst Miiverse geht am 8.11.17! Und tschau oh hab ich vergessen ihr könnt mich cherrie nennen!
THUG$plato platon15
yo wassup guys its me platon and as you can see i'm professional . yes so i love pizza . i'm 9 years old boy white and my favourite game on my wii u is minecraft . i'm greek BUT i got english lessons so you can understand me .bbbbbyyyyyeeee ok now mason doesn't hate me rip
Tad&★Maddy Doubledash7
Omochao Say Hi Everyone Am Lightning Am 31 Please Meet You!! Am♂ Very Powerful Ghostbuster Catcher! Ranking 2576★+ Denpa Men 3 Games Ranking 16 at Coliseum I love Everyone!! Me & ★Maddy Are ♥♡Brother & Sister 4evers! No Rude In My Games Post Please! Enjoying Jack-o'-lantern & Snowman Magic Recipes! Am Tad Faster Gamers To Finish! Kinda Ok Love Dragon Quest Series!
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
α ησβσδγ oddlumprulz
Alola! Why the *cars honking* did you tap on my face?! Anyway, my name is Autumn. I'm 18, addicted to anime, LoZ, AC, furrys (ya, furrys), UnderTale, Pokemon, JackSepticEye, Markiplier, PewDiePie, vocaloid, nightcore, and puns. A wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning♪ I'm extremely emo. Depressed. Passing is my homie :þ Online √ Offline × ~Queen Of Toast
Lemon lemonrubio123456
DingusDong AverageGaming
Hi, I am a boy And I like, playing with my toy If you want to buy my toy I-I frickin kill you mah Mii is based off DingDong the Alien boy
Kathy Kathy245
Post:22 o.c's: Starlight, Moonlight,Samantha,Arryona,Caly,Winter,Foxalina, My Fav artists: OmniEX SweetCandi Glados/Butterlord Sunkist Mehlia Pixel Fire Thank You For 200 Followers! Started Miiverse: 2/11/17 Thank You Miiverse! I'll never forget you my friends!
Vαмρ~Čħαη± sailormoon_cool
I have no idea why... but i am better at drawing... Art request are accepted.. Go Follow ★Eze10gun ★Alysa☆★☆ ★EvilCherry ★Floe ★Drama. Thank you guys 4 so much.. but Miiverse ending is soon... ♪•~Love you all!~•♪ Nyah!~ ★Post remaining ☆No post ps; The black star means that what i have..:T the blank means i dont have.
Cynthia ShadowMewCynthia
I'm part of ♪Rayumi♪'s ♪Warriors Fanclub♪ and most Warriors RPs on the I Love Cats Community. Special thanks(in no particular order): ♪Rayumi♪ The Voice SDG Brady/Fire SpookyAsh Eevee♪ Mason♪ Elizabeth and of course, Memesenpai for all the good times, RPs and fun we've had. Also all of my Followers and people I'm Following for the support. I wish I could type you all. I'm going to miss you all.
ゆっくりうpぬし☆ FWHP4904
mason mason2003
Only a few more days i guess Eh-uhm-eck-sheesh-well-hmm Propane™ of™ I also go by: I chestnut to be a fungi (and) maspookn (spooky name). (-// Closed Place: mason (PixPal) //-) (-// Tumbly Place: (Coming soon, probably will be PixPal)//-) If get banned because of a dumb reason: goog bye, had many fun, goog luck.
buckaroo~☆ WhistleAllDay
………………………………………………………………………………………………………… UwU, but kinda QnQ too... I like to be as interactive with my followers as possible, so feel free to ask questions or request art and stuff (Ô▼Ô) All I know is that I will be alive, bored, but ready to have fun with those who want to! I'm a pixel artist in training, and a rusty, yet intense gamer. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
BMSstudent k.jfgud
NOOOO! miiverse is permanently closing! no! :( to all my followers, thank you for making me feel special. i will deeply miss all of you...i hope there will be a different form of miiverse for the 3ds and wiiu......i love all of you #stopbullying #jointhebattle
We are on the brink of annihalation ladies and gentlemen
ýôëbtube- "Swoods."