THIS is my final post. I legit will miss this place (although today has scarred me). Check my profile comment if you want to stay in touch. See ya'll in Mii King heck. Or wood man heaven. >;].
LENK's Post

for the peeps that want to be around me, check my prof. comment. I might start making videos (because I haven't made any)

well it is great to see i made exactly 100 followers on the last day :). I'm gonna remain a clean boi so.. Bye! *running off in the sunset.*

Man, I'm gonna miss this community despite some of the things that happen here. It's been a nice 4 years here.

*fails driving test* Zero: "How did I do on my driving test Captain Falcon?" Captain falcon: "You got an F, Zero..."

It's 8:00 p.m. here, my parents have gone shopping so I called them to get Odyssey. I am literally shaking with excitement.
We are on the brink of annihalation ladies and gentlemen
ýôëbtube- "Swoods."