Users LENK Is Following
DerpJacob eatsleepmine11
Hi! I'm DerpJacob. I'm a 15 year old teen who makes off topic posts and drawings of countryballs. Nice(>:]) users . MII king . Ian~ . Brandon . MII king . Daniel . MEEM kong . MII king . MII king . Laurzy . MII king . Trashbot . Snowy . Venoct . Gluttony . Ultra Urk . C Meister MII king X DerpJacob is the best ship.
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
Exalted ExaltDraws
Twilight Princess Link poster extrodinare back in action once again after being banned. (ZeldaZephyr was my original miiverse page) will be lurking around until November. thanks for the mii-mories
Tin Foil Purrbix
Heya. I joined Miiverse back in 2013. Little me at 11 was ecstatic to have her first social media, and it sure was a hoot. You people I met on Miiverse were real friends to me, people who shared my joys; gamers, doodlers (and memers) like me. So, just for my acquaintances, I leave with my true name, that I bore when I first arrived. See me again sometime, somewhere else. ˘υ˘
Natalie Natalie9557
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MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
Gluttony 184712cool
The apple ate the frog and the watermelon ate the apple and the tomato ate the watermelon and the tomato was eaten by the humans.
フリリン furirin
フリリンです!イラスト中心に投稿をしています。 フレンドリクエストは受け付けていませんのでご了承下さい。 HELLO! My name is Furirin. I'm alright with Japanese, but I can only give you a simple answer in English.
mason mason2003
Only a few more days i guess Eh-uhm-eck-sheesh-well-hmm Propane™ of™ I also go by: I chestnut to be a fungi (and) maspookn (spooky name). (-// Closed Place: mason (PixPal) //-) (-// Tumbly Place: (Coming soon, probably will be PixPal)//-) If get banned because of a dumb reason: goog bye, had many fun, goog luck.
Flabby mrpenguin77
bye. twitter is flabbypizzanugget. might have underscores, idk been here since 2012
Uncommon Uncommon-XIV
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MIISTVEkng CTurtalt
Welcome to The Adventures of MIISTVEkng and Lugi, a bizarre comic strip series featuring blatant knockoffs of MII king and Luigi. This account is in no way affiliated with MII king, and should not be taken seriously. -CAST- MIISTVEkng Lugi Admin Phantasmastve Maro MIISTVEkng's Mum MM57 Comic by C. Turtle.
ScareLance RossRossityross
I does is Lance. AAAAAAA LANCE SEEN A-A GHOST BECAUSE IT HALLOWEENIE My brother name Mail. Waahoo. I sometimes have save Aster from Beansauce evil. Inspireds: Weeg, Lugnut, Loogie, SpeedLuigi, ect. Mail taught me how drop And Stuff and I guess, him thank.
Lugnut LugnutOfficial
SPOOK TIME! Is never too early for festive. Since Miiverse is end soon, you can be find me and Melvin in "melvinandlugnut" on tumbly place.
Mlg-Bun™ laceyloo
Mlg-Bun™ Creator of Link kun, I make very ironic trashposts that shouldn't be taken seriously also please don't yeahbomb. i'm very arigatouful for everyone who likes link kun and tlowwath, y'all are sugoi <(^: posts: (0)
Dr.Eggman GiantTalkingEgg
Yo, this is Mr.Waft. I'll use this alt. whenever I'm out of posts on my main.
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Miiverse終了とのことで、今後はTwitter、pixivに住民票を移動する予定です。 ここで出会ったすべての方に感謝を。 今後もみんなの人生が続く限りいつかどこかでベクトルが交差することもあるでしょう。そのときはぜひ笑顔のきみに会いたいと願います。 いままでありがとう。 マック・リブ macrib I'm happy to meet you in Miiverse. Thank you and good bye my friends. My name “マック・リブ” is read “mac rib” in English. I'm happy to meet you! enjoy & smile !
briizy briiRuiz
hello my little grease stains ♥. my name is briana and i like seasoned fries and goldfish. i love people with cute little goblin miis. Sunni ♡ Crispy ♥ Kay ♡ Ada ♥ Matt ♡ r.i.p miiverse, 2012 - 2017 lol. i know i don't capitalize letters when necessary, thank you. ınsтα: brıαnα.jfс *sips tea* well, that's all, folks! ~briizy
Luigi23 UnstoppaBull
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Jordy Jordy247
(Note: Posts that are set as 'spoilers' are to make sure I fully avoid them.) Thanks for 1110 followers. ^u^ (Updated when noticed.) Hello! I am Jordy! ^u^ I make (tons of) puns! "What I have learnt on Miiverse is... What I have learnt on Miiverse is... BLANKITY BLANKITY BLANK!" Unless otherwise mentioned, I am temporarily inactive Mondays-Fridays between the times of 8am and 3pm (Both as BST).
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WickeDeZ G3CK0260
I went from Pokémon Red to Pokèmon Sun almost 20 years later. Loving it just like the first day. Huge Final Fantasy fan..from NES FF.. to SNES FF3 (FF6 JPN).. to FF7 PS... To Tactics ...Now im starting my adventure into Bravely Default..Im sure Square Enix wont let me down... As you can probably tell i love RPGs.
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Ian~ ian_perkins
;_; I'm also in a smol group called CC. What does CC stand for, you ask? Crazy Capers... Fresh Users...: *Jammy *DerpJacob *Skylar *MrPizza *MrUnknown *Stay Fersh *Simpuru [SimpleFlips] *You I guess To those who care, look out for a "Me-Pipe" channel called "Woodman Central". It may/maynot be this guy.
Viridi ForcesofNature
Welp Miiverse coming to an end soon. RIP Miiverse 2012-2017. It was fun was while it lasted.
Jamie AfroNinja1996
Wacky toon boy who loves to doodle and eat noodle. I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon. @afroninja180
Lenk TonnLenkAlt
This is the more serious account of Lenk. I originally used this as my secondary account, and I was much less mature in my past. My previous posts are not an accurate reflection of how I am currently. Please disregard those.
We are on the brink of annihalation ladies and gentlemen
ýôëbtube- "Swoods."