Alex's Followers
Teddy TeamTeddy1.31200
i am good at basketball
Xerwsfuko4 legomaster0856
the we u rocks
Andrew andrew345115
Im Andrew, I live in California and I love smash i probably play it the most so friend me and we can smash sometime. My favorite games are bayonetta 1 and 2, Pokemon, and super smash bros. 4 I LOVE THE ZELDA SERIES (almost as much as bayonetta) I also have a new found love for star fox ♪fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars, let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars♪
I Dont Know If This Has Something To Do With Copyright but.... '' Didnt I Tell U That I Was A Savage?'' yeah i just did. my real name is Roen Hoenn.Anyways, yeah Please Enjoy My Content. why are u stilll here bruh ur still here bye. stop! mug fo weal quit dude get off my profile comment geez if u see this u no ur nosy.
Hugo-nya Hugo11a
Chicos, se ha llegado el dia, tal vez ya no me verán por miiverse. a todos los usuarios ( o es-usuarios) de wii u espero que no me olviden. Stay fresh!
Skillz Lord_Skillz1246
Konoha DigiWillpower
about yourself
joshua alvin646
hi my name is josh love wii u games and love adventure games like mincraft
ÐÂŔĶ★Lynn KawaiiLynn
Hello! Thanks For Tapping My Face! ● Mαςτεг оƒ ςηοω ● EREN (Suprise) ις βæ♥ ● ι аm а ηιηdгоιd ● Mу ηιηjа ηαmе ις L.Y.N.N.
☆Himechan☆ PeachDaisy105
Game Princess Love! Mario and I have been in a relationship since 1989. It was love at first sight, but forbidden on my part since my parents detested video games. At age 18, I declared independence by buying my first Nintendo system. Mario and I know our love can never be, so I find joy in helping him reunite with his one true love. It's the least I can do. PS. Sorry, I DO NOT USE WII CHAT!!!
あきらだー akira258
スプラトゥーンの、フレンド募集中! 他にも、マリオメーカーで難しいステージが色々あるから良かったらやってみてね!!
Ania MechonMonado
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Еthаn Eysea17
Coucou, vous allez bien? car moi je vais super bien! Je me nomme Ethan, 3ème fils de la famille Paupert et j'ai 18ans. :3 Hi, are you feeling good? Cause I am feeling super good! My name is Ethan, 3rd child of the family Paupert and I'm 18years old. :3
Maddie bessfam
its nice to meet you! whats your name?
ada kittylover115
Duber DuperPro
¡Just dance 2015! ¦3 ¤¤¤¤¤ † =3 :3 es el mejor juego ;3 >__< >______________________< ★★★★★★★★★♪♪♪♪
CoolJules☆ julienNJ
YO! My name is Julien AKA Juels i am a exepert at games i am 13 and fill free to look around if you want and squid party just comment on one of my posts or if you want to mk8 or stuff like that feel free to follow and I will be online almost every day My Worlds on Super Mario Maker just look at the worlds id and thats all and I will see you guys later XD! PS I love Pokemon :)
Hugh hughian
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Ari Ariana1227
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Pug SilentFelix
Hello! i am Bryan c: i pretty much love Animal Crossing, Mario and Legend of Zelda :D i also love smash! i hope we get more dlc! hehehe
Glitchy speedbreakerzone
you were expecting a profile comment that makes sense? TOO BAD, WALUIGI TIM3 It's funny how my 3DS broke AFTER I preordered Sun and Moon. My names: Ryoko Glitchy ERROR! Zircon (yes I am a SU fan) Aqua You can leave now.. no, okay good BWAH BWAH DETILE DEE TEE DEEE (WOWOWOW)EEEDIDLEYOEEE (dubstep in a llehstun) "frick" -Chadtronic, 2016
leo leoissocute
Maranatha Maranatha8
Online:★ Offline: Hey guys im Maranatha and i play Splatoon! Im Catholic so dont disrespect them. My favorite games are: Assassins Creed lll Splatoon Call of Duty Black Ops ll Nintendo Land Little Big Planet I really hope you enjoyed! My father will be enabling friends soon so Stayyyy Freshh!!!§§⇒⇒⇔⇔←←→→↑↑↓↓√√¶¶††‡‡♡♡♥♥●●◆◆■■▲▲▼▼♪♪♭♭♀♀♂♂ P.S. Stay away from Delinquents! Heads up
HEY! coors2you
Skylanders is awesome. Mario is awesome. My Wii U is awesome. Everybody and everything is awesome!!! lf you follow me, l will for sure follow you back. l have done all quests for villains in skylanders trap team, and comment on any of my post for help with that. Bye for now, and say something about my posts! l also enjoy Wii party u, Super Smash Bros, and Yo Kai Watch! Why does nobody comment?
Relish blockbuster05983
Hi, im Niko Im 10 years old my mom lives in south portland, and my dad lives in portland My favorite games are:SSB,mk8,NEW super luigi U,DKC:tropical freeze,LEGO®marvel superheroes,LEGO®batman 3: beyond gotham and Splatoon. I also play PS2, and my favorite PS2 game is need for speed. I have a 3DS and I have: Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon,New Super Mario Bros. 2, and Sonic Lost World. born:May 27 2005
$RedPanda$ hiimcool123
who thinks cats and dogs rule
cisco mosesxavier10
what's up my name is francisco,but you can call me cisco.I like all game!!!! I live in californa and born in 2002.I want to get 100,000 followers i hope i do. favorite color blue. favorite food i don't know. i want to be everyones friend. all of you guys are awesome!!!!!!! please follow =)
Kevin kevdiel_1705
Hello my name is Kevin: I like to draw and play.I speak spanish and english. Games that I like: Splatoon,mario maker,mario kart 8,TLOZ,ect. (If you notice this is my second account)
Madi coyzstze
Howdy :> I'm just your friendly neighborhood Mercy main :0 ★☆ I love Dark Souls III ☆★ I don't really draw on Miiverse anymore, but I sketch traditionally everyday. Wubba lubba dub dub! ;)
juli juliwiss
haluluwiss aca el juliwiss
Brandon BrandonDelgado12 goal is to get as much follower as possible as i can ok and i well follow back just to let u guys know that i play the most is SSB4 and kinda splatoon favorite games on my 3ds are fire emblem awakening and fate and pokemon 4.if ur a good smash player than plz friend me i want have if u are 5.I love anime and music 6.I dont do wii u chat 7.I have twin brother 8My age is unknown
Sternchen Felicitas12-7
Megan:D Atraps
preston preston60431
hi guys i am preston and i am trying to get 100 friends and followers
Kaleb kalebbsimonds
RYAN oldschool66
splatoon is awsome
JuliSinVSS yankee526
Yankee546 here, sup everone now my actally name is julian but my gandmother put the sin in because she called me that. That's a little back story about me, anyway I like to have a good time. Friend me so that you can play splatoon or another online games!
Owen mrowen
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