Users Alex Is Following
sidney E sidney_E
I scored a Wii U on launch day and now a Switch on launch day too! My Top 5 Favorite Games Ever: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox) Resident Evil 4 (GameCube) Super Mario RPG (SNES) Killer Instinct 2 (arcade) DDR Max 2 (arcade)
zer0 ninjamonkeyzer0
UPDATE: I'm at max the Friends List allows & I sadly gotta decline Friend Requests, sorry! v_v Multiplayer games I play the most are Xenoblade Chronicles X, then Super Smash Bros. U, & rarely Mario Kart 8 & Splatoon....but with control sticks that have bad side control I can't play well. :/ Sometimes I play a different console for months at a time, so please don't be offended if I don't respond.
しんたん sintann
「1枚の絵」こそが最強の言語‼︎‼︎ 言葉の壁をなぎ払い、あらゆる人種、あらゆる国境を越えて「1枚の絵」で繋がり合いたい‼︎と強く思っています♪ 皆々様♪宜しくお願いしまーす♪
Skillz Lord_Skillz1246
NiñjäBRÜSH swordx
I love to play online coop games. if you do too add me as a friend and lets game on! Feel free to follow me! I like to draw and will try my best to find interesting game images to draw on Miiverse ONLINE GAMES I PLAY AND WILL PLAY: Splatoon
Konoha DigiWillpower
about yourself
joshua alvin646
hi my name is josh love wii u games and love adventure games like mincraft
ÐÂŔĶ★Lynn KawaiiLynn
Hello! Thanks For Tapping My Face! ● Mαςτεг оƒ ςηοω ● EREN (Suprise) ις βæ♥ ● ι аm а ηιηdгоιd ● Mу ηιηjа ηαmе ις L.Y.N.N.
☆Himechan☆ PeachDaisy105
Game Princess Love! Mario and I have been in a relationship since 1989. It was love at first sight, but forbidden on my part since my parents detested video games. At age 18, I declared independence by buying my first Nintendo system. Mario and I know our love can never be, so I find joy in helping him reunite with his one true love. It's the least I can do. PS. Sorry, I DO NOT USE WII CHAT!!!
あきらだー akira258
スプラトゥーンの、フレンド募集中! 他にも、マリオメーカーで難しいステージが色々あるから良かったらやってみてね!!
フルチソコフ goeibuki
スプラトゥーン駆け出しで下手っぴ特攻糞野郎だけど、イカちゃん可愛いんで頑張る。。 基本ローラーでB-とBをいったりきたりしてます^_^; 最近はミーバースにイラストを投稿するほうが楽しかったり(笑) フォローやコメントたくさん送ってごめんなさい。。。イラストが素敵だったり、面白いことを投稿されてる方をフォローさせていただいてますm(__)m もちろんフレンドも募集中なので気軽にどうぞ(^_^) そしてインジャスティス対戦したいけど誰もやってない。。。 シャザーーーム!!
あるみーにょ kffnf-6kuro3
ミバ、大切な場所。色々苦労もしたけどたくさんの楽しい思い出がある、 皆様、ありがとうございます。 同じ作品を好きな人と話せたり友達になったりとても楽しかった、絵を人に見せられるようになれたのもミバのおかげ。終わってしまうの悲しいよ…悲しい。 しばらく来てなくてすみません、地味に青い鳥にいるけど地味すぎてたぶん見つけられないと思います。イカ2にドハマり中。 また来ます。 ゲーム、マンガ、アニメ、お絵描き、声優、音楽、動物大好きです!ダンロン東方終わセラ刀剣乱舞あんスタスプラが熱い! 特徴は若干人見知りチキン遅筆変tゲフゲフン 初対面タメ口苦手です!リクやアドバイスの依頼は対応出来ません。 ミバ妹»えぢゃ 共感、コメ、フォロー等ありがとうございます! 特にコメで気力を支えられています感謝!
てのん tenonv
フォロー&そうだね ありがとうございます。 4月初めに蕎麦アレルギーによりお絵描き、スプラのin率が下がってましたが ようやく治りそうなので徐々に復帰中。 フレンドリクエストについて 現在は相互フォロー、交流のある方のみ受け付けてます。 投稿は不定期になりました。 スプラトゥーンを買ってから絵を描き始めたので 絵柄が安定しません。生暖かい目で見ていただけると嬉しいです。 1/20 ミバや合流などオフラインから数ヶ月経ったフレンドさんを 外させて頂きました。 また機会があればよろしくお願いします。 記録メモ 現在 絵258 他56
Knight HappyHylian
Hello and welcome! ^_^ I'm a person who draws for fun. My drawings mostly include (but are not limited to) characters from The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon, Undertale, and Pokémon. Additional info: *I don't take requests. *I also don't accept random/blank friend requests. Thank you for visiting my profile!
Sincros DeathlyReign
<('.'v) Hey, I'm not much of a talker.. But i tend to draw stuff on gamepad sometimes for fun and laughs. and yeah... i know my mii looks very mean and angry.. but im a nice guy i promise! (v`.`)> p.s. my mii is a puppet.
Matt Omega93
Hi, my name is Matt. Started Miiverse in Dec. 25, 2012. I do not draw for popularity. I only draw for fun. *I DON'T TAKE DRAWING REQUESTS* I also don't Wii U Chat. I can only speak and understand English.
Tati xZestyStarsx
Hey, I'm Johnny! ? I'll draw the majority of my comments. #TeamDog #TeamRollerCoasters #TeamArt Future Survivor Castaway
Etch Destroy_the_Sun
Hellothere Parlarple
Hello there! Thanks to all who supported me over the years. Even if I don't go on as much anymore, I'm still grateful for all of the support i've gotten. Sincerely, Hellothere P.s. I'm currently moving my drawings here to my other stuff. ------ I can't accept FR's to people I don't know btw... also I'm not really the talkative type. Joined: March 02, 2015
Henry HenryAcosta08
I'm 20.. Love Kirby and Zelda games Addicted to Pokemon & expert in Ssb. and Splatoon! F4F :-)
Pχl€øιιίε FuriousBananas
♪♪ I post random drawings and stuff ♪♪ Main: Villager Fave Series: Legend of Zelda, Smash Bros, Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus & Mario Kart I'm also an Amiibo addict, lol. And I make custom Amiibo :P
Chesu ChesuMori
I've somehow developed an obsession with posting screenshots to Miiverse. I feel like a freshman art major who just got their first black-and-white camera.
Cheryl RegularPerson
"Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are." -Patrick Star
あ か shedevil1221
** *** SymphonyMuffinss
thats dumb
Madi coyzstze
Howdy :> I'm just your friendly neighborhood Mercy main :0 ★☆ I love Dark Souls III ☆★ I don't really draw on Miiverse anymore, but I sketch traditionally everyday. Wubba lubba dub dub! ;)
Solokarrot Solokarrot
Hello! I am a huge Nintendo fan! My three favorite things are The Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, and Splatoon! Thank you for yeahs and following if you do! Bye. :)
☆Leon☆ pearluniiverse
Steven Universe + Homestuck + Fire Emblem + Weeaboo trash I'm a little bit too in love with the moon
Lunacannon Lunacannon
Hi there, I'm Luna Thanks for thinking of me... I'll miss Miiverse, but the Switch can keep us connected. I recently 100%ed Super Mario Odyssey, I highly recommend it.
Alvor Nockolisk
Devon DynoKnight64
I play video games & draw during my spare time. My only wish is to become an animator one day.
ταωαιι♪ Tawaifu
Hoii fellow wafflers, The waffle here •I draw sometimes •I'm madly in love with splatoon •I love that booboo FC of mine called Xion~ That's all you need to know
Aldo SanchezAldo
⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐ Mysterious, kind and fair. Living somewhere beyond the stars. Legend says Aldo comes to visit his Miiverse home every 100 years... ⭐Animal Crossing New Leaf Town Dream Address: [5D00-0019-4581] ⭐Chatting with [k·] powers... ⭐Thank you for everything, Miiverse. Even if I'm gone, I'm always watching over you. ⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐
The Trav 2 megablurdxl
This is The Trav 2. I'll be hanging out here when I'm banned. Please pull up a chair and welcome to the madness...2.
©adi KirliBlue
Well, congrats! You just found the remains of a once-rather-active account. Can't say you'll find new drawings here, but you're still welcome to check out my drawings. ...Oh, the name's Cadi. I used to dwell Miiverse quite a lot, but now, I just randomly pop up once every blue moon or so. Leave a comment if you'd like. I reply to 'em whenever I appear here. •Currently hyped about: Pokemon Sun!
about yourself