Alex's Friends
Roo roo blahblah2783
if my brother keeps changing my mii im sorry
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Deebra deebrasplats
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Peen Peenfest
penz Potatomega
nico pikapoos
Gyromate Gyromate
gg ez noobie87
main account: eraserph
たけ ooinina
あんまり使わないですガ ヨロシクww
Lauran lauran1235
Hi im Rachel im new here i love mk8 and ssb4 and nintendo land and Wiiu ! thinks for reading :-)
Skillz Lord_Skillz1246
あきらだー akira258
スプラトゥーンの、フレンド募集中! 他にも、マリオメーカーで難しいステージが色々あるから良かったらやってみてね!!
Mamándil Mamandil
~SYNTHWAVE eraserph
Hello. Nice to meet you. I don't live in japan. I live in Malaysia. I have a Japanese wiiu because I love Japanese games. I can read Japanese but my Japanese is very poor, I will try my best to read your comments! Thank You
Gadd Gadd.Watson
Yeah, but are you on that Miiverse, baybee?
ethan LANAtr0n
hi everybody! My name is Ethan. I am really good at Splatoon, MarioKart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Wipeout 3, Lego Marvels Super Heros, and The Lego Movie. I hope everybody on the Wii U enjoys themselves. Plz yeah on my play journal. Friend request me and we can play Splatoon, Mario kart, and super smash bros together. HAVE A GOOD TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
мкςZilliiz Zilliiz
Sue suegmune
Megan:D Atraps
Phil Incsy00
Nappy D suby137
Got my NES when i was 5 (1986) and i have never looked back! sucker for the classics.
Jake CleanAmbrose
"I just wanted to play video games."
SpeederRx® SpeederRx
Out of bounds
Genis GoombaFromMario
ada kittylover115
jaeden jaeden-nigel
☆Himechan☆ PeachDaisy105
Game Princess Love! Mario and I have been in a relationship since 1989. It was love at first sight, but forbidden on my part since my parents detested video games. At age 18, I declared independence by buying my first Nintendo system. Mario and I know our love can never be, so I find joy in helping him reunite with his one true love. It's the least I can do. PS. Sorry, I DO NOT USE WII CHAT!!!
Dank namine753
preston preston60431
hi guys i am preston and i am trying to get 100 friends and followers
Mexican Dlink00
HP13 Hidden13
milah milah7149
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Wolfhound W0lfhound
FutureFish 3me_ah2013
whats up im wicked mob i love to play minecraft and mario kart 8 if you need hints and tips just ask also i may not have some
ChoCho Oraxel
Damian erosennin17
Mr. E SuperSonicXSeyz
fani JaimeRussels
antichris Cascades
********** Bum_Nuggler
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SV leoleo79
Maddie bessfam
its nice to meet you! whats your name?
Konoha DigiWillpower
about yourself
bryan pizzaparties
Schmuel snakesamz
Actual Dad charmainevee
Haha, hello!
BattleOne OutrealmKnight
Squids are inkredible!
novelmech novelmech
US_Gaby DheTrapHouse
Ruki185 Ruki185
Owen mrowen
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Andrew Splat209
Mr. Magpie TheJaker614
Mike Miketroi
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dest amychigo
Hello my name is Destiny Some things about me Fav.Color: Pink Fav. Movie: Inside Out Age: 10 Fav.Food: Pizza,Hamburger, Ice Cream Fav.Animal: DOGS! And that's it! hope you guys liked my my biography of me! oh and do take friend requests! ok bye you guys!!
Jason JustJason
Hello! I'm Jason and I am an avid gamer. While I occasionly game on other systems I hijack from my housemates, Wii U hits my sweet spot. I love to get lost in a great world and intriguing story. I have had every home console from the Big N and this is my favorite. My most beloved titles are Xenoblade Chronicles X, Mass Effect 3, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, The Legend of Zelda, and Star Fox Zero.
PoolClosed Konloeyletsplay
NiñjäBRÜSH swordx
I love to play online coop games. if you do too add me as a friend and lets game on! Feel free to follow me! I like to draw and will try my best to find interesting game images to draw on Miiverse ONLINE GAMES I PLAY AND WILL PLAY: Splatoon
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