bendy's Followers
Shriya Catsare4ever
Hi people good bye 4ever I will miss yall of u theres 1 more hour until miiverse closes i think anyway i hope u guys have a great life and god bless u guys and peace out... :( *Is crying*
orange slendertop
boy halo344
Crystal HoodlumCynder
TRYSY honeeb33
Guillo guilloscorp
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sweet pea HannahMarie2004
hi im sweet pea im a bendy fan and a cup head fan and i have a demon tail so im a fan girl so better wach out about my fan girl crazy stelly so if i go fan girl crazy im sorry and i love drawing ocs
meciano meciano
the end is near... stay strong friends special thanks to: auston chara sonic dogaressa tails temmie (whos sadly banned) frisk memesampai memesensai swap paps blueberry (swap sans) and all my followers. it was nice knowing all of you :')
samy samy4v1246
agent3 themaninpurplepj
hi welcome! my friends are Katie,Zoe,Zae,Sal,Ak★amg,agent2,tayianna,S★Halloween,and noe
.bxv, momolebossrsz177
Fernafloo Fernafloo.i
Elvin noire6
Hallo leute,ich bin neu bei miivers und freue mich hier sein zu dürfen! in mein profil poste ich sehr viel,schade find ich das das miivers bald nicht mehr lange verfügbar ist. ich freu mich auch auf yeahs und folger.ich hoffe ihr wird spaß haben bei miivers Alter:11 Augenfarbe: Braun Hobbys: zocken,drausen spielen Geschleht: Junge mit freundlichen grüßen euer Elvin
gavin downey66
Name: Gavin k. Age: 16 Gender: male likes: friendly/mature players only Bio: Hello! im gavin! i dont really play the wiiu alot, but i mostly play splatoon!
Mikey MegamanMike8
hi guys im nine years old fav game lego avenger fav show lego ninjogo i love fnaf but how do you my favorite displayed on and recent drawings on too please
darkskull mike92758
sarah.w sarahkim11
je me présente je m'appelle sarah intelligente:★★★★★ gentille:★★★★★ méchante:★★☆☆☆ (ci on me cherche pas) créatife:★★★★★ sportife : ★★★★★(j'adore le judo) belle: a vous de choisir voilà vous savez un peux tous sur moi abonner vous c'est gratuit au revoir miiverse merci beaucoup
Pro☆ Evancahalan
Do a dab if you are cool. im a pro because a lot of things. follow me if you want to. being cool is cool. be the cool kid if you follow me.
Joseph McJoJo225
Im 16 and I love Cassic Nintendo Games!! I Live in Ozone Park Queens NY and love having fun if you wanna be friends just shout me out!!!! If Your 15-16 and single comment on my posts
Hannah Iamasmartuser
Hey guys just enjoying the last few days of mii verse. WHY nintendo switch! Why you got to be better then mii verse! Your fault for mii verse to close down!!!!! I just hope to get one a nintinedo switch for christmas. But anyway just enjoy mii verse to the fulliest and why its still here.
Noah Noahsonic2009
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■Lysandre■ Lysandre.G
<=Bίεηνεημε Pετίτ Βαмβοο`^´=> θη α αττείητ ιες 45θ Bαмβοος Mεгсί ! ★^★ ▲▼▲ Bεςοίη D'ίηfогмατίοπ ? -*Εη νοίсί '^'*- Jε м'αρρειιε Lγςαπdге ▲▼▲ J'αί 13 αης ▲▼▲ J'αίмε Tοмоdαснίε Lίfε,SSB,ACNL JTM Chloé ‹333 ID-chloe6611 ▲▼▲ Bγε Pετίτ Βαмβοο^ω^ ▲▼Aβοηηε- Τοί Jε Rεης▼▲ ★Οβjεcτίf 45θ Αβθθηεг☆ Dεdί A: Dεmσησυ-Chloedev4 Ocέ☆Pαηdα-Emeline200456 ▲▼▲ Cοητεμг d'αβο:469
Toni deuToni07
Trend:Sendlinger Tor. My Games: Wii U: Minecraft,Nsmbu,Smm,Pmcs,Ifs,M&L ZddZ(Pantners in Time),Splatoon,M3DW. 3DS: Luigis Mansion2,Tomodachi Life,Pmss, PC: Transport Fever,Sushi chef 1-2,Farmer(1-3),Ptp 2. Bei Steam heiße ich so:MVG-Fan[GER] ♪Auch bei ne′m Miiverse lässt mal die Kraft nach.Miiverse,Miiverse,Miiverse. Danke fürs Folgen!Schöne oder Gute Tage für euch!
jhade jhadeb
*∵りんりんこ∴* 240709
*∵りんりんこ∴*です! 趣味は習字です!好きな教科は音楽です!苦手な教科は数学と国語です!よろしくお願いします!あと通報はやめてwwよろしくお願いします! My name is Rinrinko. My hobby is to do calligraphy. I like music♪ I mathematics and Ianguage is not good. I'm from Japan. Report No! Nice to meet you.
cosmo cosmic8
hi well come to my page i am a dance.i love mincraft@can not spell but i do have a lot af friends need help on eney thing i will be there im so sad the game is a bot to end i'm wondering if there is going to be a now game?i love another thing it's anmoy@can not spell but wercking on it.i love love love wolfs because, there so cool a fere and i love fun thing's to do like mete now people@do not end
Kallen kallensmama
follow to 200!
>memearrow comedy-chevron
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Betty looks-concerned
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anime lovr anime-is-COOL-57
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Sad Meme growlbunny
May 30th-November 8th MV's days are numbered. open galaxy Eh, anyway, my favorite bands are: Linkin Park Owl City Imagine Dragons Maroon 5 (pre-V) Coldplay
Mélissa gvdthfrjju
★☆Salut Sava☆★ Merci à tous et aussi pour mais ça bonné mon vrai prénom Mélissa mon nom de famille Robert je suis née le 02/05/2001 j'ai 16 ans je kif la série the légende of zelda
Mélissa 83 gdhbtdgrnu
salut sava
Bridgett cool-and-epic
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janet has-a-fivehead
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TrailBlaze Rachelfrico
Hey it's TrailBlazer the Hybrid Dragon and welcome to my profile! I love... -Music! -Dragons -Wolves -Eddsworld [favorite character: Edd] -Harry Potter [My house: Hufflepuff] -Writing -Drawing I do interactive drawing posts so if you like that, go ahead and follow me! I'm in the Eddsworld/ Ellsworld group! Remember to always blaze your own path in life!
Hello, I'm m7c3v1n4q9x3
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Clarissa Clarissa-is-EPIC
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Jacqueline Jacqueline-32e
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scrungo jotarojotaro123
Mat zaharadge
Bonjour tout le monde je m'appelle Mat et je fait partie de l'entreprise IKARIU[FR]. Je suis disponible seulement le: -Mercredi à partir de 16h(jusqu'à 19h30) -Vendredi à partir de 15h30(jusqu'à 23h) -Samedi à partir de 18h(jusqu'à 23h) -Dimanche à partir de 9h30(jusqu'à 18h) Je n'aime pas l'école(pour moi collège) et je ne suis pas le seul. Bon vous savez à peu près tour moi. Aurevoir!
don't waste your time here i'm not special