Users bendy Is Following
Tyler(Bye) TylerGoodbyeMV :^( TylerZ1184 Goodbye
Guillo guilloscorp
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Son☆Golink LinkTwilightP007
▼Hi! Ι'm Sоn Gоlink thе sаiyаn :ν ▼Аmigos y sеguidоrеs!: Нmm, buеnо, miiνеrsе асаbó, y yо nо mе рudе dеsреdir соmо еrа dеbidо :") еntоnсеs, si quiеrеn busсаrmе, sеrá fáсil, nо más сuаndо vеаn аlgо quе digа "Sоn Gоrinkku!", "Gоlink" о еn аlgunоs саsоs "Vеgеttо", rесuеrdеn quе еs еstе su sеrνidоr :ν Νо mе оlνidеn! роrquе yо nо lо hаré :'D Наstа siеmрrе сhiсоs! nоs νеrеmоs аlgún díа, lо sé!!! :D
Randy 498055
Welcome to my Profile! Don't have that much to say about myself except for liking anime and stuff. You'll usually find me playing Ranked on Splatoon or getting scammed by Spyke when ordering gear. I sometimes play SSB4, Alpha Sapphire, Y, or Pokken when I got nothing to do.
Crystal HoodlumCynder
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
Devon menard4
Hello, my name is Devon Menard, I have a bigger sister named Paige Menard, I wish I have a lot of friend on the wiiu I hope we'll be friends. I almost forgot I have two pets that are a cat and a dog named Max and Sprinkles. hope we'll be friends. bye bye (:
¤ asyakilianmalik
Jasmine jurbina
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Elissa LadyLiss1992
Christian. Loyal to a fault, honest, [extremely] introverted. Type 0: Free Zero Corrin main on Sm4sh, and too competitive for my own good. Love my friends and followers, thank you guys for being so cool.
Ms.Marvel Peter_Yee
$MLGJack$ Hero_In_Blue6008
Hey! Why did you tap my face? That hurt! *sigh* Since your here,I might as well go ahead and introduce my self... My name is Jack I have Terraria,Minecraft,MK8 And other amazing games!(don't forget about Splatoon!) I am single(Just putting that out there) I am 13 Years old I am a great friend I hate bullies If you are a troller,griefer or a bad friend,I will block/unfriend you Well,See ya!!
~Beth~ asapxralph
#save miiverse plz! Hi I am Beth and I am a fan of Youtube, video games, and etc. I love being part of this community with everyone and I would love for miiverse to go on forever, but at least I get to spent time a little while before it ends follow me!
boy halo344
Pro☆ Evancahalan
Do a dab if you are cool. im a pro because a lot of things. follow me if you want to. being cool is cool. be the cool kid if you follow me.
sarah.w sarahkim11
je me présente je m'appelle sarah intelligente:★★★★★ gentille:★★★★★ méchante:★★☆☆☆ (ci on me cherche pas) créatife:★★★★★ sportife : ★★★★★(j'adore le judo) belle: a vous de choisir voilà vous savez un peux tous sur moi abonner vous c'est gratuit au revoir miiverse merci beaucoup
darkskull mike92758
Mikey MegamanMike8
hi guys im nine years old fav game lego avenger fav show lego ninjogo i love fnaf but how do you my favorite displayed on and recent drawings on too please
gavin downey66
Name: Gavin k. Age: 16 Gender: male likes: friendly/mature players only Bio: Hello! im gavin! i dont really play the wiiu alot, but i mostly play splatoon!
Elvin noire6
Hallo leute,ich bin neu bei miivers und freue mich hier sein zu dürfen! in mein profil poste ich sehr viel,schade find ich das das miivers bald nicht mehr lange verfügbar ist. ich freu mich auch auf yeahs und folger.ich hoffe ihr wird spaß haben bei miivers Alter:11 Augenfarbe: Braun Hobbys: zocken,drausen spielen Geschleht: Junge mit freundlichen grüßen euer Elvin
samy samy4v1246
bing0 123alison
Joseph McJoJo225
Im 16 and I love Cassic Nintendo Games!! I Live in Ozone Park Queens NY and love having fun if you wanna be friends just shout me out!!!! If Your 15-16 and single comment on my posts
Fernafloo Fernafloo.i
.bxv, momolebossrsz177
Plasma TheMinecraftMovi
agent3 themaninpurplepj
hi welcome! my friends are Katie,Zoe,Zae,Sal,Ak★amg,agent2,tayianna,S★Halloween,and noe
kennedy brianr001
hi....i'm not special don't waist ur time hear huh ur still hear sigh ok well i'm shy really nervous and....heh well in my relationship uh no one yet and well heh that's all...
Hannah Iamasmartuser
Hey guys just enjoying the last few days of mii verse. WHY nintendo switch! Why you got to be better then mii verse! Your fault for mii verse to close down!!!!! I just hope to get one a nintinedo switch for christmas. But anyway just enjoy mii verse to the fulliest and why its still here.
jhade jhadeb
Noah Noahsonic2009
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eliezer Soloboy1123
hi everyone
Eliot Eli04082
yo! si vous voulez me connaître, j'm les chats et la lecture
leo leoesponja
hola que hace :v
Mrfantasma tavo1514
Brezzy Queen0707
sportkool sportkool
Toni deuToni07
Trend:Sendlinger Tor. My Games: Wii U: Minecraft,Nsmbu,Smm,Pmcs,Ifs,M&L ZddZ(Pantners in Time),Splatoon,M3DW. 3DS: Luigis Mansion2,Tomodachi Life,Pmss, PC: Transport Fever,Sushi chef 1-2,Farmer(1-3),Ptp 2. Bei Steam heiße ich so:MVG-Fan[GER] ♪Auch bei ne′m Miiverse lässt mal die Kraft nach.Miiverse,Miiverse,Miiverse. Danke fürs Folgen!Schöne oder Gute Tage für euch!
NewSergiö™ chopitl
bienvenidos a este perfil encontraras dibujos y fotos para tu eleccion juegos favoritos 1Luigi's Mancion Dark Moon 2Super Mario Maker For 3DS 3Miitopia 4
l DopeyK86
YoutuberMB meaperboss
Was up everyone my name is meaperboss and I luv to play minecraft. I am currently nearing high school and I will start a youtube channel soon. I will be playing with my friend Evan or Yoshiboi. Like and comment miiverse ends soon. Also I'm looking for like a girlfriend online. I'm not gay I'm only nearing high school that's why.
jay Blu3jay001
hi l am jaden but people call me jay. i love my nitendo 3ds xl.i got my 3ds xl on 12/25/15 i am.i like to play hard. if you follow me i will follow you.if you follow me i will follow u
bebe bebe2016
don't waste your time here i'm not special