bendy's Friends
girl gamer Lightning_0527
hi Welcome to My Profile im New here Follow Me if you have Minecraft Please Follow Me on omlet Arcade its-a Shuuluk_27 Bye thaz It.
xFrisk xFrisk-Dreemurr
matthew Sonic747Reach
boy halo344
scrungo jotarojotaro123
Hannah Iamasmartuser
Hey guys just enjoying the last few days of mii verse. WHY nintendo switch! Why you got to be better then mii verse! Your fault for mii verse to close down!!!!! I just hope to get one a nintinedo switch for christmas. But anyway just enjoy mii verse to the fulliest and why its still here.
Mikey MegamanMike8
hi guys im nine years old fav game lego avenger fav show lego ninjogo i love fnaf but how do you my favorite displayed on and recent drawings on too please
Noodle AwesomeAiston
Gaming FTW
AJ dragon.820.908
Hello guys i just got my 3ds cant wait to start playing
Bendy cybermanbro
Hello there! Its your old pal Bendy! Noah had to go a bit, but he will be back... Anyways, I've still got content from Noah. Noah told me to make posts. I kind of already knew that. Anyways, if you found where Boris is, please tell me. So anyways, Its your old pal taking the place of Noah's profile!
Winky΄ω΄ Avrilcita
Hello Im Winky!!! I love splatoon!!! (^-^) Im also wating for splatoon 2!!! (^o^) My favorite color is Blue!! My second is purple. Evoryone have a cookie day!!! (^-^) (^o^) (^~^).
GhostKill! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeees
Esther Estherpalmq
why does miiverse have to end? friend me everyone before miiverse ends please! play smashbros with me and we can still have fun.
Oshadjwhoa oshadjwhoa
Name:Osha Age:15 Gender:Male Sexuality:Straight likes: Fnaf,SuperMario,Creepypasta,Girls,Ricegum,
Mickey bhart07
hello my name is Billy me and Wack0Zack05 are the leders of a squad we made called nether squad you can join if you wana if you like minecraft splatoon or sonic all stars racing transform then i will be a good freind to hang with bye
Son☆Golink LinkTwilightP007
▼Hi! Ι'm Sоn Gоlink thе sаiyаn :ν ▼Аmigos y sеguidоrеs!: Нmm, buеnо, miiνеrsе асаbó, y yо nо mе рudе dеsреdir соmо еrа dеbidо :") еntоnсеs, si quiеrеn busсаrmе, sеrá fáсil, nо más сuаndо vеаn аlgо quе digа "Sоn Gоrinkku!", "Gоlink" о еn аlgunоs саsоs "Vеgеttо", rесuеrdеn quе еs еstе su sеrνidоr :ν Νо mе оlνidеn! роrquе yо nо lо hаré :'D Наstа siеmрrе сhiсоs! nоs νеrеmоs аlgún díа, lо sé!!! :D
Owen kipper453
Mandy hollyohair
hi !! my name is mandy LOVE, friends , family HATE, being bossed around BFF, Cassidi,Mathew,Merange Fav Food, Brownie's!! Fav Game,Splatoon Things I Do, Gameing,Art,Youtube,Instagram,snapchat,dance How I Look, brown hair, blue eyes, and a grate big smile! Fav Sport, Volleyball Fav color, blue single but love it well thats it I hope you have fun in miivers and safe well love you all♥bye bye!
★Alistair☆ ilovethewii12
Hello! my name is Alistair, and I love to play Mario Kart 8! I have 11K points on race. Also, feel free to follow me, and chat to me on Miiverse, because I'm very friendly. In addition, if you feel like friending me on the Friend List, then go ahead! I won't bite, lol! Anyone that wants to play Mario Kart 8 with me, is also welcome. Bye! :)
Justin qazswaz123
...............Miiverse was a beautiful mistake............... I guess it is time for me to leave Miiverser forever. How did this happen?
HI EVERYONE MY NAME IS MONSE I'm nice i love playing with my friends ps hablo español
◆●Puppy●◆♪ dannicasmith1976
I am now the leader of MeowTeam#1 Please feel free to friend request me! My Fav games are here! --> Minecraft[Mc] Super smash bros[SSB] Super mario maker[SMM] Terraria My fav friends are here!! ---> Mommymommane Zman Builderbuy Lexi Starfox000 Kdawg Trusted friends are here!! ---> Lexi Mommymommane Builderbuy Starfox Cranderson My BFFS are here!!! --> Goose Lexi Mommymommane Cranderson
don't waste your time here i'm not special