blue9a's Followers
MCW UK MCWuk1985
Currently playing super mario maker. If you have played/starred/commented on some of my levels and leave a comment asking me to check out your levels then I am more than happy to do that :)
Agent 159 TinyTaco12
Im A Boy.i like minecraft+Terraria.if u follow me ill follow back!id like to know if anyone reading this has a chain-gun in terraria?i would pay 999 platanium coins,or trade a terra blade!im serious guys,I WANT A FRIGGIN CHAIN-GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sorry
fee feefee66
Shaun Shaun2ndAccount
T h e P e y t o n 1 ' s M i i (Not Really)
RPG Ropapega
Hola soy RPG me gusta jugar just dance 2014 just dance 2017 mario kart 8 super smash kirby and the rainbow curse y no se olviden de seguirme por que si me siguen los seguire y tambien haganme el favor de seguir a mis amigos gracias
_τƒρ★ιсе_ emboarrocks
☆ JOHAN ☆ superjohan2004
ola soy johan me gusta jugar espero llegar a 250 seguidores -]====> (º_º) ‹====[- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ mi identificación de nintendo network de wiiu es gamersloungecura.
Daniel DamiRepHappy
Soy un Super Sayajin 2,soy tan poderoso que le gane a Majin Buu sin problemas
しゅう(2438) mangox2
こんにちは、しゅうです。 自己紹介をします。フレンドになる人は、フォローしてくれた人、フレリクを送った人 (ミーは14才だけど) 6年生です。 スプラトゥーンが大好きです。(ちなみに、僕のウデマエは、A+でランクは50です) フォローしてくれてもフォローした人(自分が)1000人に、なったのでフォロー返せないので、すみません。 ですけど、それでもフォローしてくれる人をまっています。 フォローよろしく!
****** Wiinston0825_X3
Hi i'm Wiinston (Wiinston0825_X3) This is a account for messing around so don't take anything I say seriously. Things you NEED to know: I'm sarcastic most of the time! I'm very unpridictable! (sometimes) I don't Wii U chat with anyone I don't know irl! Don't expect this account to be very active, i'm not on Miiverse alot! I love pokemon! You shoulden't take me seriously!
5FtOfFury Crybaby2.0
Fighter fo life ♡ Enzo Amore is my fave wrestler ♡ 5 ft of fury :P Paige my girl ♥ Realist chick in the room, HOW YOU DOIN?
freddy freddynas
Infamous Gr8awsomness
$ñä†-g98 nat-ghollis
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london walt05
Hi i am Walter Freeman and i loved Nintendo my entire life and here are some things about me: 1. I'm friendly 2. I LOVE Japan! 3.I ♥ Nintendo! 4.I'm 11½ years old 4. I live in Waynesboro, Georgia 5. I'm TOTALLY nice and friendly!!! 6. Don't be mean or i'm blocking u! à-á 7. I love makin new friends! 8. i LOVE BACON!!! 9. I live out in the country 10. I hate school 11. I love to draw!!!b :3
Winston Jacksparow74
Primarina☆ fawfuldimentio
şг★kody kody147
yeah my favourite post. my clan: homer (co leader) sliver ethan more soon rampage states MK8 VR 7k BR 1k splatoon level 5 rank c- my age is 10 clans şr мςν?
••Marcel•• Skittlez456
Hey i'm Marcel my nick name is Rider I'm not in a relationship..... I play video games ALOT so u will see me online mostly all the time... I'm in my teen ages My best friend is Keairyen (Ke-Ke) I play Splatoon,MK8,And SMB Well see ya!
Holtzmann peridork-lapizza
Hi there! I am an artist, cosplayer, roleplayer, and avid game player. Frying /PAN/ with a plan If we WiiU chat, I'm probably going to be in cosplay... Fandoms Hamilton Attack on Titan Steven Universe Hetalia (multi AU) Soul Eater Undertale Homestuck Black Butler Gorillaz Adventure Time Sherlock Doctor Who Big Hero Six MLP:FiM Bioshock Welcome to Night Vale PSG Star Wars Avengers
Dedshot Darius518
my name is darius aka deadshot and i like to play call of duty bo2 level 46 i like faze apex videos im a boy and 1v1 me one time unless ur scared stay fresh
Asha Summerbummerasha
→→Favorite Post←← Me: ♀ Bi I am a recycle bin 女性 私はバイセクシャルです。 わたしわごみばこ 「あっちに行ってくれる」 ヽ(;▽;)ノ
beginner ZeldaFan3067
chaparrito pikinAso
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Laio4 Lai.o4
taylor queentaylor123
Taylor Tayloretal
AveryGirl lcoffey425
Hey people!! my fav things to play are splatoon and netflix. #netflixandpoptarts
Tyrie SpeedyBoii
Hi! My name is tyrie im 14 years old insta-yuvg.kidd
Hailey 178cheeselover
Hi! Welcome to my profile! Here's some stuff you should know about me: I'm a Christian, I don't Wii U chat, I love Star Wars, I sometimes do drawing requests, but one per person. I also do art trades!;) BFFs: Gracie, Anime, and Skylar (You should check them out they're super cool, they're: GodsGirl225, ShadowMist_Dark, and freedyvr). Thanks for coming! Come back soon! »-♥->
Lizzybeth makolover17
Kyle Kyles3dsxl
HI my name is Kyle here is some facts about me 1: I LOVE GTA and Minecraft Xbox 360 2:I will be nice to you if you are nice to me 3: Please dont block me 4:I will help you out when help is needed 5: If you fallow me I will fallow you back 6: I LOVE CANDY 7:Please be nice to me don't scream, include me, Don't post random letters please, be honest #Kyle.m# ps fallow me
winner jaekalisha2014
hello my friends i'm jaester my miiverse name is winner so i like talking to people i meet and talk about games i like and thx to u guys u make me feel famous even though im not, thx for doin dat for me bros! be sure to follow me, give me yeahs, i hope u guys like my posts and enjoy ur events and follow me
sarah Yolokids
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Chloë-Chan bluwonder200
Haii!! Chloë here! I'm 14 years old & in 8th grade. My BIFF is ETHAN A. Thanks for discovering me today ^ω^ *The Life of a Chloë-Chan* ºVideo games and gaming youtubers are mah life! \^•^/ ~PeanutButterGamer ~The Completionist ~The Game Theory ºI <3 Bruno Mars º...and Algebra X) Welp I'm just a random, adorable, nerd so if ya liked me, follow me! If not, you're still kewl peeps! Baii ^•^/
blue dlue123
everyone thay are going to close miiverse. we need to call nintendo know how much we love it . i am crying at the thought of losing my friends. lets work together ★
S8 s8games
Carson carson821
.··.··.··.·☆ Zelda enthusiest. Gamecube phase. Pikmin. Over 500 club Animal Crossing. Harvest moon Henshin-agogo Baby. Top 0.4% Angry Birds leaderboard. Hoppy frog legend. Minecraft Enderman. Real Chibi-Robo. Registeel is the single best Pokèmon. Warioware! FF7. Minish cap is my favorite video game. Time certainly flies. I can't believe your old enough to wear these clothes ~Grandma ‛Wind Waker'
Hello im Jeremy nice to meet yall! Yes im an adult gamer who loves mario, zelda etc and now splat...
Hello im Jeremy nice to meet yall! Yes im an adult gamer who loves mario, zelda etc and now splatoon oh and rune factory. Also it does not matter if you win or lose just have fun!