Users blue9a Is Following
MCW UK MCWuk1985
Currently playing super mario maker. If you have played/starred/commented on some of my levels and leave a comment asking me to check out your levels then I am more than happy to do that :)
Agent 159 TinyTaco12
Im A Boy.i like minecraft+Terraria.if u follow me ill follow back!id like to know if anyone reading this has a chain-gun in terraria?i would pay 999 platanium coins,or trade a terra blade!im serious guys,I WANT A FRIGGIN CHAIN-GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sorry
Mr. Liam Mr.Liam.38
I'm a massive video game nut with what I play takes me in the mood, I like Mario, Sonic, Kirby, Metroid, Zelda, Castlevania, Mega Man & Donkey Kong. My favourite type of games are platformers, action adventure & exploration games.
fee feefee66
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Shaun Shaun2ndAccount
T h e P e y t o n 1 ' s M i i (Not Really)
Pyro pyroburns69
Lil Jules perronjulian
RPG Ropapega
Hola soy RPG me gusta jugar just dance 2014 just dance 2017 mario kart 8 super smash kirby and the rainbow curse y no se olviden de seguirme por que si me siguen los seguire y tambien haganme el favor de seguir a mis amigos gracias
Greg ZeNfAProductions
Hello! I am Greg from ZeNfA Productions. Developer of ZaciSa's Last Stand & Hot Rod Racer. Please follow me for official updates on the game.
Calvin Cragworks
Programmer @Cragworks Games on eShop: BLOC Territories: NA, EU
Maet maetisgay
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Gojirito AkuRyu9000
Hello, folks, the name is Gojirito I am Miiverse's very own Gojira/kaiju artist, poet writer, pug lover and the coolest loser ever! =) I don't accept blank FRs nor Wii U chat, nothing personal. I'm grateful for the awesome feedback you guys give me, know that each one of you are awesome in your own way! ''Whatever else has been said about me personally is unimportant. When I sing, I believe.'
_τƒρ★ιсе_ emboarrocks
Skye NintendoSkye
Hiya, I'm Skye from Nintendo. I'll be posting videos with Nintendo-related stuff in the YouTube Nintendo Channel sub community, so make sure you swing by ;)
June BladeSisters_J
The second eldest of the three sisters.
◆◆ΕΙιsα◆◆ Esquivol2
Coucou ^^ Moi je détéste avoir un modèle ou recopier des dessins... Sauf quand c'est obligé pour comme par exemple : "The big drawing project". Même si je recopirais ou aurais besoin d'un modèle, je n'utiliserai que cette avantage juste pour repérer où sont les yeux et la forme c'est tout. Plusieurs personne m'ont reprochés de décalquer, mais je ne me base que de mon talent au dessin ^.^
☆ JOHAN ☆ superjohan2004
ola soy johan me gusta jugar espero llegar a 250 seguidores -]====> (º_º) ‹====[- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ mi identificación de nintendo network de wiiu es gamersloungecura.
Daniel DamiRepHappy
Soy un Super Sayajin 2,soy tan poderoso que le gane a Majin Buu sin problemas
Chiri (チリ paper_crafr
Welcome. Thank you for finding me from so many posts! Call me Chiri. I can speak only Japanese. I use the translation software. Thank you all for comments and yeahs! Have a nice day! ☆💫 Miiverseのカウントダウンが始まりました。 現在私がWiiUでプレイしているのはSplatoonと絵心スケッチ&ドットペイントです。 Miiverse終了後は、WiiUでは アカウント Who(popupcraft)にてSplatoonをプレイ出来ます。
Whitewoods Whitewoods
♪She disappeared across the boardwalk ♪She keeps the sunset right with movement in her eyes ♪She knows she gets away with m*rder ♪Swallows up your heart of gold ♪And I dont know just where we've got to go ♪This sound is giving for the postman ♪Another one that's feeling under orange skies ♪The summer sleeps in time for autumn ♪Sticking down your leaves on grass ♪And I don't know just where to go
ςƒ★shiro♪ badusho
Hi i am speed Click that☝ Follow buton。 ツ~Wモモ みカカモ~ツ。〄 I ヤlay ホK7 & 8,Sホash bros ,splatoon and others。 Bチチ ○ ???? ○ ○ ○ 〜Fabio。(フアビオ)☞my man☜ ○ SERENII Signs I have CLANS ςƒ(leader) Over 10 members mςν τν ❶❷❸❹❺❻❼❽❾ Stay frosty☃ ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▇▆▅▄▃▂▁
サングラス Kanta3122
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しゅう(2438) mangox2
こんにちは、しゅうです。 自己紹介をします。フレンドになる人は、フォローしてくれた人、フレリクを送った人 (ミーは14才だけど) 6年生です。 スプラトゥーンが大好きです。(ちなみに、僕のウデマエは、A+でランクは50です) フォローしてくれてもフォローした人(自分が)1000人に、なったのでフォロー返せないので、すみません。 ですけど、それでもフォローしてくれる人をまっています。 フォローよろしく!
5FtOfFury Crybaby2.0
Fighter fo life ♡ Enzo Amore is my fave wrestler ♡ 5 ft of fury :P Paige my girl ♥ Realist chick in the room, HOW YOU DOIN?
****** Wiinston0825_X3
Hi i'm Wiinston (Wiinston0825_X3) This is a account for messing around so don't take anything I say seriously. Things you NEED to know: I'm sarcastic most of the time! I'm very unpridictable! (sometimes) I don't Wii U chat with anyone I don't know irl! Don't expect this account to be very active, i'm not on Miiverse alot! I love pokemon! You shoulden't take me seriously!
freddy freddynas
Infamous Gr8awsomness
Cloud PwnD57
はな em2594
Jimmy jimmybazdell
hey everyone
$ñä†-g98 nat-ghollis
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Sidewinder donutboy8
I am Sidewinder, I am an expert as you know. Topped by one person, won't say who, but he's a cool guy.
Winston Jacksparow74
Hello im Jeremy nice to meet yall! Yes im an adult gamer who loves mario, zelda etc and now splat...
Hello im Jeremy nice to meet yall! Yes im an adult gamer who loves mario, zelda etc and now splatoon oh and rune factory. Also it does not matter if you win or lose just have fun!