blue9a's Friends
Foot. FlyingPotato40
Ishmaiel Ishmaiel123
jayden victormvv
Arcane Arcanius15
PON honda1219
SA★Mαgε magesenpai747
Hello, im the leader of Splat Arrows (SA)!
? xxgokuxx420
ъ☆фflorian flo4999
sweettooth boone-nay
hiya ^3^
daniela carraniel600
Oka Moon☆★ starfire36677
hi im Oka moon so im in love with the Squid Sisters And mario and All Gaming So Friend me or Follow me Play with me on Splatoon and i love yandere Sim and miku and Anime Plz Follow me and i will follow u back ~love Oka moon ★☆♥♡ hello i love cake u want some can i help u please go Grr i said go bye Leave me alone
Kaley <3 Mercinic
Your average Mario Kart 8 addict. Hi.
LukeDuke LukeDuke678
Ablackid Jscool
skool is hard gaming is 2 easy
CezFire CezFire
Finally a new console!!! STOKED!!!
りーり banbaura22
sebastian fullproomuyprooo
hola a todos
Jimmy JPGjimage
I just bought a Wii U. I like to draw. I'm pretty good at it, I think.
Program YoungProgram
☆Erika☆ Erikaninjago12
Holi quiero ser tu amiga para conectarnos y pasarla en grande. Feliz día XD :)
Jimmy jimmybazdell
hey everyone
SUNFLOWER sgonzalez91
Carry712 Carry0712
Hakuna Matata
taylor queentaylor123
Liela lalaluna666
jessicat jessicatsprinkle
Coral♪ coralruiz
Alex Nightlight201
im a kid that likes splatoon
arsenal ldmkids
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Ben humanshinigami
Konnichiwa Watashi wa Ben desu
Tyrie SpeedyBoii
Hi! My name is tyrie im 14 years old insta-yuvg.kidd
Holtzmann peridork-lapizza
Hi there! I am an artist, cosplayer, roleplayer, and avid game player. Frying /PAN/ with a plan If we WiiU chat, I'm probably going to be in cosplay... Fandoms Hamilton Attack on Titan Steven Universe Hetalia (multi AU) Soul Eater Undertale Homestuck Black Butler Gorillaz Adventure Time Sherlock Doctor Who Big Hero Six MLP:FiM Bioshock Welcome to Night Vale PSG Star Wars Avengers
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Harrison Almond_Bread
Gabriel ashbal-gabriel
Le vent se lève! Il faut tenter de vivre! -paul valery
Dedshot Darius518
my name is darius aka deadshot and i like to play call of duty bo2 level 46 i like faze apex videos im a boy and 1v1 me one time unless ur scared stay fresh
Romeo ludwigstyle
beginner ZeldaFan3067
•Bonita• BonBon-1970
Josh d1sn3yf4n12
ƒςî Щhîςpy Liesbeth_Whisper
Hello! My name is Lies (It's dutch, I'm not a liar! ºvº) I'm a mother of three children. My son recently got me sort of addicted to Splatoon. It's an amazing game! If you wanna play a game of Splatoon with me, just send me a friend request and join me in a match. But watch out, I'm pretty good! (sometime ;-)
şг★kody kody147
yeah my favourite post. my clan: homer (co leader) sliver ethan more soon rampage states MK8 VR 7k BR 1k splatoon level 5 rank c- my age is 10 clans şr мςν?
Pipo PepinoDesu
hola jaja :)
Caden tailsbowser
Winston Jacksparow74
Moneyman tommytattoo
Pyro pyroburns69
Blue Wolf cdandrews
Knifton knifton
Reg regmoorer
MCW UK MCWuk1985
Currently playing super mario maker. If you have played/starred/commented on some of my levels and leave a comment asking me to check out your levels then I am more than happy to do that :)
#yuuma# manabu7710
一緒にスプラトゥーンやりましょう! まだまだですが上手になれるように頑張ります!フレンド募集中です!
Darion dlegend13
what up ill update with friendcode later guys add me ;P
kal kdawg420blazeit
i like turtles
Josh Sjosh137
Hello my name is Josh.(For short) On Summer I play Splatoon Almost every day. I have a Wii U, New nintendo 3DS XL, and a Wii.
Marc-André MagicBoris
I've been playing games since I was a kid. Now that I have young kids of my own, I try to find the time to play whenever I can, but I rarely can for significant stretches. As such, I don't take the games too seriously. I just want to enjoy myself. I'm also a big fan of the older games, still playing NES, SNES and PS1 games somewhat regularly. Looking for any Smash Bros. players to play online.
Sidewinder donutboy8
I am Sidewinder, I am an expert as you know. Topped by one person, won't say who, but he's a cool guy.
Lil Jules perronjulian
Ryan RyanMariomaster9
Hi everyone. I'm Ryan and I love nintendo to death! I love mario, pokemon, and smash bros. the most. I cannot wait for the nintendo switch! It's going to be great! Thanks for cheaking out my miiverse profile. It would be nice if you could follow me. (^o^)(^-^):)
chaparrito pikinAso
any one want to play samsh :D
Gobi Gobinatorini
Splatoon addicted
Torako torako_neko
Temmie Allmaster
Hello random person who visited my profile. I (as you already know) am Sol. God of my own little world called Argos. Enjoy your stay on my profile, check out my posts, old or new, or follow me if you want. Its not like i know your here anyway so, have a ball.
DI☆House ericagrace39
Kairia Kairia
Zain silverwolfzhane
Fami pkpanta
Hi! I'm pkpanta and I love the Pikmin series. I also like Splatoon, Smash 4, and Mario Kart 8.
sweetman sweetmanjohn
people can anyone help me
Gabriel slydutch22
Twirl FiyahPowah
Oooh, you thought!!!
Hello im Jeremy nice to meet yall! Yes im an adult gamer who loves mario, zelda etc and now splat...
Hello im Jeremy nice to meet yall! Yes im an adult gamer who loves mario, zelda etc and now splatoon oh and rune factory. Also it does not matter if you win or lose just have fun!