EL☆TMLvl-9's Followers
a factor kirbyonfleek
Madi msigua
Hi! My Name Is Madison! I Am Filipino And American! Online√ Offline Favorite Video Games: Splatoon, MK8, Goal In Life: To Be A Pediatric Nurse ,To Be Vegan Goal In Splatoon: To Be Level 50 & Finish Octo Valley Hobbies: Playing My Wii U Favorite Food + Drink: Ravioli & Water Favorite Youtubers: Sofie Dossi, Jake & Logan Paul R.I.P. Wally Thank You For 204 Followers! R.I.P. Miiverse =(
....... Mysteriousreborn
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Lisa Kramsi
ほほほほほほほほほほ hohohohoho123456
ほほほほほほほほほほ といいます 皆さんどうぞよろしくお願いします ゲームがすごく楽しんでやっていますが、特にWiiPartyUを楽しんでやるのがとても楽しくて、テーブルサッカーがとても楽しんでやれています 本当にすごく楽しいのでぜひ皆さんもやってみてください 以上私からのメッセージでした
Shark Alex-Gamer8
Sup, I'm Alex but you can call me Shark. Likes : 8Bit Games, Adventure, Action, And More... Follow List Shea, andysg2006 , AndySFHero, sonic6790, TrevorTX, And Many Others Anyways... Later |_-
Sebastian washayo
hola me llamo Sebastian y me gusta jugar juegos de pelea y musica
ashey 20wiiu16
i been doing good so yeah i am the champion
Sheik ocarinamaster456
Sheik's 2nd account.
Clément B clementbascoul
Bonjour la famille moi c'est clem J´aime bien passai du moment sur ironfall ...J´espere que pour mon arriver j´aurai peut étre des abonner . Si vous vous abonner je m abonne a vous.Voila c tout .
ホークスのだいファン SoftBankdaisuki3
祝~ホークスやりました、日シリ進出 さあホークス日本ーへばりけっぱれー さて今年夏の第99回全国高校野球選手権大会決勝は埼玉花咲徳栄高校が広島の広陵高校に14-4で勝ちましたね 俺も埼玉の花咲徳栄高校応援していました 改めて春夏通じて初優勝おめでとうございました 広陵は夏の甲子園で4回目の決勝戦はまた敗れて今季含めて4回とも準優勝でしたね でも負けた広陵の中村選手俺すごく好きになってしまった イケメンキャッチャーですし、大会新記録もたくさんだしましたしね U-18にも出場するのでプロも注目のバッターですね あと高校野球大会新記録の68本のホームランもでました さて俺は名古屋弁・京都弁・博多弁バリバリしゃべる僕です。ゲームではスプラと野球大好きです。京都府出身ですが、福岡ソフトバンクホークスファンです。こうみえてゲームも結構好きです スプラとWii sports clubはほぼ毎日やってます
Μαŕiň mariri0504
みんな、よろしくねー! あ! ちなみに、おしゃちゃ&ミナコイやってます! もし、よかったら一緒にやろー
GeorgeNLCA GeorgeNLCA
I have the Nintendo Wii U, Wii, Gamecube, 3DS, DSi, DS & Gameboy Advance player plus an Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 & other older systems! I'm into first person shooter games, survival-horror games, racing games, retro & arcade games and of course Mario & Luigi games! I'm a huge Mario Kart & Medal Of Honor fan! I'm looking to meet some great new friends & players! Great to be here & have fun playing!
Carlos J CJCabello8697
Hello. Im Carlos and, for the past years, Ive been a BIG Nintendo fan. Feel free to leave comments if I ever post something. XD FYI: Iam a BIG Zelda and Smash Fan. Also enjoy some occasional Mario on the side. I look forward to meet cool people through Miiverse, who share these same interests and many more.
xX—TOJO—Xx jonahk7
TY all my followers for likeing my handmade pic i love making them for u guys if i ever hit 100 followers it would be a dream cime true just TY so much my followers u guys da best
kamron Emodja
envoi moi des messages
Ima Banana javonkelley
gente vamos negativo cuanto maquinaria ninguno xenófoba gente bastante buen zoológico de yo negativo witch i go to school:sanders elementry
Evan Yo3752
ΣΨβēńñëłł batmanluver88
Hey look! an NES Controller!→ [+--••] Hey look! an SNES controller!→ (+--::) Hey look! an N64 Con... Okay. I'll stop. Jk. Hey look! A WiiMote!→ [.+o: ::••]
jess jesstardieu
Jerlina Truebluebeauty
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şε★Up Down pl3437
(This is My 2 account) Go and follow my main account ©Harlie (cl3437) Whoever wants a free follow just tell me! I hate yeahbombers! Yeahbombers I block
☆£LεĢέπĎ£☆ Idfinik
Hey! I'm Legend, if you cant understand my name. I'm in 4 teams, and I own one. I love playing online(I don't care who i play with), especially in Mario Kart. I'm usually active, wich is why I cant answer some post, and I just love games! #SAVE MIIVERSE #DONT RIP I'll miss you ALL if it ends. even the ones that i never talk to. i still appreciate you all!
superjay superjay2006
i love majoras mask the most
Ebenezer Gbemi17
hi my name is ebenezer i hope you like my posts, If you follow me i will follow you. I like to play football and i like running. am in year 7. please follow me more
n8=fallout natethegreat66
hi my favorite game ever is fallout new vagas it is awsome
gone 4ever LOVECATSAAR0N
I'm not leaving why? cuz i loaf you guys! (you guys over power me) not changing the name (cuz idk and i suck) call me Andy or Andrea! this was my bros account but i took over it (I'm a mean big sister) not gonna post that much Imma be Luigi for Halloween! my friends and my firends friends ARE BREAD NOW HAHAHA ›:3 too many bread friends to put on the list of bread i have alot of gay ocs σwσ
Just your average gamer! I left at 3/3/17. But it seems the BotW hype is wearing off... So I'm back! The LoZ is my favorite videogame franchise EVER, and I like hanging out in the Zelda community. (SS is my fave Zelda game.) I never post innapropriate stuff because the CoC should be followed! I am also a Christian and really like chatting with other friendly people! Especially about Zelda!
* やすよ (ϋ * yasu1417
Murilo matcosgamer
oi sou murilo e eu quero ser seu amigo
ヤンチャング sa18ya
こんにちは!さやっち!です。 フレンド、ミバ友、募集中… フォ口ーしてくれたら、ぜったいかは、わかりませんが、できればほとんどの人にフォ口ーをかえしたいなぁーとは思っています!よろしくおねがいします!今、スプラトゥ一ンにはまってます!>< じこしょうかいします! 年…ひ・み・つ!おしえまへ~ん! すきなブキ!…チャ一ジャ一、ローラー、パブロ、スピナーなど…(シューターにがて…) ミバ友~ ・☆さやか☆さん・APHZ★はるんさん(はるん)・★★マリン★★さん(れいな)・なななおさん(なおちゃん)・☆OSM★みゆさん・しゅうさん リア親友~ ・あいっち!さん(あいっち)・りゅうとさん リア友~ フォローよろしく!↑ 一言コメント ミバでコメできんくなるの?! 以上さやっち!でした! 2017年3月20日
DARKCLAW V xXBlasterBladeXx
hey. my name is BlasterBlade thx for tha face poke. [√]online []offline []0 posts follow these peeps: skyler aura mario luigi younodie pls lev y u still here.
D'iDraмİng Amour_beni
Dessin...et GAMING! Salut,moi c'est Iédijah,j'ai 12 ans et je suis sur Miiverse depuis Juin 2015. Mes jeux préférés:Zelda,Minecraft,Luigi's Mansion 2 et Mario!Retrouves-moi sur les communautés:Luigi's Mansion 2,Mario 3D Land/Maker,YouTube,Zelda:Ocarina of Time,Majora's Mask,Triforce Heroes,A Link Between World! Abonnez-vous avant la fin à Lyα,MemeSempaï,ρгiηcεςς et Didith,ils dessinent trop bien!
♪Kat♪ KoolKat77
I'm an aspiring artist who absolutely adores video games! I mostly spend my miiverse time in the Zelda community, but sometimes I'm in others. Things about me: I love Zelda and animals, I have too many favorite youtubers, I play the Sims (a lot), I'm in highschool and homeschooled, I'm 16, and no wiiu chat! Thanks, to all my followers! Be kind to others and have an amazing day! Goodbye Miiverse
Rav Avalon Moses42
Hey Miiverse my name is Ephraim the leader of the EL clan just notify me if you want to join. Don't wait for an answer just add EL☆ or EL★ to the beginning of your name or say in your profile comment that you are part of the EL clan. My other accounts on my DS's are Ephraim41 and Ephraim#2
brady Shockabro
Wassup, I'm a big Nintendo fan. My favorite games are The Legend of Zelda, the Paper Mario series, Pokemon, and pretty much just RPGs in general. My drawings are pretty memetastic and I've been told I act like Squidward quite frequently.
Marin FieryDin17
Goodbye Miiverse. This user is no longer active.
Hey guys, you have somehow come across my profile.
My name is Mason, I am 13.
That means yo...
Hey guys, you have somehow come across my profile.
My name is Mason, I am 13.
That means your special!
Follow me, YOU will get a yeah bomb and, a follow back :]
My fav games.
Legend Of Zelda
Tomb Raider
Mario Kart Wii, 7/8
Need For Speed
Fav youtubers
DanTDM/Markiplier/Thinknoodles/BattleUniverse/TeamEdge/ Bye!