Users EL☆TMLvl-9 Is Following
Carlos J CJCabello8697
Hello. Im Carlos and, for the past years, Ive been a BIG Nintendo fan. Feel free to leave comments if I ever post something. XD FYI: Iam a BIG Zelda and Smash Fan. Also enjoy some occasional Mario on the side. I look forward to meet cool people through Miiverse, who share these same interests and many more.
Stardust StardustRose
ΣΨβēńñëłł batmanluver88
Hey look! an NES Controller!→ [+--••] Hey look! an SNES controller!→ (+--::) Hey look! an N64 Con... Okay. I'll stop. Jk. Hey look! A WiiMote!→ [.+o: ::••]
n8=fallout natethegreat66
hi my favorite game ever is fallout new vagas it is awsome
Just your average gamer! I left at 3/3/17. But it seems the BotW hype is wearing off... So I'm back! The LoZ is my favorite videogame franchise EVER, and I like hanging out in the Zelda community. (SS is my fave Zelda game.) I never post innapropriate stuff because the CoC should be followed! I am also a Christian and really like chatting with other friendly people! Especially about Zelda!
Jordyn Jordyn.B007
Please friend request me so u can wii u chat me. (IF YOU ARE ALLOWED TO!)
Norms Norms_Minions
You can find me on: ~Discord: Norms_minions#9108 ~4785-6039-8695 ~Clash of Clans: Mii Friends clan ~I'll be Norms_minions or Norms if Nintendo ever makes something like miiverse.
ψTaylor mariosonicrules
I'm Taylor, i'm 23 years old, and I love to draw! And I'm Friends with everyone! No Wii U Chats please. :) If I not comment to you, it's because My 30 comment limits are up for today. So I'll comment you back when I can. And I don't accept friend requestes, if I know you well, I only accept requests from my Friends. I don't take drawing requests either. And please no spam "First" comments
* やすよ (ϋ * yasu1417
Gonzalo OKAY45
Hola soy Gonzalo soy un gran fan de lo Clásico (tales como música,videojuegos,peliculas,series ect...) me gustan los Dinosaurios y los Memes como el Trollface,soy muy fan de Sonic desde muy pequeño al igual que Mahou Shojo Madoka Magica PD:no me gustan las Chicas Otaku
ヤンチャング sa18ya
こんにちは!さやっち!です。 フレンド、ミバ友、募集中… フォ口ーしてくれたら、ぜったいかは、わかりませんが、できればほとんどの人にフォ口ーをかえしたいなぁーとは思っています!よろしくおねがいします!今、スプラトゥ一ンにはまってます!>< じこしょうかいします! 年…ひ・み・つ!おしえまへ~ん! すきなブキ!…チャ一ジャ一、ローラー、パブロ、スピナーなど…(シューターにがて…) ミバ友~ ・☆さやか☆さん・APHZ★はるんさん(はるん)・★★マリン★★さん(れいな)・なななおさん(なおちゃん)・☆OSM★みゆさん・しゅうさん リア親友~ ・あいっち!さん(あいっち)・りゅうとさん リア友~ フォローよろしく!↑ 一言コメント ミバでコメできんくなるの?! 以上さやっち!でした! 2017年3月20日
DARKCLAW V xXBlasterBladeXx
hey. my name is BlasterBlade thx for tha face poke. [√]online []offline []0 posts follow these peeps: skyler aura mario luigi younodie pls lev y u still here.
Julia BookWorm3J
Hi! I am 14, a book worm, writer, gamer, and dreamer! I love drawing video game related stuff, though I basically suck at drawing anything else. XD I enjoy Legend of Zelda games, but I also like playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf. :) Most of the time, though, you can find me with a Pokémon game. ;) Also if I follow you, I'll probably end up yeahing almost all your posts; so good artists beware.
♪Kat♪ KoolKat77
I'm an aspiring artist who absolutely adores video games! I mostly spend my miiverse time in the Zelda community, but sometimes I'm in others. Things about me: I love Zelda and animals, I have too many favorite youtubers, I play the Sims (a lot), I'm in highschool and homeschooled, I'm 16, and no wiiu chat! Thanks, to all my followers! Be kind to others and have an amazing day! Goodbye Miiverse
Rav Avalon Moses42
Hey Miiverse my name is Ephraim the leader of the EL clan just notify me if you want to join. Don't wait for an answer just add EL☆ or EL★ to the beginning of your name or say in your profile comment that you are part of the EL clan. My other accounts on my DS's are Ephraim41 and Ephraim#2
D'iDraмİng Amour_beni GAMING! Salut,moi c'est Iédijah,j'ai 12 ans et je suis sur Miiverse depuis Juin 2015. Mes jeux préférés:Zelda,Minecraft,Luigi's Mansion 2 et Mario!Retrouves-moi sur les communautés:Luigi's Mansion 2,Mario 3D Land/Maker,YouTube,Zelda:Ocarina of Time,Majora's Mask,Triforce Heroes,A Link Between World! Abonnez-vous avant la fin à Lyα,MemeSempaï,ρгiηcεςς et Didith,ils dessinent trop bien!
loris afterbit
Salut,j'ai 16 ans. _J'aime beaucoup: La mythologie japonaise:(Kamis,Yokaïs,Shintoïsme...) Kaijus:(Gamera, Mothra, Gyaos, Gojira, Baragon, Baltan,....) La culture/musique thaï. _J'adore: Susumu Hirasawa (Kaku)P-Model PEVO Teruo Nakano Vocaloid Metal Punk Jazz Tõhõ _Mangas/animés préférés: Fushigi no umi no Nadia .hack//SIGN City Hunter Queen Emeraldas BERSERK Paprika Sennen Joyû Mõsõ Dairinin.
ςς☆Dakota Gr33nmoomwolf
Hello, my name is Dakota! I've been using Miiverse for a little over 3 years. Just an anxious kid is all. I'm still learning and practicing drawing and art, and I've started drawing on Miiverse! (It's kinda hard on a touchscreen) Extreme Zelda fan!!! I also love the Xenoblade series, Splatoon, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and well basically all of Nintendo's games! I'm 15 as well. Thanks!
brady Shockabro
Wassup, I'm a big Nintendo fan. My favorite games are The Legend of Zelda, the Paper Mario series, Pokemon, and pretty much just RPGs in general. My drawings are pretty memetastic and I've been told I act like Squidward quite frequently.
Marin FieryDin17
Goodbye Miiverse. This user is no longer active.
☆£LεĢέπĎ£☆ Idfinik
Hey! I'm Legend, if you cant understand my name. I'm in 4 teams, and I own one. I love playing online(I don't care who i play with), especially in Mario Kart. I'm usually active, wich is why I cant answer some post, and I just love games! #SAVE MIIVERSE #DONT RIP I'll miss you ALL if it ends. even the ones that i never talk to. i still appreciate you all!
Daniela Zelda6405
I <3 Zelda X3
DankArtist noki_elfqueen
HAIII ;) ;) Here's some winky faces for ya ;) ;) I just draw memes nowadays. And now i just hang around the NSLUC community cuz no one knows me in the Zelda community anymore (I used to be Nicole? Like that gud artist Nicole? U donno me? Aww...)... ;( I play on Roblox too.. :D Baii ;-; you just came for mah oreoz?
Serhat MegaToadmaster
„Lege das Glück in die Hände des Himmels“ "Leave luck to heaven" Currently I play: Wii U - New 3DS YO-KAI WATCH 2: Geistige Geister PC Team Fortress 2 Spiral Knights Super Mario Maker: I am immortalized on the Tomodachi Life Website:
Kittypetal hrad07
Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting my page. I'm Kittypetal and I play Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Style Savvy DS addition, Style Savvy: Fashion Forward, and more! I have a awesome 3DS. I have a Wii U but I don't play Miiverse on it. Please follow me! I'm a great artist and I try to get on Miiverse at least 5 days a week or more. I love getting more followers! -KP
terrythein terrythein
hello everyone my favorite games are zelda mario super smash bros. i have not alot of friends on wii u so please give me a friend request i can use wii u chat i love sonic boom and any sonic game i love wii u thank-you
Tael UltimasEdge
Favorite game series are: Shin Megami Tensei, The Legend of Zelda, and Final Fantasy. Wii U is a very underrated console, in my opinion.
t ds kid mrayh94
Hey! Listen! Look for my posts!
Knight Salt_Hero
I am a huge Legend of Zelda fan. I enjoy the characters, storys, timelines, universe, theorys, anything and everything Zelda related. Other things I love include Metroid, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel, Anime, and Music.
Roxie FunBug2
I am a fun loving weirdo that loves The Legend Of Zelda.Pluse I have no internet at home so I may not post for a while. Not to be rude but at least 10 followers would be apriciated ( if thats even spelt right.)
Octo-chan Pinklyng
Ohayo octarianos/as y bienvenidos a mi perfil!!! \(^•^)/ MIS JUEGOS FAVORITOS: ★Splatoon ★Yo-kai Watch ★Hatsune Miku project Mirai DX MIS YOUTUBERS FAVORITOS: ☆LunaDangelis ☆Deîak ☆DSimphony ☆Naishys ¡¡¡SI ME SEGUIS OS SIGO!!!(la tipica frase...) y bueno,hasta aqui la introduccion de mi perfil, espero que os guste y que lleguemos ha ser muchos octarianos/as! pues eso,SAYONARA! (^•^)/
♪●Arwen●♪ Baggins07_04
Hello. Arwen here. Interests: Reading: Lord of the Ring, Hobbit, Maze Runner, Hunge Games, Sherlock Holmes, and many others. (Questions on if I've read things may be asked.) Movies: Pretty much anything that is a movie about what I've read, Marvel, DC, Jurassic Park, etc. (Questions welcomed.) (Any others questions on my interests are welcome!)
Gold Baggins07_05
Welcome to my home page! I play many series of games. Here are a few: Super Mario Bros. Legend of Zelda Fire Emblem Final Fantasy (And no, I don't play Pokemon). I actively patrol the Legend of Zelda Community when online. I hope you enjoy my posts! P.S. Followers, Comments and Yeahs are invited as they help support my Posts/Drawings/Tutorials Post Limit Reached:Yes Changed as of 7/6/2017
Reine LoL Reine_L0L
Bon bah au revoir j'ai rien d'autre a dire ... dsl mais c'est pas moi qui choisi que Miiverse ferme '~' Je vais essayais d'être heureuse •♡•
proactive clashofroyals
hi my name is proactive. follow me if you want to. follow both of my sisters accounts ms.darkpit and bye.★▲
★--c(^o^c) Korey904
(___*_______♥_______*____) \ .º•º˙MY PROFILE˙°•°./ .My name is Athena Rose! .ςplat∞n! .ςмαςh: ♪METAKNIGHT♪ .Hyrule Warriors: Ghirahin lvl 70 .Legend of Zelda! .Friend me if you want to play or I know you .Squid Sisters: Marie! Off the Hook: Pearl! .♡anime 4 life♡ .I love to draw! Give support! .ιм 17 .Palutena so beautiful! .Getting Switch soon! (____*_______♡______*___) \(^o^)/ Enjoy!
Lisa Goldi12
Hoi ^o^/ Ich bin ein riesen Anime Fan und male für mein leben gern *.* Meine Miiverse Freunde: Beste sis 4eva :D Meine Nicky ^^ Blue,Rose,TBZ,Fred,Charly,Light Marie,Akii...und noch so viele mehr :3 I ship: KyoyaxBlue (hes mine -.-) MaryxGuzma ^^ (soo cute >w<) NicolexSephiroth (^w^) Requests only for friends ^^"(But sometimes Ill do Art-Trades/OC Trades)
Eden ErnestoB8
noham nono63rugby
★★☆☆je m'apelle noham je suis cool je fait du rugby j'abite à cournon qui est france dans l'auvergne j'ai commensait miiverse le 26/01/16 à joublier situ t'abone je m'abone et sais promis et max abonné ou pas 1520 ou plus d'aboné si possible!!!.merci merci à plus#je vous'aime★★☆☆
OpalSoul78 Opal-The-Mon
Der König von Koniland wartet auf Sie! Beugen Sie sich zum Lord! ————————————————— Announcements: -I appreciate all the support over the years, thank you for the great journey. ————————————————— -Posts Available: Yes ————————————————— Unknown Codes: -↑↑↓↓←→←→BA+ -!tw OpalSoul7800 -↑C↓C←C→C+HoldA ————————————————— Guten Tag!
Tigrex hipjoe01
Hello, I am Tigrex, and welcome to my profile page. I am good at games, but not that good to be in a tournament. I like Zelda, and I try to comment in the Zelda Community everyday. I don't care if you follow me. Please Follow DrEvBoss, and check out Coco and Is Jer.
Hey guys, you have somehow come across my profile.
My name is Mason, I am 13.
That means yo...
Hey guys, you have somehow come across my profile.
My name is Mason, I am 13.
That means your special!
Follow me, YOU will get a yeah bomb and, a follow back :]
My fav games.
Legend Of Zelda
Tomb Raider
Mario Kart Wii, 7/8
Need For Speed
Fav youtubers
DanTDM/Markiplier/Thinknoodles/BattleUniverse/TeamEdge/ Bye!