EL☆TMLvl-9's Post
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Guess what guys! I am giving out free follows! all you have to do is yeah this post! thats it! and you will get a follow!
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Comment yes, IF you, yes you, want me to draw a "fun" version of...... Cloud Strife!
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

I am hosting a drawing contest with melissa, she will pick the winners with me. 1st :prize A follow, YEAH BOMB. 2nd :prize, a yeah bomb. 3rd :prize, a few yeahs.
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Guys....... I just....... HIT 100, FOLLOWERS!!!! Thanks you guys. you have been so nice to me, I love you guys.
Hey guys, you have somehow come across my profile.
My name is Mason, I am 13.
That means yo...
Hey guys, you have somehow come across my profile.
My name is Mason, I am 13.
That means your special!
Follow me, YOU will get a yeah bomb and, a follow back :]
My fav games.
Legend Of Zelda
Tomb Raider
Mario Kart Wii, 7/8
Need For Speed
Fav youtubers
DanTDM/Markiplier/Thinknoodles/BattleUniverse/TeamEdge/ Bye!