looking forward to lego city co-op on switch

snyps's Play Journal
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Defeated a Rathian. Like a bonehead, I didn't bring any mega potions, not even demondrug or armorskin. Fainted twice. Two traps and two tranqs after he began limping did nothing. Took him out in my...

Progress Report: Almost finished 4star missions. I have the bird suit and the bunny suit. Just my butt handed to me by a Rathion. Gonna farm for antidotes.
Four quarters are better than one hundred pennies.
My favorite Nontraditional Nintendo Wii U ga...
Four quarters are better than one hundred pennies.
My favorite Nontraditional Nintendo Wii U games:
Darksiders II
Monster Hunter III U
Rayman Legends
Sonic Lost World
Wonderful 101
Lego City Undercover
Assassin's Creed III
Assassin's Creed IV
Splinter Cell Blacklist
Batman Arkam Origins
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Wii Fit U
I could replay these for years n' years. :-)