Well we're all banned for life soon... 😢
snyps's Yeahs
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Currently enjoying Ultra Street Fighter 2 on my Switch. It's been years since I played a Street Fighter game, it still plays beautifully despite its age. Many have questioned it's value for money, ...
Ice Cream Surfer Community

The ballad of Miiverse (A.K.A. Only The Horses)
I know you didn’t realize, That the city was gone, You thought there would be advertisements, To give you something to go on, So we search the sky, For any fl...

i broke down and got one no one was in line at the store that i work at it was way to tempting i think we sold the last one at 1:30 pm. can't believe how pretty the zelda game is i will give you my...

Mews hopes to receive my litter box with a Switch inside on furday sometime after my midnight shift. Once get it & set everything up account etc wise. Mew plans to contact friends like you are nya...

Hi there, all my Miiverse Pals! PLEASE comment on this post if you will be getting a Switch!!! (All the connections I've made with Nintendo Fans in the Miiverse are important to me. I'm just tr...
Four quarters are better than one hundred pennies.
My favorite Nontraditional Nintendo Wii U ga...
Four quarters are better than one hundred pennies.
My favorite Nontraditional Nintendo Wii U games:
Darksiders II
Monster Hunter III U
Rayman Legends
Sonic Lost World
Wonderful 101
Lego City Undercover
Assassin's Creed III
Assassin's Creed IV
Splinter Cell Blacklist
Batman Arkam Origins
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Wii Fit U
I could replay these for years n' years. :-)