snyps's Followers
Korban KPC008
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alex buruburuputyputy
Jay jbeast314
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~Mews~ Meowsalot
Letsee meow~i'ma 36yr old Male Kitty & Mews haz two Clawesome Cats named Panda & Piggy! =^.^= Fave Animew ~Azumanga Daioh~ Fave Manga ~Dramacon~ Please Play Nice & Be Respectful Meow Got a Nintendo Switch & like Cats? SW 3343 0498 1223 (You don't actually have to like cats. But you should! hehe) ~Have a Mice Day!~ =^,.,^=
PhiluefG k malfunctionist
Gussie Sandakeri1
Big Ninty-fan since Gameboy. Collected most of Gameboy/DS consoles. Played Famicom games but only got back on the console bandwagon with Wii. Just passing my 3.5 year anniversary with my Wii U and it remains my primary console for gaming and streaming entertainment...owm about 45 boxed titles and a plethora of downloaded eShop titles...oh yeah, and several Amiibos...luv the Big N!
Fishy chasw07
I love Splatoon and Mario games. I love the squid sisters music in Splatoon and I love playing with friends in Mario games. I have a PS4. A 3DS XL. AN XBOX 360. I LOVE playing Video Games. it is awesome and so much fun!!!!!
Quinton XxShadowCasterxX
Hi!! My name is Quinton Im 25 years old I love to play alot of music espically video game music. I play alot of Nintendo games especially the Zelda series. I do accept any followers and friend request at any time. ^.^ I am aslo a retro gamer as well. ^-^ My 3ds account is XxShadowMasterxX I do speak French+Spanish. ^o^ I love to travel and see new things. ^-^ My Birthday is December 31st.
eyeless J masito787
hey guys im eyeless jack and i dont do wiiu chat. my favorite games i like to play is mortal kombat, fnaf, and alot of zombie games
Pedro Pemicope
"My mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention." No Wii U video chat. Adult requests only! Heavy Metal, baby! \m/ \m/ SW-4411-7288-2421 Carrega Benfica!
Oscar Oscar126
Lego City Undercover May the Force Be with You I am a Anakin Skywalker I am a Jedi Foster The People
KiIIa Mafia-LORD_KiIIa
HI, i'm KiIIa aka MAFIA-LORD.I'm the owner/creator of the 3DS MAFIA FAMILY.The mafia has been alive for 3years going on 4. The mafia is a group of gamers who play lots of online games together. We have people from across the world, united as a family. We always help, take care of each other, FOR WE ARE STRONG AND A FAMILY,There are currently 29 members, and still growing. Mafia 4LIFE.
Rin Ztryke
Lisa LuchaLu97
defgybhj edurdoandres09
James bgaut007
Hi my name is james aka jj for short. I am a gamer that love action and adventure.I am also a master builder of minecraft. I can build things that are from FNAF,pokemon, etc.
Adrian adrianquibuyen
I love jordan shoes there the best shoes ever. I love basketball, football and wrestling. My favorite basketball team is the Golden State Warriors. Michael Jordan and Jordan Burroughs are my idol. SF Giants and SF 49ERS!! I play basketball,football, and wrestling.SRHS! Relationship Status: Single. Fav movies: Fast and the Furious 1-7! Fav tv show: The Walking Dead!
Zack steveandjenn
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Wolf xWolf720x
Herro im wolf and im an animal activist and grew up with nintendo so I love all the feanchises
LaneNuccio Jaimelesamies
J'aime Super Smash Bros For Wii U, j'aime link, à oui s'est vrai j'aime surtout et beaucoup les amis(es) et j'ai 12 ans.
Gaming_Boy Justece.07
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Mehlmehl hellocity24
Sinjin TNT Chvzfmlyx3
Daniel MX DanielGH2003
Hola si sabes leer comprenderás ★Aplicaciones favoritas:Asphal 3D, Splinter Cell 3D y Heroes of ruin. ★Anime favorito:Naruto, sidonia, Evangelion. ★Con cuerno de chivo bazuca en la nuca volando cabezas al que se atraviesa somos sanguinarios locos bien ondeados nos gusta matar♪♪
<ζΔM> 905804
Hello! My name is Cam, I post daily content about Call of Duty Black Ops 3 that incude opinions, polls, basically question about cod bo3!
Nick Webb NickYuri
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BRUCΞ Gallifreyan
Favorite Games: Animal Crossing, Pikmin 3, Kirby Epic Yarn, Wind Waker HD, Mario Kart 8, A Boy and His Blob (Wii) + many, many more.
Mel turtleandahalf
I love off-tv play Interests action movies anime surfing football kirby fan games i wanna see on WiiU: Monster Hunter 4 ultimate, Resident evil revelations 2, batman arkham knight, Tomb raider+dlc, Dragon quest 10, tiger woods, tony hawk
Naser nasero1234
hey everyone,i just want to say that NO WII U CHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neptune SailorNeptune415
My name is Larissa, but you can call me Neptune. I have a passion for Art, Anime, and Video games. I have teal hair, i'm obsessed with Sailor Neptune, and a college student barely getting by ˇ°ˇ Thanks for looking and I'm forever greatful for the support and positive vibes♥ ψ
Ryan CaptainMario_777
Hi, I'm Ryan Sorry I'm a bit inactive at the moment. Just lots of school stuff... :/ I like Mario, Kirby, Zelda and other stuff. So called nutcase of the Monster Hunter series. O_O I make puns sometimes. I'm also a bit shy. Constructive criticism is accepted. I'll only accept Friend Requests from people that I know. No Wii U Chat. My Alt: CaptainMario_222 #FREETHEMILK
Lemonte15 erickingjr
Hey guys im Ace and Im cool and you know it im a gamer -I do wii u chat -I also play online game thats all :-) :-D :)
Matthew MatthewYellow
It's time to rebel against the admins! There reign of terror shall be over!
Steve Musashi88
A Nintendo fan from the early days with NES, Super Nintendo and N64, heck can even throw in a Gameboy. Have since ventured away from the gaming world over the past few years. With the release of the Wii U it seemed to be a great time to jump back in with the big N I loved so much as a kid. Thanks Nintendo for recapturing my imagination with the Wii U and 3DS. Can't wait for Nintendo Switch!!
DA— —CJ——™ cutie1472
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Whitelight spitfire23
hello, kind miiverse users! i'm the royal white knight in shining-armor and prince of video games galore! my self description is: rank: prince age: 28 favorite 3ds games: pokèmon moon, ssb for 3ds and kirby planet robobot favorite wii u games: splatoon, super mario maker and ssb for wii u p.s. treat me and others with etiquette and respect... for the glory of miiverse!!
JonnyN Jonny.N
Hi, I'm Jonny. The Wii U is sick Idc Best Wii Games: Super Mario Galaxy 1 + 2 Zelda Skyward Sword Mario Kart Wii Goldeneye 007 Got a Wii U 21/12/12 Nintendo are underrated! (Please friends; No Wii U chat)
Ryan compouds117
TAJ tajnano
I love to play games i also love school i like to watch youtube and play my xbox.I'm 10 years old i love to play mario games and hello kitty or skylanders.I love to post nice things about people because it feels good to make other people feel good especially when they don't get any yeah's or commmets or no one ask's to be there friend. Thats why I want people to feel good when they post something.
poppy poppymanning23
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John indyrock
My first Nintendo system was an Atomic Purple Game Boy Color. My first game for it was Pokémon Red. I was 9. I've been a Nintendo guy ever since.
Ethan GrandMasterE
Like A Boss! What's up ,I'm just a dude who enjoys games and chillin with my bros. Some of my favorite game series are the epic Super Smash Bros ,Pokèmon ,most Mario and Sonic combos, racing games,all Mario kart games, and all Legend of Zelda games.Make sure 2 follow me!F.Y.I. True gamers don't die... they respawn. And no wii u chat....
ωıιιı$ stuntmanbeanzdad
profile comment hidden by admin. Its yo boi ω¡!!¡$ I have ADHD and aspergers... Im 13 and speak english and french Im allergic to cats and cats hate me [they act like ima dog r sumthing] i dont hate cats tho... i like pokemon im also pretty famous on miiverse i got 90+ friends <; so ya thx 4 cliken on meh face cu l8r dudes+dudettes at school from 8:30-3:00 ON MIIVERSE EST. 2012
Four quarters are better than one hundred pennies.
My favorite Nontraditional Nintendo Wii U ga...
Four quarters are better than one hundred pennies.
My favorite Nontraditional Nintendo Wii U games:
Darksiders II
Monster Hunter III U
Rayman Legends
Sonic Lost World
Wonderful 101
Lego City Undercover
Assassin's Creed III
Assassin's Creed IV
Splinter Cell Blacklist
Batman Arkam Origins
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Wii Fit U
I could replay these for years n' years. :-)